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August 09, 2004 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-08-09

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 9, 2004


GOP: Keny 's plan harmful to autoworkers

Continued from Page 2
be reasonable about raising fuel efficiency
"I would not be standing here if he didn't
make it very clear that he's not interested in
hurting the auto industry," she said then.
The state is home to the Big Three
automakers and more than a quarter of a
million residents who earn their pay-
checks working for automakers and auto
But GOP arguments that Kerry would
cost Michigan jobs didn't stop the United
Auto Workers international union from
endorsing Kerry in March, despite the
union's own concerns that higher fuel-effi-
ciency standards would be bad for
The GOP ad, entitled "Jobs Killer,"
warns of dire consequences if fuel effi-
ciency standards are increased.
"If you drive a pickup truck or an SUV,
take good care of it. It might be the last one
you'll ever own. Democrats in Washington
are using junk science to push unreasonable
ma mileage restrictions on new vehicles.
"It's a back-door plan to outlaw trucks,
vans and SUVs," state GOP Chairwoman
Betsy DeVos says in the 60-second ad.
"Economists predict that if this crazy
scheme becomes law, Michigan would
lose 130,000 jobs. The worst news is that

Governor Granholm isg
her full support to the
who back this radical p1
The ad urges listeners
"stop playing politics with
ends with the statement:
the kids to the soccer game
.GOP spokesman I
Kerry's decision to no
latest call for more fue
is just political expedier
"No one knows what
said. "The issue is, Gov
"I'm particularl
to see that Sen
is holding out I
to the industry.
comitted to r
jobs in the auto
or Midwest."

going along, giving responsible for the jobs in this state. ... If
same politicians she's going to work in conjunction for a
an." president who's endorsed in the past ...
to tell Granholm to higher Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency
Michigan jobs" and standards of 36 miles per gallon, she
"Good luck getting needs to be called on that."
e in aVolkswagen." But Mark Brewer, Michigan Democratic
Matt Davis said Party executive director, said President
t set a goal in his Bush has proved a greater threat to Michi-
-efficient vehicles gan's economy, with 145,000 manufactur-
ncy. ing jobs lost since Bush took office.
he will do," Davis "The GOP would like to use CAFE as a
ernor Granholm is smoke screen to hide their dismal eco-
nomic record. Unfortunately for them, the
people of Michigan are much smarter than
that," Brewer said in a statement.
y pleased "While Betsy DeVos attempts to scare
Michiganders with her 60 senseless seconds,
ator Kerry Ford Motor Co. announced yesterday that
his hands they have officially kicked off production of
a hybrid version of the Escape SUV -
He's showing that America can do better and that
the autos of the 21st century can be made in
Ot lOS ig Michigan, despite GOP attempts to limit
industry innovation," Brewer added.
U.S. Rep. John Dingell, a Dearborn Democ-
rat who has staunchly defended the auto indus-
try and fought efforts to raise fuel-efficiency
standards, praised Kerry's plan Friday during a
conference call with reporters.
- Rep. John Dingell "I'm particularly pleased to see that Senator
(D - Dearborn) Kerry is holding out his hands to the indus--
try," Dingell said. "He's committed to not los-
ing jobs in the auto industry or Midwest."

Continued from Page 3
Bird of Paradise Jazz Club
on Main Street.
"There were a couple peo-
ple who were the same in
both crowds," O'Dell said.
Lieutenant John Seto said
the fights are "potentially"
related, but they are still
under investigation.
About 300 people were
involved in the brawl out-
side the Jazz Club. Police
officers had to use mace
to clear out the crowd, but
not before three people
were stabbed. The
injuries, however, were
not life-threatening.
"The people were treated
and released from local hos-
pitals," O'Dell said.

Personal issues seem to
have been the motive for
both fights. People were
fighting about relationships
and girlfriend issues inside
the club, and then it spilled
out into the streets at closing
time, O'Dell said.
Another fight also started
outside Touchdown Caf6 on
South University Avenue on.
July 11. Two men were
attacked in that fight, and a
16-year-old Ann Arbor teen
was charged with aggravat-
ed assault.
The AAPD has also been
working with the nightclub
owners to ensure safety in
the downtown area. The
AAPD has asked the clubs
to be very diligent with
checking identification and
limiting the size of the
crowd, O'Dell added.

Continued from Page 9
by Sudan police forces to
maintain confidence already
created by redeployment of
(the government's) armed
forces," the agreement says.
The creation of safe areas
will provide a haven for those
who fled and allow them to
search for water and food,
take care of animals and

work on their land, it says.
To control the activities of
the Sudanese armed forces,
the agreement calls for a halt
to all offensive military oper-
ations in the proposed safe
areas, including government
action against rebel groups.
Under the plan, the gov-
ernment must also "instruct"
militias "over which it has
influence" to halt their activi-
ties and lay down weapons.



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