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August 07, 2000 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-08-07

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday. August 7. 2000

1V 111E ITI IV111SSAIi V{A111 Ili VI 44A J1

r«nb awv . !

UUKI . "All Catholics may Shopping day
Continued from Page 2 n t a l
shared Monaghan's views. Nicole betto
Smith, campus minister of St. quote Bible
Mary's church in Ann Arbor, said
she feels many Catholics are very verses but it
informed about their faith.
"All Catholics may not be able to does not mean
quote Bible verses, but it does not
mean they don't know their faith," they don't know
Smith said.
LSA sophomore Heather Jensen their faith."
said she feels that although reli-
gious education is important, peo- - Heather Jensen
ple should he informed ahout the LSA sophomore
traditions and rituals of all reli-
"A well rounded education should faiths, but would also encourage
definitely have a religious compo- moral behavior," she added.J
nent," Jensen said. Currently, 11 women are enrolled
"That would not only promote to live in the Oasis house for the
understanding of all the world's fall.
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j discove
By Ginnefer Cox
u ®uIu&a Daiy Staff Rprier
The riddles of plant developmenta
Scloser to being answered as Universi
Professor Steven Clark has made a si
nificant discovery to plant researc
Clark has identified two gene
formation of a protein ligand-recept
INS pair in the plant Arabidopisis, com i
ly used for plant research.
From this discovery, Clark has tak
a big step toward the mystery of w
certain plant cells grow into leave
stems, and other plant pals. Clark sa
uncovering plant growth could lead
important applications in agriculture
"My primary motivation for being
NORMAN NG/D yr . scientist is to uncover the secrets of
displays her work at the Artisan biological system. Theoretically,t
ability to control the number oft
branches, flowers and the size of frui
could contribute to increasing yields i
crop plants Increased yields can hel
feed a growing world population,
P A well as limitthe amount of land require
for agricultural production," Clark sai
Research Associate Amy Trotochan
Caoe, Kayak and and graduate student Sangho Jeong co
laborated with Clark in the pla
Paddleboat research. Jeong pointed out this disco
Rentals Available ery could possibly contribute to areas
April through October human growth and development. 4
"There are similar types of rece
tors in animals that regulate impo
tant developmental processes. Th
new data we have produced and wi
produce would certainly be ineres
ing to researchers working on huma
growth and development," Jeong sal
University biology faculty ha
acknowledged the importance
Clark's achievement. BioJl
f34 662.93Professor Charles Yocum said C
discovery would lead to a better unde
standing of larger organisms.
"Prof. Clark's discovery is animpo
tans milestone in nderstandingt
molecular details of development i
higher organisms, mammals include
His discovery also serves as
extremely useful reminder that pla
are very important experimen
organisms for uncovering basic bi
offers the most Personal, logical principals that apply to allI
GMAT prep courses ever! on earth;"Yocum said. ,
Clark said although this discovery
plant growth is considerable, m
research would have to be done on t
Classes subject.
start "As is always the case, our discovei
Auu t9h have opened up a whole new set of que
August tions.There are probably dozens of ge
s involved in organ formation, so we h
7 feE att s ourwork cut out for us; Clarsaid.
fpti Ex Clark, an associate profess
biology, has been at the Univ
since 1994. An Illinois native,
Prn e v received finding for his research fr<
f Oi the National Science Foundatio
Ce iDevelopmental Mechanisms Progra
W.C~om Re6view

m ,- I

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