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August 09, 2004 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-08-09

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 9, 2004 - 9


Sudan set to sign
U.N. agreement

agreement between the United Nations
and Sudan requires the government to
create safe areas in the crisis-ridden
Darfur region within 30 days so civil-
ians can search for food and water and
work their land without fear of attack.
The "Plan of Action for Darfur"
would halt all military operations by
government forces, militias, and rebel
groups in these safe areas, which are
likely to be set up in camps where
thousands of Sudanese have taken
refuge and around towns and villages
which still have large populations.
The agreement, which was reached
Wednesday night by Sudanese Foreign
Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail and
U.N. special representative Jan Pronk,
"has now been finalized by the
Sudanese government," U.N.
spokesman Fred Eckhard said Friday.
It will be signed today by the two
officials in the Sudanese capital, Khar-
toum, he said.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan wel-
comes the agreement and "attaches
great importance to substantive and
verifiable progress being made during
the next 30 days towards restoring full
security for the Darfur region," Eck-
hard said.
The agreement outlines specific
steps that the government of Sudan
must take to demonstrate to the U.N.
Security Council that it is moving to

end the 17-month conflict in the west-
ern Darfur region.
The United States estimates that up
to 30,000 people have been killed and
the United Nations says 1 million peo-
ple have been forced to flee their
homes and an estimated 2.2 million
people are in urgent need of food,
medicine and shelter. The U.S. Con-
gress and some humanitarian groups
have accused Sudan of genocide.
On July 30, the Security Council
passed a resolution giving Sudan 30
days to curb pro-government Arab
militias known as the Janjaweed, which
have been accused of attacking black
African farmers in Darfur, and to
improve security and humanitarian
Otherwise, the council warned that
Sudan could face possible diplomatic
and economic penalties, which the
United States insists will be sanctions.
"Signing agreements and more .
promises won't do much for the people
on the ground," said Richard Grenell,
spokesman for U.S. Ambassador John
Danforth. "What we need is action and
that's what the council will be evaluat-
ing in roughly 20 days."
Under the agreement, the govern-
ment's first action must be the creation
of safe areas, which would then be
linked by secure roads.
"These tasks should be carried out
See SUDAN, Page 10

Richard Ruehle, previously a tail gunner stationed in the Phillipines in WWII, is helped into a Dauntless airplane at the
Yankee Museum Air Show on Sunday.

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