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October 28, 1913 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-10-28

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Number of Noted Spealers Will Speak
lRefere faninmoth Teachers'
Con ven tion Tomorrow
a-l Friday.
Plans for the mammoth teachers'
convention are now completed, and
the final program has been issued.
The conrvention will open officially
tomorrow afternoon, in Hill audito-
rium, when President H. B. Hutchins
.ill deliver the address of welcome.
Mr. Earl Barnes, late professor at
Cornell University, will also speak at-
this meeting. His topic will be "Nine-
ty Years of Life and How to Use
lenry Lane Wilson, ex-ambassador
to Mexico will speak Friday morning
at 9:00 o'clock in hill auditorium, and
Friday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock in
University Hall on "The Mexican Sit-
uation." Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, su-
perintendent of Public Schools of Chi-
cago, will speak before the reunion
of the county normal schools, at the
Union this evening. Dean James R.
Angell, of the University of Chicago,
will address the meeting of the col-
lege section of the convention Fridayr
morning in the Presbyterian church.1
The general meetings of the Con-l
vention are open to students of the
e*ucational department. Education-x
al students wishing to attend any ofz
the meetings, must obtain admission
tickets from the office of the appoint-r
ment committee in Tappan hall. l

Because of the great number of
communications, that practically re-
peat points that have already been
made and the lack of space in The
Michigan 'Daily, the following agree-
ment has been entered into between
The Daily editor and Maurice Myers,
the representative of the anti-Confer-
ence side.
Mr. Myers will edit and select the
material that is to run on the anti-
Conference side and the editor of The
Daily, a pro-conference advocate, will
edit the material that is to appear on
the Conference side.
The anti-Conference side is to have
the pirvilege of one column and a half,
if the editor so desires each day. The
pro-Conference side is to have the use
of one column and the editorial cdl-
umn. The editorial is never to run
more than one half a column, unless
it runs in the news space allotted to
the pro-Conference side.
We have been compelled to restrict
the communications because we are
unable to give any other campus news.
- - -
Great interest has been manifested
among students and alumni of the
university in the new cheers competi-
tion which has been conducted by
The Michigan Daily.t
Many new cheers have been receiv-
ed and' the committee will meet this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the ora-
tory room in north wing of University1
hall to choose the new yells, At thatc
time those who have turned in new
yells should appear before the con-f
mittee to demonstrate their yells. s
All new yells must be in the hands
of the Cheer Editor, care The MichiganQ
Daily by 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.



(Editor's Note-In order to avoid any possible criticism which may
arise as to the non-partisanship of the answers given in this Question Box,
two replies to each query will be given. One will be given by T. Hawley Tap-
ping, '11-'16L, a member of The Michigan Daily force, who will represent the
Pro-Conference side of the dispute. The other answer will be given by an
Anti-Conference representative.
The questions should be addressed to the Question Box Editor and should
be short. The queries must be signed with the name of the author, although
upon request editors will sign the questions with the initials and class num-

