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July 10, 2000 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-07-10

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The Michia n Daily i n .Mondy uy 1 ,2 0
LerrmneNetwork updates Shakespeariin 'is

~y Jaimie Winkler
w iy Ar trter
One lull cup of stiong women, a half
up decccitainch of rumance, three
ieaping tblespoons of sexual innuen-
In and aicdash (if mistaken identity -
Dulv sma shing recipe for a knock-off
od ole William Shakespeaire.
"Livinug Lies in Rome" is the Ann
rtbor-baised IPeifomncne Netssotrk's
iddition to the upded-felot-todcilrn-
tudiences [lizabethan tragedy genre.
[he original comnedy (as soC would nOsW
all it) svas weritteto by Jeremy
nuderson, a recent Eastern Michiean11
rtis'ersitv erueluate. I Ic also doubles

as5 te character Mentiro, the tatnted
nmurderer en the loose in Rome.
Thoe story, wshiceh is easy to follow,
focuses on the mistaken ien tisy of two
girls. Diatia, played ly Atmy ILasr is the
heaedstrotig edaughter of atrich iman,
Gabriella, played by Courteys Rieddle,
is lie handmnaidlena.Eich gitrlhais falleta
itn lose weitone cit the IDemareeo broth-
es, who both beliesve thecir heautfiitl
belovecd is the noible heiress. When a
marriage is atrraingecd betssenithle elder
brother and lianta, lie brothers' close
kinishtip sioo crumblles. T[le uadultery of
lie sooni-tot-be iii-lasvs, fteimurder of a
close friend andthle rex nee of a cuck-
torI husband se tc hrouclo thetmain

First-time director Will Myers site-
ceeds in ensuritog the lines are dcliv-
creel effectively and utnderstandably,
hbit directs little that appeals to thte eye
foir the first 90 inurtes of ite shtow.
Many characters hopelessly ovatnder
about lie stage taving little toe notthing
to rdo witht their hands tor boedies. Yori
cosulcd close 'cureeves andtte rimiss attv-
titog except (Gabriella's etite redel urls
-thact is until tioe sorde[itht.
Ahi, yeo. the sorde fight. Ito other
todterneitiions. the actors trite tes.
lout this proefuctiono sticks to sodsl.
The chreography isfn tstoic and
excitinog. Lorokingog racefuil, confidett

ly David Re amers 1 I ry«4"k5, & = _,
hIh I s Wri',ht ct L °

atid professional, the actors really
thorowr their swhole bodies into this posy-
eftil release otf the ettergy that has been
restraitted throughout the ettire showr.
The script adequately follos
Shakespeareano logic, using several of
his traditional devices -- itncluding the
poor verification of a seemoingly dead
character. The famaous iambic: pentamea-
tee hines are easy to follow atod import
the tradlitiontal vocabulary. Eroticism,
foremerly srubtle, beciomtes blatant and
suipportedl by lie ciutstant pohvsical
eriplietisni to the mnoetenuilti.Any
ande every lont.siclederobject bectomes
a sotoltlic loris -tagolf club, a billy
crib aid oilsesvcial0ccaisiotos a swsord.
Linoes such is Diatnt's dential itit
"thoere istortotim aeitoantofrmto
emp~haio/ the bold, sexual eharater of'
the playsswomtoent All engage in vary-
tog dlegrees of deceit, sexual aggres-
sivenlcs adrbellion. At onr potit a
femtale charterciasks (perhaps of tloe
audience), "Are you surprised by a
oomato's strength'?"
And thtewootent do provide the mus-
cle in Anderson's script. Riddle steals
the show. She plays her character true
to the description of such a staple in
anty Elizabethan drama with just
enough deptht to he endearing. She and
Lasw are a joy to watch. From the pair's
first appearance on stage, their inter-
play brings energy to every scene
they're in.
While clever and clearly a good rep-
resentatiotn of the period it tries to imi-
tate, this chuckle-feat delivers few of
the belly-laughs it promises. Mitch

