T he
CLEVELAND, 0., Oct. 6.-Slater,
star left half of the Case team may
not play against Michigan Saturday.
Slater has his peace to make with
0 the faculty at the scientific school and
it is possible that he will not be in the
game, though his name was on the
list of players sent to the authorities
here. The line up of the Case team
i includes two men for every position:
m. and the following is the lineup of.
the two teams:
The causes of dissension in the
culinary department of the Michigan
Union are many. Among other things
it has become a veritable tower of
Babel, for the chef is a French-Bulga-
rian; the head waiter is , Irish; the
second cook, a Hollander; the dish-
washer, a Hindoo; the silver polisher,
Polish; and to cap the climax the jan-
itor comes from Switzerland. Inci-
dentally the management is cosmo-
politan, the manager being English;
the secretary German; the cashier,
Irish; and there is considerable dis-
pute as to whether Jones is Scotch
or Welsh.
Garrells ...................L.E.
. Conklin (Captain).............L.T.
Bogle ............. . ...... L.G.
Patterson.............. ......C.
d Almendinger, Quinn ............. R.G.
Pontius................ .. R.T.
Wells............. .........R.E.
Craig, Picard..........Q.
Torbett, Herrington...........L.H.
, ThompsonF............... F.B.
Heubel, Wenner.............R.H.
e Case.
r Goss, Kipka.................L.E.
> Parsons, Fruehauf............L.T.
o Glazer, Randall. ..........L.G.
p Whelan, Hyland..............C.
n Weiler, Williams.R.G.
Hyland, Boley . ..*.. R.T.
d Francy,CBrady)..... ......R.E.
f Roby (Captain) Goss..........Q.
r Slater, Keyerleber.... .. ....L.H..
Marsh, McAfee...............F.B.
1 Kenyon, Young...............R.H.
Officials: Hoagland, Princeton, ref-
eree; Flagler, Northwestern, umpire;
Yeckley, Penn State, field judge; Ed-
munds, Michigan, head linesman.
e team Stars Compose Team Which Coach
coach Cole Lines up First.
he rul- The All-Fresh squad, fallen about
to win twenty short of the forty odd candi-
s back- dates who turned but Thursday, prac-
ve theuticed in the rain yesterday afternoon.
>ment's Coach Cole did not send his charges
nd the in, to scrimmage, but lined up two
ame of elevens for signal drill.
ition in The line-up yesterday was as fol-
to Nichols, L. E.; Tully, L. T.; Traph-
3d agan, L. G.; Howard, C.; Merritt, R
ut G.; Davidson, R. T.; Rassmussen, R.
ig E.; Keller, Bushnell, Q.; Collette, L.
ve H.; Smith, F. B.; Hewitt, R. H.
A practice has been called for ten
ut o'clock this morning and every fresh-
>e man candidate should report to Coach
he Cole at this time.
ao The improvemepts to the Michigan
in Union dining room make it one of
ek the best appointed in the state. While
ie an in.rease of fifty per cent. in the
id seating capacity leaves much to be de-
be sired, lack of space is atoned for by
r- the richness of the decorations and
et furnishings.7 A new system of light-
er ing has been installed, which shows
pt the brilliancy of the room to good ad-
vantage. These lights are shaded with
ll Tiffany glass. Small tables set for
n two which have been placed at in-
of tervals around the room, are lighted
r- by Colonial candle sticks.
ar An innovation in meals is the ad-
e- dition of broiled steak dinners, made
se possible by the addition of a charcoal
be broiler to the culinary department.
of Another addition is the combination
ks breakfast. This is merely an appli-
cation of the American plan in place
p. of the a la carte.
Sophomores do Some Light
Hazing After Mass-
In spite of the strict ban placed on
hazing by the faculty, the temptation
for sophomores to exercise "the old
gang'? spirit was tno strong to be
quashed last night. The trouble was
started, however, by a crowd of fresh-
men' coming out of U. hall after the
mass meeting and rushing a crowd of
sophomores off the sidewalk. The lat-
ter, taunted by gibes of upperclassmen,
rallied, caught about three of the of-
fenders and put them up trees.
