m r , . k , . c. Y . 7 -_wv , '6 E -i # Oi e /7et rc4 ecc-g//pccsTy c/s 9Jrn/ h "}N/~I rL ' s.l kv' Monda, Jun 7, 1'999 ww i heisn_ REI C'0m f i % Y ,r ? X r Y 14 6. '" y x rw By faka Schulte 1) N or W'hite the University continues to eneotutager a diverse student body, data releaIsed last week indicate that fess er underrepresented minority students bave been admitted to this yeai'N incomiing first-year class than tast year. ii asdition, fesver underreprescnt- ed mitiorities have paid the deposit securithileir spot in the inconming lfas. Althougli underrepreseinted iiority application submissiotns oinly decreased by seven in the laist year. frons 2,267 to 2,260, the nuns- her- of those admitted decreased by nose thtan too people during the same tiise peiriod. t.Insversity Spokespersont Julie Petersons ssarited the numbers ire oiily basedl on applications receised ais enctierced into the system by May Ptceteson said since applications aite stilt being processed, data could tiuciu ite aud is ill not be finalized isntil 00tether I. tdei eresentecl iminoriity liilm ui Ihis decreased ast tie i noci sily since 1995, is luedi- c~prescitc miniority stuideiits cor-n prsi 1 5 perfrce.nt of the coiicitc Iltninbrdropped by I per cci iii 19)0. Durim-, 1997 and 1998, siiderccts- resentec miclirity entrollmenct1 cdroppced to 13 percentt of the ctstci- iitg classes for eaclh of thtc ears. Underrepresentcd minoritics are defined by lie Uiiersity is hIlick. ili1spanic cc Natise American. lSctersoni said this year's undciriep- rseiteh inorisity enirollmttitc is suseisslii adicinistrator s ate "i tlt1iti clsely. "1 Iai a dtciiverse student body is aconceti isf ours, Peteison saic. "We doiit like to see it go doss t." Petersoin said it is uinliklsey thisi teeis a cciirelation betssecss the driospt iiisclderrepresented initority Sun ADMISSIONS, Page 3 Nbdul -(isaclier I (Iija plea oit igiuilty y cstel ci iseests is iii ES