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July 26, 1999 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-07-26

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VNI e e K. l... V

Monday, July 26, 1999 One hundred eight geare ofeeditorizl freedom htp://wwmcigandaycom
U'sets dedi e for1t h an rigt cmpli cc
kyMichael Grass 77*committed to the disclosure of its factory locations.
iNews Edlitori~ erca I on; ne tofThts most recent action follows the establishment
The millennium computer i' t e c s on om a . tobug isn' the only thing ofthe University's Anti-Sweatshop Advisory
the University's licensed apparel manufacturers have "~ .j - Committee in June, as called for in the Human
to' worryuabout. . y',. Rights Policy, released by University President Lee
According to a lettersignedhy Univemsity Athletic __lo e a d t Bo llinger at the March meeting of the Board of
Director Tom Gosn sent last week to companies pro- s , /Regents.
ducing clothing and other products bearing the producing licensed goods bearing Umiversity marks tions, government and non-govemnment organiza- Members of Students Organizing for Labor and
University's logo, they must meet the University's the University can rleas disclosed information tions and the Collegiate Licensing Company to Economic Equality said although the deadline set by
Human Rights Policy - which includes the public to third parties, with no strings attached to further develop a monitriring system 'which will insure the Univemsity is a step in the right direction, their
disclosure of factory locations - by Jan. 1. distribution in conjunction with the University compliance with these policies." group will keep a close eye on the University to b
According to the letter, the following stipulations Advisory Committee on Labor Standards and As of Friday, Vada Manager, global issues man- sure policies are enforced.
*~must be included in all, current, pending and Human Rights. agement director for Nike said he had not seen the "We're glad that the University sent out the letter,
renewal" license agreements: In addition, Goss wrote that the University is letter and could not comment further. but it seems strange it took them four months to do
the name, city and streel address of all factonies involved in current discussions with other institu- But in a letter to the University last year, Nike See LETTER, Page 7
Organizers for
3 the Ann Arbor
Study: Rn"ac1.e not abarrier thai0000
estimate more
tosuccess for law grads the city for the
By Michael Grass " hc ne
Daily News Editor I1 1 1 t1 audy
As the issues of affirmative action and diversity begin
to heat up before the two admissions lawsuits go to trial' crowded
this fall, a recently released study shows that race is not ( ~ ~ l l
abarrier to success for University law students after Incudthis
graduation. e 1y oneluong Soth
The study surveyed about 700 African Americans, 300 (11 PV~~ Stae onSte
Latinos and 60 Native Americans graduating from the e rs'LV St Showc eit
Law School from 1970 to 1996 and shows that they have 'ciay gargoyies.
"entered the mainstream of the American legal profes- Io'.'lpr1 VV DiNs Li555E/5a~Iy

The study, published in Law Quadrangle Notes, the
school's alumni publication, was authored by Law pro- 13Y. icliasiGrass
fessors David Chambers and Richard Lempert and social Dally NewEditor
science researcher Terry Adams. When Presideni Bill Clinton
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman said the study spoke to more tha 200 guests at the
affirms what he said he has always known - Isis school Wite Hous last Tuesday, calling on
turns out top-notch graduates. the to continue to support diversity
"We are training people who are leaders in society," in the legal community, his word
Lehman said, were especially relevant to
The study reports that more than 97 percent of minor- University Law School Dean Jeffer
ity Law School graduates passed the bar in at least one Lehman, one of th invited gests.
state and had an average income of more thain $100,000 As a dean of a shool facing a law-
per year. suit challenging race in its admis-
But the study also revealed interesting information on sions practices Lehiman said be is
where law students ended up after leaving the Law concerned with the future of diversi-
Quadrangle. -t, since the school has ben a pio-
"They go into all walks of life, they are great contrib- neer in aditting b ighly quialified
utors to society and their communities," Lehman said. ntudent body:
According to the study, the majority of mitnority grad- Lehman said with ' a dies tdent
uates of the 1970s did not join a large law firm, unlike bdy, the euational proes encne-
the msajority of white graduates, optin' inistead to puirsue fits. "Youk gtabter conwersatiot
work in tihe government, legal services or wvith public wen nthere is anix of people who ae
interest groups, of different Bckgrounds2 he aid.
Those minority graduates repoirted that whe'n they G.ashering in the Whiti Houlse's
entered their first job, there was at least one other mitnor- Fas Room, Clnton addressed the
ity lawyer in their workplace. issue of diversity InI the legal profe -
One patstern that developed in the 1 980s is that while sion.
See STUDY, Page 2 Sec CLINTON, Page 2
The MU
W~e 'begins contingency planning to HBO's hit show 'The Sopranos' nmobs the Emmy
prepare for worst-case Y2K scenarios. Awards.
Page 3. Page 8.

Art fairs attract crowds
to city, cleanup begins
By Sans Danish But artists were not the otnly ones selling their
Daily Siaf Reporter wares. Leo's Cotney Island. located on South
Pottery detmonstrations, sidewalk sales, $2 pop University Avenue, set up a hot dog stand outdoors
..they could osnly come together at the Ann Arbor to take advaintage of the hungry and thirsty crowds.
Ant Fairs. For four days, the fairs invaded down- Hot dog vendor Shah Nabib LI-Rahman, an LSA
towvn streets asnd sidewalks, bringitng with thenm a sophomore, said business had been good through-
crowd of more than 500,000 people. out the Art Fairs.
Whit Bronaugh, ass artist svho specializes in "We've had a lot of families sod people in big
nature photography, said thne size of the Ann Arbor groups stop by,' he said. "We've sold more drinks
Art Fairs inakes them unique and good for sales, than food because of te heat'"
"The fair is sinusual in that there are lots of In addition to artists and v edorsstne Art Fairs
people Isere evein in thne middle of the week, also had space for non-profit organizaions to set tip
which tmeans I can sell a lot of svork," Brontaugh booths. One such organization was she Michniga n
said. See FAIRS, Page 2
Tot The Michigan Daily
O L Student Publications Building
Michigan's new nonconference basketball -, 420 Maynard St.
schedule could help balance out a tough Big .,,& News: 76-DAILY
Ten slate for the 1999-2000 season. Page 13.: - Ciassitieds: 764-0557
aaDisplay: 764-0554

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