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July 02, 2001 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2001-07-02

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One hundred ten years ofedtorialfreedom

July 2, 2002.

Hill to receive $33.5M makeover

Elizabeth Kassab
_ily News Editor
Hill AuditoriugtsthM seen countless world-
enowned performers and personalities since its
udiation in 1913 but it has never seen anything
ls. to the extensive retr)vations it is about to
sd go.
vIe . i rsity ard of Regents approved a
sn r osat, prject to modify the 88-
i orvutue at thrir June meeting last Friday.
orces of funding account for $2.8 of the
rolton., and the remainder comes from Uni-
crsita funds
The project is expected to take 18 months to con-
'U' racts Tout
to alleged
ethics code
By Louie Meizilsh
Ddy News Editor

plete. It will focus on the building's infrastructure
and provide extra conveniences for the audience and
performers, said University Chief Financial Officer
Robert Kasdin.
"We will be dramatically increasing the number
of bathrooms, adding sound-locks to prevent street
noise from coming into the building, making the
auditorium handicapped accessible, making it possi-
ble to walk from the reception area to the backstage
area by adding a discreet addition on the west side
of the building and restoring the badly damaged
plaza area in front of the building," Kasdin said.
The auditorium's seats will be replaced during the
renovations and air conditioning, elevators and a
sprinkler system will be added. The number of seats

will be reduced from 4,200 to 3,650 to accommo-
date handicapped seating and other improvements.
Renovations are scheduled to begin May 13, 2002.
"Much of the plumbing, electrical wiring and
other aspects of the infrastructure date from early in
the 20th century" Kasdin said. "Addressing these
issues is timely, if not overdue."
Kasdin added the University hopes to raise
between $3 and $5 million for additional renova-
tions, including the creation of an audience recep-
tion area underneath the plaza, backstage
renovations and new upper-level seating.
Henry Baier, associate vice president for facilities
and operations, said one of the concerns of the reno-
See HILL, Page 2

Interior and exterior renovations will close Hill
Auditorium for 18 months, beginning In May 2002.

subject of A2
BY Maia Sp"o
Daily News Editor
One of the world's biggest environmentalworries con-
cerns how much longer the earth's resources can support
the exponential growth of mankind and whether humans
will be able to have a high quality of life while still reserv-
ing resources for the future. The solution to the problem is
known as sustainable development, a theory which contin-
ues to increase the quality of life by giving back what is
taken from the environment, and it was the topic of one of
MSA reps travel
to Pennsylvania
By Cale Thorson
Daily Staff Reporter

The University health system is being
in estigated for allegedly conducting
search studies without the consent of the
ients who participated, the Ann Arbor
News reported last week.
The probe, conducted by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices' Office of Human Research Pro-
tections, focuses on two studies, The -
first study analyzed whether exposure
to solvents used to clean the trains
caused the brain damage in CSX Rail- ABBY ROsENBAUM/Daily
oad workers. The second studied pitu- Eight-year-old Yuri Na waves to her parents from atop the dragon ride at the W.G. Wade carnival, held
ary gland tumors. annually In the Pioneer High School parking lot.
Commuter Express cancels airport shuttle service
By David Bayblk personnel, marketing, equipment and technolo- public transportation without a subsidy, he added.
Daily Staff Reporter gy, however we have been unable to obtain a. But University students may soon have a
return on those investments. Accordingly, after new name to look to for their airport commut-
Cab services and metro cars appear to be the careful consideration, we have made the deci- ing needs. AATA is presently working with the
only viable means of transportation to Detroit sion to discontinue our airport shuttle service airport to implement a shuttle bus service.
Metropolitan Airport left for students without upon the expiration of our girport contract on "We are trying to push ahead and make (this
cars. Commuter Express terminated its service June 30, 2001," Thomas McCarthy, CEO of service) happen. The first meeting will let us
'tween Ann Arbor and the airport Saturday. Commuter Express, said in a written statement. know what type of service (Metro Airport is)
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority may Commuter Express expressed no intention in interested in," said Mary Stasiak, manager of
fill the void left by Commuter Express. seeking further attempts to reestablish a profitable community relations for AATA. "We are defi-
Commuter Express said their generated prof- business model for the airport transport service. nitely interested in providing service. There is
its are not sufficient enough to offset their costs "We haven't made any money. We studied it a significant amount of demand, but it depends
for providing airport transportation services. extensively for the better part of a year and we on what Wayne County will say."
"Substantial investments have been made in came to the conclusion that we were providing See AIRPORT, Page 7


The Michigan Student Assembly continued to work
through the summer, sending four delegates to attend a
conference at Pennsylvania State University hosted by the
Association of Big Ten Schools.
"Michigan obviously stood out as the leaders and the
best," said MSA Vice President Jessica Cash. President
Matt Nolan, student General Counsel John Carter and
Rackham Rep. Jessica Curtin also attended.
The conference served as a way for student govern-
ments from Big Ten schools to network and share ideas.
"We pulled several ideas from other schools that will
make a big difference in the Michigan Student Assembly"'
Cash said. A resolution was passed which may result in a
future Washington, D.C. lobbying trip to combat possible
See MSA, Page 2


Ann Arbor city council selects Brooklyn'.
Dennis Oates to replace interim Police
Chief Walter Lunsford.

Daily Arts checks in with Poison's Rikki
Rockett on the Glam Slam Metal Jam, j
which hits DTE on the 4th of July. y

Spartan Stadium hopes to break the
world record for attendance at a hockey
game as MSU and Michigan square off.


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