Monday, May 12, 2008
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
the michigan daily
?!LARGE rm., Hill St. off State.
Prkg. For male. $325/mo. 972-1392.
SPACE AVAIL. SEPT. '08-Aug. '09.
402 Hill. $50/mo. Neg. 734-904-6735.
*! NEED THE best location? Best
Apartments? Only a few left... Call us
115 * - - at 734-761-2680 or view our website at
mendca J. iuniversitytowers-mi.com
*AVAIL. SEPT. 2008. Large 3 bdrm.
house. Walking distance from campus
A & stadium. Non-smoking, lots of park-
cross i( I ing. Contact 734-276-3876.
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 4 Rome's Fontana only members 51 Belt-making tool
1 Money you owe di _ (but see 65- 54 Condemns
5 Heavenly strings 5 'That's Down ) 56 Packs oflcards
9 In accordance wonderful!" 41 _'acte: 59 Pesky biter
with 6 Onassis, to friends intermission 62 Vintage nos.
14 Poet Khayyim 7 Count (on) 42 The Aegean, e.g. 63 Make blonde, say
15 Creme-filled 8 Kind of bear 4416 oz. 65 Griffey Jr., who is
chocolate cookie 9 Pitching 45 "And now a word virtually certain to
16 Street, in Seville standout from our _ j loin the 600 club
17 Be in accord 10 *He has 609 47 Tone color, in this year
(with) 11 Kilt patterns music 66 George Strait's
18 *He hit 660 12 French 48 Still owed "All My.__ Live in
20 Novelist Hunter president's 49 Use plastic Texas"
22Candit vege 13 Tookfve ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
24 Do-or-die 19 " __be seeing E L I A S N I T R O T O M
situation things" L A R G E O C HIE R U S O
26 "A Raisin in the 21 Sharp-tack link S P I R A L B O U N D B T U
Sun" costar 2412bottles of E A S E T E N S E B E E R
28 _ de Cologne wine, e.g.
29 W. Point, e.g. 25Mostly green T H E A R T S G I B S O N
31 Spoke dinner course T I S M E N L O
impudently to 27 Thedaof silents V I S O R A F R O S C P A
32 Bible bk. named 28Always, in poetry A A H B O W LI N E K I N
for an orphaned 30 Gave out cards N N E A P L U S A S S E T
maiden 33 *He hit 755 LOS E S M M E
34 Prefix with 35 Low-priced
magnetic 37 Prepare, as POLLEN D t ESELS
36 Post-op program waterfor tea U R G E C O A C T S A P S
38 Ooh's partner 40 Subjecttof the M B A P A S T A S H A P E S
39 Smoker's tap-off exclusive "600 A I M A S H E N O L S E N
43 The letters in club"in which the S T E L E A S T S L E D S
alphabet soup five asterisked
46 Super-duper players are the xwordedgtorwaol.com 05/5108
47 Help get comfy at 1 2 3 4 s c7 8 9 10 11 12 13
50 Spanish 14 116
52 Boston transit 17 18 19
53 Took a deep 20 21 22 23
breath 24 25 2 27
55 Loose snow
57 Film-rating org. 2 28 30 3i
58 Ship's daily
record 32 33 3a 3s
60 D'back, Nat or
Cast 36 370 36 39 m m 102
61 *He has 762 4 44 4 s 4s
64 25-Down veggie
67 Hardship or aam4s 4rs1 s2
68 Sandwich spread
69 Lego cousin Si 54 55 56
70 Ideal places
71 Ending with quip 57 s5 of
72 Nine-digit IDs 61 02 2 2 6 s 5s
DOWN 6 08 86
1 The Atty. General
is head oftit 70 71 72
2 Brit. record co.
3 *He hit 714 By Lita Cherry1
(c)2008 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 0/12/08
1/2 OFF SALE*! Opportunity to re-
ceive 1/2 off internet, 1/2 off security
deposit, 1/2 off processing fee. Univer-
sity Towers offers: furnished 1, 2, & 3
bdrm. apartments. Heat & water incl.
Excellent maintenance, Great loca-
tion- on campus, plus much more.
*On select units, offer ends at anytime.
Leasing for Fall 2008. Call us 734-761-
2680 or visit our website at:
2 BDRM. APT. 929 S. Division. Fall
2008. $1050/mo. Includes heat and
water and prkg. avail. Call 734-996-
1991 or visit CappoManagement.com
3 BDRM. HOUSE on EDavis. Fur-
nished, basement, yard for outdoor
grilling, parking. Available Sept. 1,
lease. $1300 + util. 734-663-8487.
306 PACKARD - be the envy of your
friends by having the best location and
the best deal on campus. Grand house
divided into apartments (we have effi-
ciency through 2 bedrooms left) Call
today! Wilson White Management
I iA1
800 HENRY. AVAIL. in the fall. 3
bdrm. and 2 bath. Lrg. living rm, kitch.,
and rec. room. Ldry. incl. $1350/mo.
646-5269. jsu2007@yahoo.com
AVAIL. 9/1/08 WILLIAM & Divi-
sion. Eff., 1" bdrm. apt. w/ security
buzzer. Laundry facility & separate
storage lockers. Gallitan Realty Co.
800 Fuller Apartments
(734) 769-7520
1 & 2 bdrm.Apts.near State St.
www.housing.umich.edu www.800fuIller.com
915 OAKLAND - live one block from
campus in one of the most stunning and
grand homes on campus. These apart-
ments are so spacious that the 2 bed-
rooms sleep 4 and the studios feel like
they have room to spare! Wilson White
Management 734.995.9200
sion. Lg. room in completely remod-
eled apt. w/ dining room and 2.5 baths.
Gallatin Realty Co. 734-368-0256.
4-5 BRM. Near athletic complex. 2
bath, central air, Idry, prkg, jacuzzi.
$2195/mo. 9/1/08. bfish333@aol.com
5 Bedrooms:
- 816 Packard
- 1130 S. Forest
- 1302 S. Forest (we also have an 8
- 1307 S. State Street
6 Bedrooms
- 509 Detroit St.
- 802 East Kingsley
7 Bedrooms
- 1814 Geddes
- 802 East Kingsley
Wilson White Management;
Apartments Available!
*Promtionv al/id on select units only.
Offer ends at anytime. www.Bartobrook.com, 734-665-5620