(The Michigan Daily assumes no re
sponsibility for sentiments express-
ed in communications.)
Editor, the Michigan Daily:-
Through your courtesy and spirit
of fairness in dealing with the Con-
ference discussion, I hope to be al-
lowed to ask the voters a few per-
tinent questions.
Do you know, you now reading this
communication, that if we return to
the Conference, we can no lnger de-
velop a strong and experienced fresh-
man team from which Varsity men
can be recruited? The Conference
rule is "Freshman football teams and
second elevens shall play only with
teams from their own institutions."
Do you know that college football
and track teams positively require
careful and thorough conditioning at
a training table such as we now have
at Michigan at an actual cost of more
than nine dollars a week for each
athlete, and that Conference teams
must resort to "clubs" in which the
members being forced to pay for their
own board, cannot afford the proper
care and as a result often show the
effect of poor conditioning?
Do you know that your entire scheme
of athletic management must be
changed to "full and complete facultyt
control?" No one knows exactly howf
that clause in the Conference code
should be interpreted for the method
varies in each Conference college, but
it means at least final power in thet
hands of men who are often openlyr
opposed to intercollegiate competitionF
in athletics. That is the state of af-
fairs in at least three Conferencev
schools today.t
Do you know that the appointmentt
of our coaches must be "h universityv
governing bodies on the recommenda-h
ion of the faculty or prsident in thec
regular way and at a moderate sala- o
ry?" Do you think it likely that suchZ
i coach as Yost would be engaged byv
the faculty committee, a man paid twoe
r three times as much for his ser-a
rices as the majority of the members1
>f the committee?C
Do you know that we should have
:o give up our eastern baseball tripu
.nd since that is true, could no longer f
xpect Syracuse, Cornell and Penn-e
ylvania to come west to meet us ons
he diamond? p
Do you know that we could not take t
art in both the eastern Intercollegi- b
te and western Conference track 1
neets? Even assuming that the dates I
hould not conflict, which they do of- a
en, it is a fact that the track team s
ould not be trained to take part in m
wo such meets within a week of each g
Do you know that a football team d
iust be developed and "hardened"
lowly, .that not more than two or t
ossibly three "big games" can be e
easonably scheduled, that they must 0
mne at the close of the season and t
hat football relations cannot there- t
>re be retained with Pennsylvania B
nd Cornell and still play Wisconsin, t
linnesota and other "Big Nine" elev-
ns with a view to the Conference w
iampionship? B
Do you know that the football cen- s
r of this country, is without question p
t the east, that competition with c
istern teams is necessary to secure
ational recognition, that though we D
ere repeatedly western champions g
ith our splendid point-a-minute W
ams before leaving the Conference, t
e were unknown as football factrs
i the east and though our fortunes s
i football have been much less spec- joi

icular in our contests with Syracuse, a]
ornell and Pennsylvania, we are at ul
ast recognized and given credit when sa
e deserve credit as witness the fact P
at we have had four All-American "s
lections since leaving the Confer-
ce and could boast of only one be- dr
re that time? ta
Do you know that Michigan was th
thout a real rival in track athletics
the west, winning nine first places tic
the fourteen events at the Confer- wE
ce meet of 1906, the last in which la
e participated, and yet we were nev- es
recognized nationally until we at- in
ided the Pennsylvania relays and sit
e eastern Intercollegiate meet? no
nnsylvania and Cornell are the on- go
teams that have scored more points,


than we have in the Intercollegiate
so that we rank above such colleges
as Harvard, Yale, Princeton and
Do you 'not think it possible and
even probable that more boycott rules
will follow our return to the Confer-
ence, that more unreasonabl reg-
ulations will be passed such as for-
bidding a Conference team from tak-
ing part in the eastern Intercollegiate.
Remember that it has been done be-
fore an'd that a simple majority can
do it again.
And now that you have answered
these questions for yourself, I ask
you if you can consistently and reas-
onably say "Yes, let us petition for
readmission to the Conference even
though it be at the sacrifice of the
principles we have maintained for
years. Let us meekly submit and
humbly beg for forgiveness." I think
not and I believe the majority of those .
who really understand and appreci-
ate the Conference situation will
agree with me.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
We read in the Daily that "Disgrace
does not lie in making mistakes but
in retrieving mistakes." We do not
admit that Michigan made any mis-
take. Let us examine briefly the his-
tory of our break from the Confer-
ence. When we left that or- i
ganiaztion the men who prac- g
tically decided the issue for Michigan
were the Regents. The Senate and g
Faculty and Board in Control were
slow to leave the Conference, not- e
withstanding the fact that the Student
Council, students, and 95 per cent of n
the athletes and captains of teams a
voted for it. The powers at that time a
had already looked into the future and
concluded that Michigan's place was a
outside the Conference, independent. s
The Board of Control gradually gave a
way to the Conference in everything
except the five-game clause and retro-
active feature. Then on April 11, h
1907, in The Michigan Daily appeared t-
Coach Stagg's ultimatum to Michigan:
"That all relations between the two s
univeristies were off if Michigan re- g
fused to abide by the Conference rul- a
es." "Michigan stands pat" became a cr
sort of slogan and no games were h
played with the Conference. Finally
he five-game schedule was repealed fo
by the Conference. Then on October r
2, 1907, the Board in Control of Ath- n
etics voted away the training table 3(
t Michigan. The Board of Control 9,
eemed to be slipping right here, for w
in October 22, 1907, the Regents reor-
anized it. The action of the Regents M
was unanimous. (See Daily for that is
ate.) d
On October 24, 1907; we read: "Ac- w
ion of Regents thought to tend toward ul
strangement of Michigan from the H1
onference." Any one could see that e
he Regents were not satisfied with v
he slow and vacillating action of the a
oard in Control. Later the duties of er
his Board were defined.
On December 20, 1907, Michigan "I
as still in the Conference and Prof. w
ates was our representative. The h
even game schedule regulation barely B
assed 5 to 4. Conference refused to ge
onsider retroactive measure.
On January 10, 1908, Pennsylvania, WE
'artmouth and Annapolis ask for fir
ames. Complaints were frequent that wi
Vesterners had "slapped our face and
ild us to get out." th
On January 11, 1908, Prof. Patterson wa
ays "Let students decide." Big ma- tu
rity everywhere, -except perhaps