A little nmore thtan six tmtonths aoo the
,enibers of Kittle owere mearely for
anadian high school "iris swho plaved ini a
aad in their spare tinte. Nosy they'rc co-
eadlining the second stage at thtis years
zzfest, playing alotneside successful
r*5 like Soulfly atnd Distuirhed a nailer
ffeel assay from the hi" names: Ozzy
sboumne, Pantera and Giodsmnack, just a
ew of the multi-platinumt artists that swill
race the ntain stage duritng the tour On
ednesday, July 12, Ozzfest hits Pine
nob, one of the nation's prenmier outdoor
oncert venues, and Kittie's on top of lie
Kittie's story begins ini London, Ontario,
hout an hour north of orir beloved
indoor. Fountdittg members Mercedes
La r attd FalltoIBoswaman shared a gym
class, ande evetually began. talking mausic.
They' fountd that they both playedin tstrut-
aortas(Mercedes plays thoe druttms, [=al lm
Ihe guitar) antd liked Nitrvtoana oan
Silo erchait itd i10a5't inotetoer otis a'ti-
ural noose.1svcntuiallyt 'Mercedes'oldct sis-
ter Morgan jotiediota to silIcir and toe
anod settler1 on 1 ileto Atf ied1as their
bassist. ['Ac started playing] Nitrvaitai and
Sit .hairi covers because tht wau s a edit-
nto~its owe hiadkplus theyt were reaillsyeetoy
songs to plty,"cMereedes sucito in rceent
intervie teswsithlie [Daily Jut otaintstreait
alternatise rosekwsnotaill they listetned to
or tried to phliy.1Toe band's istetnitto" inter-
ests range frott these tsypical teentinispira-
tions to Cannia ICorpse itid Pantetraitnd
they havse asstnmilated aspects of these
artists into their ossn music. dlcneomoith,
'Mercedes says, We ntever realy listetted
to any fematle toandts...ve aren't trying to
sotutoi like tanybodv. Withongtts like
"SAN* ChIoke," Spit" ad "Do You
STink I 'to attiore?"'thoeyrcalls dont.
'ittic aren't cinpletely saisfited wsith
lie uniqrie soudt that they haise dteveleoped,
howeser. Out album is edated...the toate-
rial ott [it] is like forir os 1db, explainst
'Mereedes.IBut t i hateoc toteain loat
Kittle will he takitag 'ti~iii'ua(,ofthe
recent tmoviemiettto tl:heAehis andetsamit-
ale mm their momsic. Almlmomm<,hothorSO)ion
" o1 t h ea m eve~o o

Dimitri (Jeff Patierno, top) and Torreano
(Dan Stagenan) in 'Living Lies in Rome.'
Range, who plays the stock "crazy" old
man, sents to try to induce hunmor
throcugh spontaneous insanity, bat it
ends up out of place and a little uncom-
"Living Lies in Ronie" trill be'iaer-
tbritc'ulyt/ 13th through the 16th at
Petrformntce Netwyork, 408 Wt
Wtshingtoun. Tickets are $9 for stu-
dents aid seniors, $12 for evet'rhoci
else (Ioy n'hatever yottcon affordl on
Thttrsday)l. Get tickets in advane hr
reservation anid at the door 663-

Courtesy oft
Kittle will hit the second stage of Ozzfest this Wednesday at Pine Knob.

dlay shoosowsith Disturbed and Crazy in
smaller locail venues. That doesi'ti leatve a
whorle tot of personal tinoe, butt according
to Mercedes. the band takes as mutch time
as possible tuo "hantg out together atad...
brIny staff." 4010,000h record sales andctsold-
out Ozzefest rdates allowss for a bit Ofospluirm-
A5fter Ozzfest is over, thme cirlso tf Kittie

are leaving the LUtited States to tour
Europe. Asia and their itatise Canada as
parts of an internatiottal headlitting tour
After that? "We're takittg a break... then
ose'll probably begitn writing ness materi-
at... but 1101 in the stuedio 'they swill wsrite
in the place itat namot inspires theit: their
0o00 home. After the resuilts of their first
such effort.sshuo cant blamtoctheito?

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