A squad of sophomores going down
State street, later spied two' lone
freshmen in the Baltimore Lunch, and
formed a reception committee to meet
them as they appeared in the outer
world. They did not have long to
wait, but the "Fresh" passed unm'lest-
ed through the crowd. Shortly after-
ward a couple of., senior engineers '
wearing "fresh" caps were captured
and made to perform, to the great
amusement of the crowd. A bunch of
freshmen were discovered on the cor-
ner of North University and Ingalls
and chased down Ingalls. Two or
three were finally captured and forced
to climb a tree. About this time two
more freshmen wearing the insignia of
their rank boldly walked into the
They were speedily escorted to the
tree and soon the "birds" ,were rein-
forced. This was too tame. Some-
body suggested the Majestic, which
was received with enthusiasm." In a
few minutes a great crowd gathered
before its doors. Manager Lane tried
to put off the crowd but finding re-
sistence useless promised them a show
at nine-fifteen. While waiting the
crowd was entertained by songs and.
High School yells from five freshmen.
The first act was given by three of.
the freshmen who showed such talent
that they have been especially engag-
ed for the next Union opera. Under a
green spot light they sang in true har-
mony, and one showed class at the
jig such as is seldom seen, even on
the Majestic stage.
Y. W. C. A. Entertains First Year Girls.
Last evening at Newberry hall, the
Y. W. C. A. reception was given for
first year girls. Addresses were made
by some of the officers. A play by
Fannie Briggs was given.
A meeting of the cross country can-
didates is called for Monday evening
at 8 o'clock at the trophy room in
Waterman gymnasium. Plans for the
season will be discussed and it is
probable that the first run will be set
for Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Kraenz-
lein, "Pat" Gamble and Captain
Beardsley are slated to address the
candidates. Cross country men are
urged to turn out for the meeting and
get a good start in their training, for
on the showing of the squad early in
the fall will depend whether or not
a cross country team will be sent
Attendance at Annual "Open
House" Demonstrates its
The Michigan Union clubhouse was
too small to accommodate the stu-
dents and faculty members of the uni-
versity who attended the annual
"open house" given last night after
the mass meeting. More than ever be-
fore the inadequacy of the present
quarters was demonstrated. For the
members, the reception afforded an
opportunity to "get-to-gether," and
for the uew..comers it was a chance to
see for themselves the gap the Union
fills in Michigan life.,
In referring to the reception Presi-
dent Blish said, "Room was all that
was lacking to make the success of the
reception complete. From last night's
attendance 4nd spirit the membership
committee will not go a-begging in its
Louse-to-house canvass."
"Ike" Fischer with a seven piece
orchestra furnished music and light
refreshments and cigars were served
to the guests by the reception commit-
This morning personal canvass of
every man in the university will be
started by the committee working un-
der Robert Tipping and will be con-
tinued through Sunday night. All
canvassers will be supplied with mem-
bership' blanks, pledge cards and ad-
vertising material by Homer Heath
upon calling at the Union and will be
expected to report to their sub-chair-
man every evening at 7:00 at the Un-
Guild Will Entertain Episcopalians..
There will be an opening reception
of the Hobart Guild at Harris Hall
tonight. Following the. speeches of
welcome there will be music by Fisch-
er's orchestra. All members of the
university who are affiliated in any
way with the Episcopal church are
welcome, and those who have not
received invitations can call at the
guild rooms and they will be supplied.
Programs are Changed.
A innovation has been made in
th" official football program, which
will appear at today's game. On the
cover are pictures of Coach Yost, Di-
rector Bartelme, and Captain Conklin.
There are eight pages devoted to' the
line ups of the teams, athletic an-
nouncements, and other matter of in-
terest to the student body. It is pub-
lished by the Ann Arbor Press.
Plans for the action of the Women's
League which contemplates the
building of residence halls for uni-
versity women, will take a decisive
turn at a meeting of the League to
be held at the College Club in Detroit
on October 13. Edna Thuner, pres-
ident of the league will speak at the
function, and Mrs. John 0. Reed is
expected to help officiate.
Work on this design which receiv-
ed such an impetus last year due to
the efforts of Miss Myrtle White has
been suspended over summer and
much pent up enthusiasm is expected
to be in evidence at the planned meet-
Following the resignation of Myrtle
White last summer, Agnes Parks was
designated to assume the office of fi-
nancial secretary. She is located in
Detroit at present where she is work-
ing up an interest Among women
alumni of that city.
The committee in charge of the res-
idence halls movement this year in-
cludes Edna Thuner, chairman, Mrs.
