A Reliable Directory of
Reliable Business r'
Daily L
s, Garrels and
ed to Retire in
Varsity Cap-
Reviews Change in Law Course at
Law Society's Initiation.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law de-
partment spoke on "The New Curric-
ulum" at the annual fall initiation of
the "Woolsack" held at the Union last
night. He reviewed the changes that
have been made in the law course
during the past summer and said that
the idea of the change was to study a.
few subjects carefully in preference
to allowing a scattered application.
Professor Aigler also spoke on "The
Study of Cases" and Prof. Wilgus on
"Study and Practice of the Law."
Burke Shartel, one of last spring's
initiates, extended a welcoming speech
to the new members. James Cleary
speaking on "The Original Woolsack,"
gave a description of what the "Wool-
sack" is in real life. Cleary was a vis-
itor in England last summer and he
spoke from actual experiences, giving
an account of the history connected
with the "Woolsack." The names of
the initiates were run in a previous
Plans for this year's offering of Le
Cercle -Francais were laid at the ini-
tial meeting of the society last night.
An elaborate program is promised,
consisting of ten features similar to
those given last year.
M. Anatole Le Braz, of the Univer-
sity of Rennes, France, will open the
program in the early part of December
with a lecture and at a later date M.
Gustave Lancon of the University of
Paris will be here. Both lecturers
are presented in this country and at
Michigan under the auspices of the Al-
liance Francaise of America. The
play to be given this year, although
unofficially announced will be, in all
probability, "Le Monde ou l'on S'en-
nuy," an especially popular comedy
in France, written by Edward Pail-
leron. As usual, two soirees will be
featured by the cercle, a Soiree Lit-{
teraire and a Soiree Amicale. Mem-.
bership giving associate privileges
will be as in the past, to students 50
cents, to others $1.00.
did Offensive
D for Most
Posters are up to Standard of Pre-
Alexander Robinson, "citizen of the Tious Years.
world" will be the only painter rep- Twelve drawings were handed in for
resented at the exhibit of the Ann Ar- the Michigan Union poster contest,
which closed yesterday afternoon.
bor Art association which will be held Several of these are said to be excep-
in Memorial hall beginning next Sat- tionally meritorious, and the one
urday evening. Mr. Robinson has which will be selected to advertise the
spent most of his time studying in Union's opera, "The Awakened Ra-
Europe where he is much better meses," will be up to the standard
known than on this side of the water. set in previous years.
The pictures were shipped here from The judges, appointed Monday, will
Detroit where they were last exhibit- not announce their awards until Fri-
ed and they will be sent from here tri day or Saturday.
Chicago. Bert St. John, who is to direct the
In addition to the work of Mr. Rob- performance, will be in town the lat-
inson the exhibition will include some ter part of this or the first of next
pieces of Pewabic pottery, which were week to select the men for speaking
promised for last spring's exhibit, and parts. Rehearsals will probably be-
some of the Markham pottery which gin the last of next week.
is manufactured in Ann Arbor..
Saturday night the exhibit will be CARL ADAM, '10, STRICKEN BLIND.
open to members only but thereafter
the general public will be admitted, Former Business Manager of The
and it will last about twelve days. The Daily is Ill at His Home.
hours when it will be open will be Carl H. 0. Adam, '10, who has been
announced later. ill for the past few weeks has become
totally blind and it is feared by his;
physicians that the affliction will bei
LTpermanent. He is at present at his
Vein Indianapolis.
BIG SEND-OFF Adam was business manager of The
Daily for the year 1909-10. He spent.
last year at Harvard Law school anda
had intended to re-enter the law de-7
Monster Mass Meeting Shows partment here this fall when he was
That Students Expect suddenly taken ill.
Much of .Team,
Hackett Received Er
cally by Friends L
Kirke Alexanderi
Ge s
d week scrimmage
i the first string
a21 to 0 count,
not entirely sat-
n, Wells, and Garp
by injuries. It is
w lasting will be
knocks that they
the possible ex-
they ought to be
game against Van-
[g Reserve center,
to get banged up
y dazed that even
ed he was out of
dered around the
e sweater that he
used in the scrim-
nt into the signal
r the game. Meek
ig the scrimmage
tackle in place of
l on the hospital
e right guard job
aside from these
the full varsity
Reserves. Almen-
after Garrels'
took McMillan's
er the latter was
Founder Believes it Should be
Easy Task to Find Suit.
able Comedy.
