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One hundred seven years of editorial freedom
ews: 76-DAILY
isplay: 764-0554
classified: 764-0557
August 3, 1998
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mean less
tax money
By Susan T. Port
wily News Editor
A recent vote by the University
Board of Regents to spend $2.5 million
to purchase property near Michigan
Stadium was described by administra-
tors as beneficial to the campus.
But Ann Arbor officials said the
University's gain translates into a loss
of revenue for the city. Once acquired
by the University, land goes under the
ublic entity's tax-exempt status.
Tobi Hanna-Davies, a city council
member, said the purchase of the small
piece of land near the stadium, along
with other areas makes up a significant
amount that becomes tax-exempt.
"It's yet another parcel of land
added with all the others that makes it
a concern," Hanna-Davies said.
The regents approved the purchase of
property located north of the stadium
on Main and Keech, as well as, some
nd extending to Hoover. The property
ncludes two houses located at the
addresses 118 and 126 E. Hoover and
Crisler to televise
Notre Dame game
By Rick Freeman
Daily Sports Editor
At the press conference announcing
Michigan's new national radio deal
with One-on-One Sports, Tom Goss
spoke about the need to bring a "rev-
enue stream" trickling into all of
Michigan's 23 sports programs. He
cited the lack of public funds and stu-
dent fees for his department.
But not all of Goss' decisions
Thursday were about improving cash
flow to the athletic department. Goss
also said that the upcoming football
game against Notre Dame will not be
telecast in Michigan Stadium.
The department had originally hoped
to televise all Michigan road games on
the new TV screens in the stadium, but
NBC, which has an exclusive contract to
televise Notre Dame football games,
balked at the idea of providing a telecast
without commercials. And Goss was not
about to be the first person to bring
advertising into Michigan Stadium.
NBC was "not OK with me saying
there could be no commercials," in
Michigan Stadium, Goss said.
But since Crisler arena has no such
ad-free tradition, Goss said the game
could be shown in there, commercials
and all. Goss had originally hoped to
show short segments on the history of
Michigan and Notre Dame football dur-
ing NBC's commercials.
So the first event to be held in the
newly renovated stadium will be an
actual game, (Sept. 12 vs. Syracuse) not
a telecast shown on the Big House's
gigantic new scoreboards.
As originally planned, students will
get in for free to the showing of the
Notre Dame game, but due to Crisler's
limited seating, the general public will
pay $15 to see the 1998 season kick off.
Only 13,500 seats will be available.
Goss said he plans to show the
remaining games - without commer-
cials, of course - in Michigan Stadium.
Lisa Bailey, an LSA junior, said she
would go, "if the students weren't going
to be charged."
But as for the idea overall, Bailey
thinks Michigan is in "a different situa-
tion from the Red Wings"' broadcasts
of road playoff games.
In college football, the regular season
can take on the importance of playoffs,
especially an early matchup between
two traditional powers.
"It's too bad we couldn't do it at the
stadium. We felt we could have drawn
more in our stadium than Notre Dame
would have" for that game, Goss said.
inside: Michigan football gets a nation-
al radio network. Page 12
A bulldozer stands in front of Michigan Stadium on Friday. The University recently
purchased land near the stadium, making the property tax-exempt
approximately 3 acres of vacant land at
the northeast corner of Main and
Keech, sometimes used for parking.
James Kosteva, director of commu-
nity relations for the University, said
the purchase was made in anticipation
of future needs in business operations
and the athletic department.
"In the short-run the land will be
utilized to accommodate some park-
ing for stadium visitors," Kosteva said.
See LAND, Page 2
Former regent may
be involved in murder
ofa. e f&S
DETROIT (AP) - Days before he
was fatally shct execution-style last
week outside his apartment, Alvin
Knight wrote of fearing for his life.
The 43-year-old man wrote of once
being locked inside former University
Regent Nellie Varner's garage before he
ripped through the door. Searchers of
Vamer's home after Knight's death found
bullet fragments in the back of the garage,
the Detroit Free Press reported Saturday.
SVarner, 61, is a former University polit-
al science professor and prominent
businesswoman. She is a co-founder of
Atwater Entertainment, which along with
Las Vegas-based Circus Circus
Enterprises awaits state licensing for a
Detroit casino.
Janniss Scott Varner - Varner's 39-
year old daughter - lived with Knight
A recent 'U' study shows that
retirees are more happy with
friends than money. Page 3.
until last year and helped him raise the
6-year-old boy identified by the Free
Press as Alvin Norwood. She was not
the boy's biological mother, but had
sought him in a custody battle.
According to court records and
Knight's attorney, Gerald Cavellier, the
two women took custody of the boy on
July 3 and refused to return him to his
father. On July 23, Chief Wayne County
Probate Judge Freddie Burton Jr.
ordered the boy removed from Varner's
home and returned to Knight, who was
killed the next day. Alvin since has been
placed in a foster home.
According to court documents,
police during a search of Varner's home
seized calendars, letters and journals.
Some of the letters detail a plan to kill
See REGENT, Page 9
The Verve plays at Phoneix
Amphitheater last Thursday.
Page 9.
This ad and others, created
by the advertising firm
Campbeli-Ewald, will
attempt to sway 16-25-year-
old men to buckle up when
they go driving. The ad cam-
paign is sponsored by the
Office of Highway Safety
Courtesy of CampbelEwald
By Tal Nuriel at a press conference in Detroit. mom, only 432 stitches!" With this
Daily Staff Reporter The "Get Maimed" campaign, as it is alternative approach, MOHSP hopes to
According to the recently unveiled called, is presented by the Michigan catch the attention of 16-25 year old
Buckle Up campaign, there is a new Office of Highway Safety Planning and men in particular.
way for 16-25-year-old men to get rid was conceived by the advertising com- MOHSP decided to target 16-25-
of acne: by not wearing their safety pany Campbell-Ewald. The ads present year-old men for a couple of reasons. In
belts. This sarcastic, hard-hitting new serious car-crash related injuries in a a study conducted in 1996, men in this
ad is just one example of the new pub- satirical manner, such as, "Ha Ha, You age group accounted for nearly one
lie service campaign launched Tuesday have internal bleeding!" or "Look See ADS, Page 2
Michigan men's gymnastics
team and two gymnasts win
academic awards. Page 12. http://www.pub.umich.edu/daily