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November 08, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-08

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IT e

Mich igan


A Reliable Directory of
Reliable Business




llany Parts are Open this Year and




Several members of the Detroit A meeting of the debating section of There are 71 More Students in



en Refuse to Di-
e of the Practice,
in the Line-up


There is Plenty of Room for alumnae are expected to attend the the Engineering Society was held last versity this Year than
Good Material. annual reception given by the women night in the society's rooms in the new In 1910-11.
-- - who live in the houses, operated by
Tryouts of candidates wishing to fillI the Women's League, which will be .gineering building. "Is e young man According to the official count of the
parts in the cast of the Comedy Club held in Barbour gymnasium Thursday justified in spending his time and mon- students in the university which will
play this year will be held this after-- afternoon at 4 o'clock. During the re- ey in getting a college education?" was be announced today there are this year
noon between 2 and 5. p. m. in room Icent campaign for funds for the new the question discussed by the debat- 71 more students than last, being 5452
noo bewee 2 nd p.m. ronsresidience hall, the Detroit women ex- ; .Teairaie a ae yB 1 oesuet hn at en 42
205, North Wing, University hall. Stu- rese a t er me - ers. The affirmative was taken by B. this year, as against 5381 in 1910. The'
pressed a desire to learn more about prn-hAhr i 41O nn~ ,n~



dents wishing to try out are requested
to bring a reading to deliver, or be

am prepared to recite a selection in e'ither
prose or verse, to give the judges an.
GIVE TEAM BIG SEND OFF estimate of their dramatic ability. As

the problem of
the university.
tations to all.
been issued an
spect the league
in Ann Arbor fo
The members
have league ho
classes, and the
league board wi

housing the women of IrC~d, and . E . vase, and the neg- reckoning was scheduled to begin on
On this account invi- ative was upheld by L. E. Delf and I. November 1, but a final report has
of the alumnae have T. Hook, been delayed on account of the time
d a delegation will in- Officers were elected for the semes- quired to go throug the summer
houses while they are ter. W. J. Howard was chosen secre- nrollment trig off those
r this reception. tary, and B. Prichard, chairman of the ns wlaean sthekrgulr tse
prgamcmmtee names whit a appear in the regular ses-
of the faculty, who program committee. sion.
use residents in their Another meeting of the debating sec- This year thc :tarary and engineer-
ir wives as well as the tion will be held Wednesday morning ing departments have had the most
ll be the guest of hon- at 9, and is open to all engineering substantial gains while the summer
school has suffered the only appreci-

il Lead Parade to Station
i Team Leases on Eastern
asion Tommorrow Night.
k of secrecy still covers the'
of the varsity at Ferry field
he slightest details have been
t in regard to anything con-
the team. Although it is cer-
all but .two positions on the
ve been picked, the names of
who will face Cornell have not
en out, and it is very unlike-
hey will be before the team
Practically all the Michigan
re wondering about tie make-
e team, but Yost and Redden
give out anything and the'
in the lineup are all guess1

much time.will be given to the candi-'
date to present his selection as he
wishes.2 The judging staff will con-
sist of Professor Louis Strauss, Pres.
D. S. Birney and Manager A. G. Cohen
of the Comedy Club. Many good parts
will be open this year, and the manage-
ment announces that there will be a
good chance for everyone possessing
Contrary to previous publication,
Tom Pinch adapted from Dicken's
"Martin Chuzzlewit" is not the final
choice of the Comedy Club for this
year's production. The management is
working at present in an endeavor to
locate some other play, adapted to stu-
dent; production, and likely to please
a university audience. Plays by stu-
dent authors are still solicited and will
be received by Professor Louis Strauss
of the English department or by any
of the officers of the Comedy Club.


able loss.

