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May 29, 1996 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-05-29

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SPORTS Wednesday, May 29, 1996 -The Michigan Daily -11
'M' singles, doubles netters finish season; Blue track prepares for NCAAs

SBy Will MCahm
and Chris Farah
Dal ySpot X~rters
The Michigan men's and women's
tennis teams wound up their respective
seasons last week as their top singles
and doubles players lost in the first
rounds of NCAA championship compe-
tition at Athens, Ga.
Senior Peter Pusztai - who, with a
No. 25 ranking, was the top male
Wolverine - lost in straight sets
Wednesday to Vanderbilt's Chris Groer,

the nation's 14th-ranked player, in the
* S i n g l e s
Pusztai and fellow
senior co-captain
Notebook John Costanzo,
Michigan's No. 1
Tennis doubles tandem, also
Track & lost in the first round
Field of the Doubles
The Wolverine duo, ranked No. 36,
lost a tough three-setter to Middle

Tennessee State's Anthony Deluise and
Fred Niemeyer, the nation's 12th-ranked
The top women's doubles team fared
little better at the tournament. The tan-
dem of junior Sarah Cyganiak and
sophomore Sora Moon lost in three
hard-fought sets to Washington's
Katherine Costain and Kori Sosnowy.
Track aWdFed
The men's and women's track teams'
top athletes are preparing themselves for

the NCAA Championships in Oregon
this weekend.
Participants for the men's team will
include junior Neil Gardner in the 110-
and 400-meter hurdles and senior
Trinity Townsend in the 800-meter run.
The women's team will send four
individual qualifiers, led by seniors
Monika Black (high jump) and
Courtney Babcock (3,000- and 5,000-
meter runs). Sophomore Tania Longe
will participate in the heptathlon, while
freshman Nicole Forrester-- looking to

make up for a disappointing Big Ten
showing - will compete in thti high
Head coach James Henry said he
hopes his athletes will use their experi-
ence to achieve success at the NCAAs.
"Tania couldbe one of the top six ath-
letes in the country in the heptathlon,"
Henry said.
"Will she be a Tania, with years of
experience, or will she be a Nicole
Forrester (at Big Tens), intimidated by
the level of competition?"

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Entry DeadIne: Weds 529 2:00pm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $10.00 per team laxctuding course FW)
Tee Times: 11:00am- 1:00pm
Tournament Date: Friday May 31 at U of M Golf Course
Entry Deadllne Thurs 616 2:Opm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $5.00 for Sgls/$9.00 for Dbis
Tournament Format Pool Play followed by Sgl Elim Tour
Tournament Dates: Sat & Sun June 8 & 9

Intramural Sports Program Summer Term Activities
Softball Mg s Meeting and Entries - W 7110 5:30p
Sand VB Mgr's Meeting and Entries - W710 6:30p
3-on-3 BB Mgts Meeting and Entries - W 7110 7:30p
Tennis - Singles and Doubles Entry Deadline Thurs 7118 2:Op
Golf - 2 person scramble Entry Deadline Weds 7/24 2:00p
Officials Needed
Summer Term SOFTBALL clinic begins
libesday July 9.
For additional formaton concerning IM activities and ofdadng contact: IM Sports Program 763-3562 IMSB

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