Michigan welcomed her playw
and actor at the performance of
tan Sanderson last evening. Fri
of Mr. Hackett, who played the1
ing part, and Mr. Alexander, the
thor of the play, were present in:L
numbers to see the product pf
alumnus enacted by a former stu
At the close of the fourth act,
Hackett was brought before the
tan by the continued applause
acknowledged the greeting in a
speech. Mr, Alexander also expr<
his thanks for the reception thai
play had received.
Following the performance, a
ception was given for Mr. Hacke
the home of Mrs. Josephine H. Mu
at which the members of.the Con
club and many of the faculty -
Because of the concert to be given
by the Choral Union in University Hall
on the evening of November 17, the
night before the Pennsylvania game,
the mass meeting will in all probabil-
ity be held in Waterman gymnasium.
Maud Powell, the violinist has been
engaged by the Choral Union to play
in University Hall that evening. "But,"
said Director Bartelme yesterday,
"Though we knew of this date, no at-
tempt was made by the old athletic
board to -secure the hall, not only be-
cause of the conflict in dates, but al-
so because we believed the gym would
be a more appropriate building to hold
the mass meeting in. The new board
will meet next ,week and at that time
will make definite arrangements for
the holding of the meeting. One will,,
of course, be held."
Opening Speaker on S. L. As
Has Twenty-Five Years of
Remarkable Success
led' off some runs that
ly on the spectacular, one
ng for 40 yards dodging
through the whole scrub
of his other trots proved
yard gain and he tore off
rs that did not total .up
;el was not far behind his
tner as he also displayed
3 twisting run specialty.
. well and he made some
iterial on the Scrubs.
crubs Otis, Madison and
the best performers. W -
:n out but a week on the
t he showed up well last
s tackling helped to keep
>re of the Varsity. Madi-
.er who played a snappy
e is likely to get a shift'
squad. Otis, however, is
for big league size as he
ying the fastest game of
Reserves. He is used to
the scrubs and twice to-
rforming his part he was
se down the field to per-
iail the varsity runner.
rd pass is not a howling
year for the varsity, or
not been up to date. Yes-
atance the first string men
t for three times and each
tempts was a failure. The
d a little better luck as
ro throws that they made
intued on page 4.) .
Dwelling on the "Duties of a Secre-
tary" Mr. Wilson, secretary of the,
Board of Commerce of Detroit, spoke
at the initial meeting of the Commerce
Club held at the Union Monday night
in his honor. The substance of his
talk revolved about the word "boost,"
which he pronounced first as the duty
of the public spirited man, who works
with a view to advancing the prosper-
ity of his home town.,
Especially sensational to the mem-
bers of the club was the disproval of
the rudimentary doctrine in economics
that a. town derives its prosperity
from the raw material at its immediate
"It is not true that a town's
prosperity grows out of the available
raw material at its disposal," said Mr.
Wilson. "Because Grand Rapids is in
the heart of the lumber region of Mich-
igan does not prove that the furniture
industry arose from this. Grand Rap-
ids' success in this industry is the out-i
come of the genius of its people.
Vanderbilt Professor Lectures Tonight,
Professor William L. Dudley, dean
of the medical department of Vander-
bilt University, and professor of chem-
istry in the same institution will de-
liver an address on "The Diamond"
this evening in the amphitheatre of
the chemistry building at 8 o'clock
The address is open to the public.
Twenty-five years of detective work
is the record of William J. Burns, who
will open the Students' Lecture asso-
ciation course, Monday night, in Uni-
versity Hall, on "Citizenship and Mu-
nicipal Graft." Of that long term of
service, twenty-two years were spent
in the United States service, which Mr.
Burns left for the presidency of the
national detective agency, which
bears his name. He is best known for
his brilliant work in the Oregon Land.
Fraud Cases, the San Francisco Mu-
nicipal Graft cases, and the Los An-'
geles Times dynamiting case, the lat-
ter now pending in the courts. When
one considers the wonderful success
that has accompanied his every effort,
it is little wonder that he is hailed as,
one of the men of the hour and a lead-
er in the ranks of secret service work-
ers, past and present.-
The free seat reservation for those
holding course tickets will take place
Saturday morning in University hall
from 9 to 12. In order to avoid any
waiting, numbers will be given out as
fast as asked for and holders of the
numbers can reserve their place with-
out the necessity of keeping in line.
(Special to The Michigan Daily.)
NASHVILLE, TENN., Oct. 25.-Giv-
Gen a rousing send off in the shape of
a monster mass meeting in Collect
hall, this evening the Vanderbilt foot-
ball eleven, led by Coach McGugin,
leaves Thursday morning for Ann Ar-
bor where it meets the Wolverine team
team on Saturday. Vanderbilt stu-
dents showed by their enthusiasm that
they expect great things of the Com-
modores when they play Michigan in
their big game of the season.