TPET SThis report of the enrollment will be
sent to Professor Timbo, of the admin-
istrative board of Columbia University,
__E ASSUVRED OPENS WITH RUSH who compiles comparative statistics
CORNELLAnumer oEth larerSnivesites.UtSi
every year of the enrollments in a
number of the larger universities. It is
Indications Point .oRecord to appear in one of the December is-
Required Number of StudentstP n1 sues of the Science magazine.
Was Secured Crowd With Filled The following is the enrollment in
Stands the various departments, for the year
Yesterday 1911-12:
TRAIN LEAVES FRIDAY NIGH T. 1ANY GO®D SEATS ARE LE FT. Literature, Science and the Arts-
2064; Graduate School (Lit)--175;' En-
gineering--128; Medicine-241; Law,
The special train to Cornell will run, The first day's disposal of seats for --782; Pharmacy-78; Homeopathy-
the required number having been se- the Pennsy game disclosed that the 7; Dentistry-226. Total 4911. Deduct
cured yesterday. The list of expenses sale this year will be fully up to the for names repeated, 128; net total 4783.
follows for the convenience of those sales for the big games of previous Summer School-1194; deduct for
names in regular session, 525; grand
wvho are going to make the trip: fare, years. The first day's sale is about

Added Collections Today a
Gift of Athletic Associati
Will Suffice to Send Band
Inquiry is lkiug Made mong Ot
-Universities as to Suit-
able System.
Over two bundred dollars were
cured by the circulation of the s
scription lists yesterday. This amot
and th hundred dollars contributed
the Athletic Association together w
what will be collected today will pr
ably suffice to send the baid to C
nell. Committees from the band a
the Student Council will meet at
Union this evening to make arran
ments for the trip It is believed; hc
ever, that not all the lists have be
turned in as yet, and these along w
further contributions will be'receiv
at the Union this evening from six
eight o'clock.
Council Plais for Future.
An effort to devise some permani
plan of raising funds for the anni
trip of the band is now bang made
the Student Council. Councilman Pc
nell is communicating with the stud(
councils of other universities wh:
send their bands along with their fo
ball teams with a view to compari
the various means by which these tr
are being financed. These plans v
be compiled at a future date and v
be taken under advisement. It is he
ed, that by the adoption of some c
cheme the discussion which is annu
l neces.stated by present conditio
will be done away with.

Not only the changes are kept se-
cret but even the slightest details about
the practice are shrouded in mystery,
and it is not known whether the work
has been done on defense or offense.
A little time each afternoon is devoted4
to practice in tackling and blocking in
an endeavor to correct that fault of
the team, and every man on the squad.!
is put through this. Scrimmage wasI
also held last night and probably will
be for the rest of the week. But the
tussle like everything else was secret,
even the score remaining a mystery.
Pontius was in uniform, playing again,
and the big end will probably start
the game Saturday. .It is expected
that this week's work will be strenu-
ous, although care will be taken to
avoid all injuries. No one will be per-
mitted to see the team in action, and
the student 'ody may not get a glimpse
until they app-ar on the field for the
Penn game. McMillan may have his
- g taken out of its cast today, and
then it' vilt 11 possiblt to g Somec ideaE
as to when the littie i vr will get

