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June 07, 1999 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-06-07

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Monda, Jun 7, 1'999

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By faka Schulte
1) N or
W'hite the University continues to
eneotutager a diverse student body,
data releaIsed last week indicate that
fess er underrepresented minority
students bave been admitted to this
yeai'N incomiing first-year class than
tast year.
ii asdition, fesver underreprescnt-
ed mitiorities have paid the deposit
securithileir spot in the inconming
Althougli underrepreseinted
iiority application submissiotns
oinly decreased by seven in the laist
year. frons 2,267 to 2,260, the nuns-
her- of those admitted decreased by
nose thtan too people during the
same tiise peiriod.
t.Insversity Spokespersont Julie
Petersons ssarited the numbers ire
oiily basedl on applications receised
ais enctierced into the system by May
Ptceteson said since applications
aite stilt being processed, data could
tiuciu ite aud is ill not be finalized
isntil 00tether
I. tdei eresentecl iminoriity
liilm ui Ihis decreased ast tie
i noci sily since 1995, is luedi-
c~prescitc miniority stuideiits cor-n
prsi 1 5 perfrce.nt of the coiicitc
Iltninbrdropped by I per
cci iii 19)0.
Durim-, 1997 and 1998, siiderccts-
resentec miclirity entrollmenct1
cdroppced to 13 percentt of the ctstci-
iitg classes for eaclh of thtc ears.
Underrepresentcd minoritics are
defined by lie Uiiersity is hIlick.
ili1spanic cc Natise American.
lSctersoni said this year's undciriep-
rseiteh inorisity enirollmttitc is
suseisslii adicinistrator s ate
"i tlt1iti clsely.
"1 Iai a dtciiverse student body is
aconceti isf ours, Peteison saic.
"We doiit like to see it go doss t."
Petersoin said it is uinliklsey thisi
teeis a cciirelation betssecss the
driospt iiisclderrepresented initority

Nbdul -(isaclier I (Iija
plea oit igiuilty y cstel ci
iseests is iii ES<itu -clay'Vs
ceath of Nicholas

?f' Ic c -i _"
,1_ ii ii
v sit ..,
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Bloomitf ieid HIills. N ,Astta raignmset
sit the Vsslteississ 'iselsy Jail,
I lkltoja's atltornscyRick ILevit. said
Iis clienti"deities anty kits ledge oii
ills leent"vit''isilsthe shooctingc.
I' Ikiteja isis chairged wiistiloe
counit ciitipetinmutrder anid onte coit
of illcg;il possessioni of a isecapioi.
Annt Arbor Police DSepatmlenst
spcokesperson Sgt. NichelciIogglse
said Saturday that uiolice cofficers
isr cc- dispatched lto 101)1
Untisersity Ase. ill respostse to ai
report of a fight ini prctgress.
Wh len potlice sarrived,. Seitz,. swIo
isi sisititte friendcs in AititA'ibtr,
was lyitigciii a sisdewaslk.ittirally
isititdedt)iithle chest, outside the
Iv ugeite N.IDebs co-isp. 909 IE.
I_. siscrsits Ase.
I oglie ,saidulSeitz. ii liiiwas poissi-
bly sutisitshia .22 esiliber iseaipont,
isistransported lt the Uniierisity
IHocspitals ishere attentpts lt nesilsi
tite lttu is cre ittsiteCesslitl.
sAtlisisrsh te1assailintl led lie

A 11 if es fitindc the suspect
Ai sstetiii nnis Arbite rhomse a
less Isitir lter andc bti higmtintsl
AAPI) Detective
Rchard MSterntuold
lag isteate George
1'a rthat ilI k ioja
ucuperatedl iit
ficens ditritig his
apprehenisions. A
subseituent search
Se tz of I'Iklisjsi's bed-
sisiss tiritedl sp a
store of ammunsititiont inidlseveial stolens
ciredit caisis.Sitirisstiil the cairsswtere.
repuitledsstleis apprtoximtetly otte hour
beforne tile shtoistintoouk plaice.
LecittI s bisliirequest liir I Ikliija
was1 deieid by the jiidge due toi te
natuieoittheli.crisse. I ci ittoildl te
Judgec ilthtoiughtIisclieist hid beeit
coitdiiof sesveral isldeitiansors
andti fe loiny cliarge iii the pa1st.,lie
liss icier beencit ariged it1hansy-
ti-m is sevecre ais thealed shoot-
See SHOOTING, Page 7

Ann Arbor Polic;e Department forensics experts inspect the scene of the shooting
death of B -looli Hills resident Nicholas Seitz Saturday morning.

deysigal develop etScite n erIstitu at,
m aseteran 50 ommu tlas re e ed
iswit the latiest phase of lie F iiiersits 's "Maister
Plait protiect IFridaty ast the Michtipsani Ieagie.
Iesttiringipi tseseisttitis by Deniise Sculllrowni,
is hte Philadelphtiat-bseaie rchitectural I siltnctturi
ScolltIhBsoswt satd Assosciates, it stheliersit titme its
stiesrsisear the commssuitiy hid a cha~nce telhteair
fthile firms the Untiversity hired tile years agus to
dleseloip the "Master Slats" -ats inititive lt
imps~rovse the pitysical ainsosphsere sitd1Jointuhti
University's sarious camsssssisi e ssittiaoundAnnl
It hits openting remasrks, Chtic-fIFiinaiiciail Officer
RosbertKasincliiiseistioned tic- utith silentee sttchits
elect inispreaidinig ritmtrs aboutss\\silisittie '"Nstsir

Ita eli i; ;51 iri liientil.
abot elto Isluhdrop.is 5,.'
''sll ii lit Kihii ith I c Iissti e I usi .'
and ii1nec ofa moreconcirtd pl shieo is'
1h 101 5 clie pasortilt is. here ssts atl
isnses onbuitrlds 'adisl iscetitAnlI faisdist
thf is. nuts N istitut es hirovd byees iss ei st
'such Bolierohsaidateseets 1 tttiig tc-Brt.
il li cit)plteucich lis t rsceibisgsI tiehtllsh-
tile ttac-rltsis tim Pasis rtitel chits"N e coImlt-d
lie S uiditig te. hch Sot rw
referrtdteo ssas t p'uthl 'etsc-iscr ry'aringis t
tid ericereatsslosteshdieheby the 1 itiersity
Ocath i ~cpeislit sstthiI SiersLyAN, Pasige 2
I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~_ c-c h_ uie ai i s egti etii i 9

Get I'J019,Iwit,'git
A dancer performs at the Taste of Ann Arbor food
festival on Main Street y esterday.

Longtime UPS driver Roy Jacksvon Unersuty atL
retires, with memories of his Arthu;_r Mitlni
University route. Page 3. Page 9.

eum Arthur Mitler prevents thin first
r Award for Dranmatic Witing.

Fenrmer footbalI etandouts Remy
banilton end Baster Stanley roll wvit[
the Grand Rapids Ranmpage. Page 15.

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