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July 14, 2003 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2003-07-14

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 14, 2003


Continued from Page 1
The Center is the only nanotechnol-
ogy department in the world with a
biological focus.
One of the principal projects of the
Center is the development of'smart
nanodevices to act as anti-cancer
agents. The Smart Anti-Cancer Thera-
peutics Project involves 17 scientists
from the Medical School, the College
of Engineering and the College of Lit-
erature, Sciences and the Arts. These
researchers use customized synthetic
polymers called dendrimers as vehi-
cles for the delivery of anti-cancer
drugs to infected cells.

Last fall, the CBN received a $6.8
million grant from the National
Cancer Institute. In addition, the
CBN was given a three-year exten-
sion on its contract with the NCI.
"The increased funding recog-
nizes our success during the first
three years of the project," Baker
said in a written statement.
"We demonstrated that we could
produce these new therapeutic
agents, that they were non-toxic and
would target tumor cells in animals.
In the next phase of the research
study, we will test the combined
imaging and anti-tumor effects of
these dendrimer-based agents in
research animals," Baker added.

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The Center has been working on the
actual anti-cancer nanodevice for just Truck ro
over one year. Researchers at the CBN
hope that the next incarnation of nanoth-
erapeutics will perform five main func-
tions: recognition of cancerous cells,
diagnosis of the cause of cancer, drug
delivery, reporting tumor location and
reporting cancer cell death.
The field of nanotechnology was
pioneered by Richard Feynman in
1959. The name nanotechnology
comes from the size of the com-
pounds used in application. Mea-
sured in nanometers,
(1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) in
diameter, these compounds can be
engineered to be small enough to be
injected into the body through a
fine hypodermic needle. The Uni-
versity's breakthroughs in nan-
otechnological research welcomes
significant advancements to the Dan Smallwood di
field of cancer medicine. that flipped near
Continued from Page 1
Other new attractions to this year's fair include daily
carillon concerts by University alumni, artist demonstra-
tions made possible by the Toyota Technical Center, two
internet connections where fairgoers can access the art
fair web site, and a guide called Street Art, which is a
full-color pamphlet for the street art fair containing
examples of each artists' work and contact information.
Brown has also worked this past year to relocate the event
to the area surrounding the University's Burton Tower.
"It's a massive undertaking to relocate an event that has
been in the same place for 43 years, and to relocate it within
the constraints of the existing fairs," Brown said.
Ann Arbor's art fairs have won acclaim, ranking
toward the top in the National Association of Indepen-
dent Artists' annual survey, where top artists in the
country rank the fairs they participate in.
"The quality of work here, top to bottom, is unparal-
leled. There are other rankings done on sales, but even if
our sales aren't the best we are consistently known as one
of the best juried fairs," Brown said.



irects a tractor driver towing a Farmer's Unlimited Truck
the University Hospital Wednesday afternoon.
This year's fair is expected to draw a total of 500,000
visitors over its July 16-19 run.
Last year the sales reported by the artists totaled
about $1.8 million, but the artists are not the only peo-
ple who make a profit during art fair.
"Our average lunch crowd is about 70 people on a Wednes-
day;" said Steven Clausnitzer, dining room manager at Gratzi.
"At art fair we will have about 300 people at lunch"
However, not everyone is excited about the big crowds.
"It's in my way," Ann Arbor resident Adrianna Buonarroti
said. "I used to walk through it purposefully, just to see what
was there, but now I purposefully avoid it."
Buonarroti is not alone, as other Ann Arbor residents
and students will be avoiding the crowded downtown
area. But for as many people who think it is in their
way there appear to be an equal amount of people who
think it is a beneficial event.
LSA senior Christian Kok, who has experienced the
art fair for five consecutive summers, said, "I think it's
a really good idea in the first place and a really good
tradition because it allows people of all ages to enjoy
different types of art. It's a good thing for the commu-
nity and society."

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bM 4 I
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published on Monday during the spring and summer terms by students
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NEWS Soojung Chang, Managing Editor
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er r itozailar as Kovun, aPais, Adam Rosen, Karen Schwartz, Maria Sprow, Trista Van Tine, Samantha Woll
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