HAENUT ERWS h') HIMa. total (e) 42
$14.45 round trip; four meals, $2.00; equal to that of the 1906 Pennsy game,
Rolled in a pair of blankets, a soli- admission to the game, $2.00. The and according to Director Bartelme the Ip'XNCE PLANS ARE COMPLETE.
tary figure slept peacefully on the Pullman rates are $2.20 for an upper indications are that the stands will be -
steps of the Athletic Association office and $2.75 for a lower berth. filled. If the seats are filled it will I First Hop Will be Held on the Night
Monday night. The train leaves Ann Arbor at 8:30 stand as a record. of the Pennsy Game.
"What bum is this?" muttered the Friday night arriving at Ithaca in the . Arrangements for the Michigan Un-
"guardian" of the , peace as he ap- morning. After the game the train wes u thsouh sthed are stty ion series of membership dances have
proached the reclining nian, just as the will leave Ithaca late Saturday night ;veil sold out although there are still practically been completed by the
dawn broke behind the top: of Universi- arriving in Ann Arbor before noon a umber procurable. Only a small committee in charge. The first dance
ty hall. Club in hand the policeman Sunday. Railroad tickets may be1 block of seats was sent to Penn, and will be given on the night of the Penn-
mounted the steps. bought at the M. C., and tickets to the remainder of the south stand is be- sy game, November 18, in Barbour
The figure rolled over and stretched the game at the Athletic Association ing sold to out of town people through gymnasium.
out. office. In order to give the companys and by mail. There are still The number of tickets to be sold has
"Gee, but its cold. Sh-h-h. Not some estimate in regard to the number a great number of seats to be had in been limited to 250 and were put on
a word. No one but I must be the first desiring reservations all who contem- the north stand, and it is expected that sale yesterday morning. Tickets fdr
in line to get seats for the Pennsy plate going are requested to call up today's sale to members of the univer- the series will be sold for $1.50, and
game." And the figure slept, on. John Lyman 357, or "Hap" Haskins sity will be a heavy one.,# sixty cents will be charged for ad-
"Another bug," growled the owner of 231 before Thursday noon. A great deal of fault was found with mission to single dances. Only Union
the club and left. __.the working of the number system yes- members will be allowed to attend, but
Long before the early risers had ap- "WHY ShOULD TWENTY-FIVE terday. Without numbers there would I reservations may be made for alumni,
peared at the office door to form a line CENTS BE ASKED FOR BAN!)1" be a riot to get seats while by giving who formerly belonged to the Union,
of expectant purchasers, the open-air --- them out the association introduces if their names are in the hands of the
sleeper, who proved to be a westerner lnuires "Inquisitive" When Ten or some semblance of order to the sale, committee within the next week.
accustomed to the stars for a canopy, . Fifteen Vents waS Set The fact that students did not keep Supper will be served at the Union
had built a fire on the lawn. Here he Last Year. close enough touch with the number clubhouse for those who attend the
warmed himself, as did many of the 'series being admitted is blamed for the dance. Twenty-five cents will be charg-
late comers, until the door was opened I (The Daily assumes no resqnibiiliiy fact that the scheme did not work out ed. By working the tables in relays it
and the line moved up. for sentiments expressed in cove-' to the satisfaction of student ticket will be an easy matter fob the man-

action again,
To Give Team Send-Ofl,
e varsity squad will leave
>r Thursday night at 9:30 and
o South Lansing where they


Mr. Westerner was the first purchas-

Eds'ritn Th, Minhina D ailv_


agement to handle the crowds.

at the Rogue's Harbor Country
until the morning of the game.
,dy plans are under way to give
am a grand send-off. The hour isi
when most students can be at
ation, and it will greatly encour-
he team to know that the student
is banking on them. The band
robably be.asked to assist, in as
as they are going to Cornell, and
ead a gigantic parade to the sta-
where cheers will be given and
ps speeches made.
Authorities Endorse Idea.
ctically all of the athletic heads
rong for the plan and heartily en-
it. Director Bartelme said: "I
re that it is a fine time to have,
a send-off and certainly will show
e team the backing that they have
e student body. I also believe in
g in the band to assist." Dr.
azlein approved of the idea, say-
"I think it would be a good thing
he team. It is an early hour, all
oys will be up, and it certainly'
d make an impression." The plan
found support among practically
e men on the campus and it is ex-
d that final plans will soon be