Jno.' O. Reed, Dean Jordan, Miss
Crocker, and Winifred Mahon.
A vast amount of work is expected
by the committee, as little money has
been raised as yet, and the halls are
expected to realize this year..
2500 Enthusiasts H
Speeches and Gig
Exhibiton of Che
Student's Lecture Association to Bring
Them Here.
An array of famous people is being
offered by theStudents' Lecture As-
sociation on this year's program. John
Mitchell, former president of the Un-
ion Mine Workers of America, will
lead off. The date has not yet been
set. Mr. Mitchell and Sen. Robert
price this year is the same as before,
two dollars and a half, but unlike
previous years, this includes reserva-
tions for every member..
M. LaFollette, who will constitute
another number, have appeared
here in past years. The Donald Rob-
ertson players, who have appeared
here several times in past seasons,
and have created much favorable com-
ment, are booked for two numbers.
Hamlin Garland and Opie Reed com-
plete the list to date but efforts are
now being made to secure George Ade
for one of the numbers.
This is the last morning on which
copies of The Daily will be distrib-
uted to those who are not upon the
subscription lists. Many extra copies
of the Daily have been printed and
distributed throughout the town but
the increase in the subscription and
mailing lists makes it necessary to
confine the delivery to subscribers.
If you have not subscribed for The
Daily and an issue appears on . the
porch tomorrow morning you will,
know that it is the propeity of anoth-
er in the house who has paid for it.
You must subscribe to receive one.
Choral Union ',embers Must Register.
In view of the fact that there is an
unusually large list of applicants: for
the Choral Union this year, Professor
Stanley has requested that all old
members register at the School of
Music immediately in order that, he
may fill any vacancies before
passes are given out f.or the concerts.
Try-outs are being held daily at the
School of Music from 1:00 to 2:00
o'clock and from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock.
'Men of Michigan, on to vict+
Win! Win! Win to-day; w~
About 2,500 rooters piled int
versity Hall last evening for ti
big mass meeting of the
Boundless enthusiasm bubble
oozed from hundreds of ex
gridiron fans, and there was
quiet moment from the first
"Hats" until the last reverb
strains of "The Yellow and the
died away up in the cobwebs
The class of 1915, greatly :
ponderance at the rally, infc
inaugurated the program with
but hesitating freshman yell.
moric hisses greeted the au
outburst and friendly class
was soon at full heat, ready t
out after the meeting.
"Lyndy" staged an all-star
display of the varsity warric
gether with numerous cartoon:
Chairman "Jack" Lyman inti
"Hap" Haskins who made a fev
py remarks and read an c
"pome" on the value of side-1
thusiasm. "Hap" later led th
ers in lively yells which presag
orous backing for the team.
Prof. Rich of the engineeri:
ulty gave the principal talk of
ening. He began by eulogizing
Wasmund, the former Michige
lete who met such a tragic dE
Wednesday- of this week.
"Blow hard for the team,'
Prof. Rich in subsequent rem
the freshmen, "but do more tha
Show your sincerity by helpin
money and ehthusiasm."
"Varsity" is the name of a
new Michigan field song, sung
first time last evening. The pii
written by J. Fred Lawton ai
V. Moore, and proved an in
The third speaker was a fo
of some note-Lawton of bonn
land. Fred spoke on the nE
for "pep" and endurance.
you feel like laying down," s
"remember the spirit that kep
dice playing in that memorabl
of 1908; remember the spirit
Germany Schultz. Why, the 19:
can't help but be a winner.
be just like last year when a D
ota man said: "I hate to bet on
gan, but a man's first duty is
vide for his wife and family."
.Women's League to Have Tai
A membership campaign f
Woman's League will be cor
all day Monday. Tags will be s
it is hoped that all will join.
}nay be procured both at the
room, in University hall and
Provoke Soph
Giving Class
that Cas
t will 1
hip boo]
at 2
I k
rships may be secured
c Office, the Daily Tent
dent solicitors every-
es dollars the year,
To Get Close Behind the Teams Join the
Season Boo
Admits to Today's
Membership includes free Football Book which admits to Case and five other games.
First choice of seats for Penn and Syracuse games.
2:30 P. M.- -
Use the Ferry Field Tennis Courts
Wear the button Have a voice in athletic affairs