.mong Board in Control and the Fac- a
lty, for leaving Conference. On this no
ame date announcement is made by ge
rot. Parker of Chicago that Chicago ni
stood firm for five game schedule."
January 14, 1908, Michigan with- w
raws from Conference. The stand mi
ken by Board of Control is shown by fie
eir resolution:
"While favoring= all proper regula- on
on of Athletics, and as much as tai
e would like to continue athletic re- for
tions with other Conference colleg- un
, the Board felt that it could not
npose on the students of the Univer- th
ty conditions which were thought big
it warranted,- either as promoting ou
od scholarship or purity in athletics a
(Continued on page 4.) tw,

,_ _ _

I. In the light of the general af-
Fection ,which the other members o
the conference had for Michigan was
not the "boycott" openly directed at
Michigan? Marten Ten Hoor, '13.
As has been often explained before,
the boycott rule was passed for the
sole purpose of depriving Michigan of
Conference conpetition. No one ever
denied its intention. Tapping-Myers.
2. What will be the difference in
University Government between the
present and under Conference Rules?
C. L. T., '17E .
PI'ro: It is presumed that athletic
government is meant by this question.
At Michigan all athletics are under
the administration of a board in con-
trol consisting of four faculty mem-
hers, three alumni and three students.
'This acording to the Conference
standards, does not constitute faculty
control. In the Conference the fac--
ultics or their representatives, have
either a sufficient majority on the
boards in control or have a veto pow-
er wide enough in scope to give to the
faculty an absolute authority over all
athletics. It is believed, according to
the official sense of the Michigan board
in control, that the giving to the pres-
ident of the university a veto power
would constitute a faculty control
which would be satisfactory to the
Conference. Tappin-.
Ant i. According to the Conference
code, no institution which does not
have full and complete faculty control
of athletics may retain its member-
ship in the Conference." In the opin-'
ion of the writer simply a veto power
in the president would not be suffi-
cient. In all Conference colleges but
Minnesota, power is in a board made
(p either entirely of faculty men as
at Wisconsin, Northwestern, Purdue
and Chicago, or in a board of which
the majority of members are faculty
men. At Minnesota, final control is

- retained by the faculty through its
f veto power. Myers.
3. Have we any guarantee that the
day after we re-enter the Conference
the other members will not attempt to
interfere with our eastern relations?
Marten Ten Hoor, '13.
Pro: We have not. There is the
consideration, however, that such uni-
versities as Illinois and Wisconsin,
the former with her track team and
the latter with her crew, now main-
tain eastern relations that are very
dear to them. They would be just as
chary of losing these as would Michi-
gan of losing her games with her east-
ern opponents. Tapping.
Anti: If we returned to the Confer-
ence, any five members could at any
time pass a measure objectionable to,
us and non-observance would result
in immediate suspension. It is for
that good reason that the Regents of
1this university have held out for a
rule requiring a unanimous vote rath-
er than a simple majority.
4. How did Michigan go out of the
Western Conference? R. M. . '14L.
Following a game with Illinois in
the fall of 1906 Michigan ceased all
Conference athletic relations. . Such
action was brought on by the passage
of certain rules, explained in a previ-
ous issue of The Michigan Daily, which
were disapproved of by Michigan. In
1908 Michigan by formal communica-
tion, officially withdrew from the In-
tercollegiate Conference. Tapping-
5. Were not the strained relations
which existed between Michigan and
Chicago responsible for much of the
subsequent conference legislation so
antagonistic to Michigan? (I refer
here to the differences which Charles
Baird had with the Chicago manage-1
ment relative to the place where Chi-1
cago-Michigan games were to be stag-1
(Continued on page 4.)1

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