erazr iof seats. tarz :
er ofeats, e ga a Tickets for'the dances can be pro-
__ _There are many students in the 1iun- LUCRATIVE POSITIONS ON cured at the Union or from the follow-
AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY vers-ity who, although they do not be- PUBLICATIONS ARE LIMITED. ing men on the committee:
PLANS SERIES 0 PAPERS grudge twenty-five cents for sending I Lawrence Abrams, Clarence Hannon.
____the band to Cornell, would neverthe- Hereafter no student will be allowed Rufus Siple, John Coolidge, Joseph
The Aeronautical society of the ni- less like to know why this amount is to hold more than one paid position in Turpin, Walter Heald, Howard Ford
versity met in room 311 of the new en- set when last year ten or fifteen cents connection with student publications, and Ralph Baldwin.
gineering building last night and held was considered sufficient from a stu- at the same time. Such was the rule
a business session. H. Caulkins was dent. Is it because of the increased enacted by the Board in Control of ENGINEERS AND LAWS TO PLAY.
chosen chairman of the glider commit cost of living? As I understand it the Student Publications, at its meeting -
tee, and plans were formulated for a distance to Cornell is only about half yesterday afternoon. The action of Winner to Oppose the Junior Lits for
series of papers on aeronautical sub- as great as that to Philadelphia. Why ; the board was not due to any present1 Campus Championship.
jects to be read in future meetings. A. therefore this discrepancy? contingency, but it was thought best to , The senior engineer and junior law
paper on the Bleriot monoplane was INQUISITIVE, provide against possible cases Qf the football teams will oppose each other
also discussed. --- -- --- kind in the future. on south Ferry field this afternoon to
Membership in the society is open to Second Union dinner is Postponed. At its meeting, the board also ap- recide which team will play the junior
anybody who is interested in any phase The second Union membership din- proved various printing contracts for lits for the campus championship. Th
of aeronautics, ner which was scheduled for Thurs- the year and listened to the treasur- protest against the referee's decisica
day night has been postponed f r one er's-report. in the lit-engineer game played last
Chess and Checker Club Meets. week because Professor Henry C. Ad- I Tealdi Will Meet His Classes Soon. Saturday which has been filed by
The Chess and Checker Club met at ams who was to be the guest of hon- After a protracted illness with diph- the senior engineers was refused con-
the Union last night and elected as offi- or may not be in the city. Professor I theria, Mr. Aubrey, Tealdi is rapidly sideration by the Athletic Board of
cers: president, C. Steinem; vice-pres- : Adams and Mr. David Friday, of the regaining his strength and will meet Directors yesterday. The Board held
ident and recording secretary, W. B. economics department, went to Lan- his class in course 3 in Landscape De- that the complaint was based on a
Goodenow; corresponding secretary, sing yesterday in connection with their sign tomorrow. However, he will not question of fact and that the officials,
W. W. Berry; treasurer, S. H. Simon. duties on the State Tax Commission, resume is regular schedule of classes decision is final in such matters.

"The meeting of the Michigan
J'eachers' association in Detroi
week was the largest of its kind
held in Michigan, and probably, i
tate," said Professor A. S. Whitn
the educational department last
"There were between eight and
thousand present. The speakers
f national prominence and have
ably never been surpassed by th
any previous meeting of the as
A resolution was adopted aski]
university to recognize vocationa
jects for entrance credits, to ti
tent of our units. This is in 1
ance of a' policy adopted b;
National Teachers' Association,
recommended this move ,in
leges in general. The a
ation commended the actlo
the Regents in extending the pra
work in training of teachers, b:
necting with the Ann Arbor
School, which practice goes into
i ext semester. A recor.mendatic
tIso made for restoring the flibl
study in the common schools.
BsIsop Williins Addresses Y. W
"The Development of the Inner
was the title of Bishop Charles I
hams' address before the Y. W.
yesterday afternoon. Bishop Wi
pointed out the fact that in the
of the outer life of today, the
spirit or life was often neglected
declared that it should have mc
tention and that prayer was th
way to inspire it.. Thetalk was
ed by over 200 people.


Two tournaments are planned, one to
be held at an early date, following'
which the official team will be selected,
the other tournament to run through-
out the year. A meeting will be held
next Monday night and' a schedule of
games' with other universities con-

and it is not known definitely wnen

until next Monday

they will return.
Pres. Hutchuins Leaves for New York.'
Kansas Students Meet Tonight. President Hutchins left yesterday af-
Students from Kansas vi ill meet to- I ternoon, on the "Wolverine," for New
night at the Union at 7 o'clock for the York where he will attend the inaugu-
purpose of reorganizing the Kansas ral of Elmer E; Brown as chancellor
Club for the year. of New York University. He will be


The officials for today's game are
as follows: referee, John McDermott;
umpire, Herbert Watkins; field judge,
John Lyman. The officials are all san-

>wman, of the Universi-
as started a state wide
his recent condemnation
g members of the medi-!

iors and are not in either of the con- Pro0 Wenley's Lecture is Mi
testing departments. ProL .. . Wenley's lecture,
_ - ed Monday afternoon at the Ch
An anonymous donor has given Bos- Our Father in Detroit was one
ton Tech over a square mile of land in ries on "The Maze of the Nii
Maine for a civil engineering summer Century," instead of on "Evol
camp. An alumnus has given $10,000 Relation to Philosophy," as an
to be used in fitting up the camp, in yesterday's Daily.

back Saturday.
University of Washington rooters The University Store at Princeton
held a night shirt parade through the j declared a 10 per cent dividend Thurs- Knot tying is
Main streets of Seattle Friday night. day, at Boston Tech

to be an elective course
ithis year.


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