Three of the Vanderbilt players par-
ticipate in the Michigan game know-
ing it is the last big game they will
ever play for the- southerners, and
Roy Morrison, Freeland and Metzger,
the three mentioned, are expected to{
play the game of their lives. The five
line men who will face Yost's prote-
ges are the same who played in the
memorable Yale game last year. The
Commodore backfield will be compos-
ed of Roy Morrison at quarter, Collins
and Hardage at the halves and Sikes
at full back. In this quartet McGugin
has the best set of backs that ever
represented Vanderbilt.
All of the Commodore players are in
fit physical trim and barring accident
the team should be in fine fettle when
the first whistle blows on Saturday.
In reply to an attack made by R. T.
Crane of Chicago through the medium
of pamphlets on the engineering de-
partment of the university. Many
members of the engineering depart-
ment expressed themselves forcibly.
"So far as architecture goes the
practicing architects today are send-
ing their sons to schools, believing
that in the future trained men will
lead. Experience has shown that these
men rise above men who have no tech-
nical training," said Prof. Emil Lorch.
of the architectural faculty. Prof.
Lorch added that there were not
enough trained architectural gradu-
ates of the university to fill the de-
In speaking of Mr. Crane, Prof. H.
C. Anderson, of the mechanical engi-
neering faculty stated: "It seems too
bad that Mr. Crane has to resort to
such tactics in order to advertise his
Prof. Anderson referred to articles
that appeared in the "Valve*World," a
publication issued by Mr. Crane's com-
pany as characteristic of Mr. Crane's
attitude to men receiving technical
training in universities.
"There seems to be more freshmen
being examined this year than usual,"
said Dr. May, physical director of the
gymnasium, "and just at present, prob-
ably because of the proximity of No-
vember 6, when all gym classes begin,
they are coming in about as fast as we
can handle them. Of course, it's too
early yet to give out statistics or com-
parisons, but the freshmen seem to
be above the average in most respects,;
and remarkably free from such de-
formities as weak or abnormal hearts.
We have set aside several charts
which compare very well with that ofl
Allan Garrell's, last year, and will se-
lect the one that is most perfect when
all the men have been' examined.'
Mr. Hackett was most interested
the work of the Comedy club and w
eager to know what play had been i
lected for this year's performanc
He expressed surprise when informs
that as yet no manuscript had be
selected and was positive that
should be an easy task to find a su
able comedy.
"t could name several light con
dies of real merit that seem to me
be fitted for production by a unive
sity dramatic organization," he sa
"The shelves of a dramatic library a
full of them.
"What would I choose? Well, ti
depends upon the material that is
the club. Any play which has
"star" part and which is clean a
wholesome would be suitable.
course the better the play is writti
the more opportunity there, is for t
Although the address which M\
Hackett gave before the Dran
League yesterday afternoon at* t
high school, was intended for t
students, it was attended by a lar
number of outsiders. After an inte
esting description of a visit to t
birth place of Shakespeare, the spea
er made an appeal to. the students
study the bard's plays with more ca
and make themselves intimate wi
his writings.
New Faculty Members Entertained
Two hundred faculty couples atter
ed the annual reception given to t
new faculty members by the Unive
sity Senate in Barbour gymnasiu
last evening. Most of the universi
Regents, who are in town for the C
tober meeting of the Regents, to
held this morning, attended. Pres
dent Hutchins, the deans and the ne
members of the, faculty were in, t
reception line.
Mr. David Friday of the-economics
department will join Prof. H. C. Ad-
ams in Lansing today, where he will
assist at the corporation tax hearings
being held before the tax commission
of which the latter is a member. Mr.
I 3
Friday is statistician for the com- The Dental Clinic has again opened
mission and while in Washington last its doors and work for the ensuing
summer found that while the railroads year has begun. The operating class
of the state were paying more than numbers eighty students. Most of the
four million dollars in taxes, the cor- upperclassmen in the university are
porations are - paying much less. In well acquainted with the advantages
fact the corporations are assessed at which the clinic offers, but the fresh-
less than twenty per cent of their ac- 'men are doubtless unaware of this op-
tual valuation. It is to give the corpo- portunity of receiving treatment at
rations a chance to defend their po- cost prices. The clinic is open every
sition that the hearings are being held. afternoon from 1:30 till 4:00.
L. A. Reservation
ext Saturday
. .............