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May 29, 1996 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-05-29

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-E om s
Michigan left fielder Jason Alcaraz was named to
Mizuno's Freshman All-American Team by the editors
of Collegiate Baseball. Alcaraz, who led the
Wolverines with a .356 batting average, was earlier
honored as the 1996 Big Ten Freshman of the Year.
Continued from Page
The teams were meeting in an elim-
ination game after each lost its first ..
game. The contest ws close through
the first four innings - without a run
on the board from either team - when
low"broke it open.
The floodgates opened in the x
fourth when Iowa center fielder Tasha F'
Reents reached base on an error by
Michigan third baseman Tracy Carr.
This sent Michigan starter Sara
Griffin reeling..
Reents quickly stole second base to
place herself in scoring position with ,
the go-ahead run.
She crossed the plate during the-
very next at-bat. Iowa right fielder
Tammy Utley doubled to left field, f
scoring Reents and giving Iowa the
Two singles later, Utley scored a k
run of her own and Michigan was on
the ropes.
Iowa got a final insurance run
when left fielder Leah Twigg
knocked in Melissa Young from sec-
ond base. It would be all the
Hawkeyes would need.
Griffin was done on the mound, as
Kelly Holmes closed out the final
three innings with shutout relief. f
Griffin was not finished contribut-
ing, however. She scored one run in
the sixth inning and knocked one in v
during the seventh.
But it was too little, too late as SophomoreS
Miahigan succumbed, 3-2. abrupt end S
The Hawkeyes held off the its opening
Wolverines to send them home early to set upI
for the second year in a row. with their n
Last season, it was also Iowa that The Hav
ousted Michigan. Thursday to
Michigan lost to the Bruins, 2-0, in bracket ant


May 29, 1996 0

'M' women's hoops
coach Roberts quits
By James Goldstein Testimony given by Roberson fol-.
Daily Sports Editor lowed lawsuits filed against Roberts
University of Michigan Athletic and the University. Roberts was taken
Director Joe Roberson announced off probation at the end of the 1994-95
Thursday that he has accepted the res- academic year.
ignation of Michigan women's basket- In a Michigan Daily article published
ball coach Trish Roberts. May 31, 1995, Roberson's disposition
Roberts just finished her fourth year stated that Roberts could have "no fur-
as coach of the Wolverines, compiling a ther problems with some of the com-
20-88 overall and 5-63 Big Ten record. plaints from some student athletes and
In her four years at Michigan, from parents, and
Roberts' teams finished no better than that those would be
10th place in the conference. This past addressed, and that.
season, the Wolverines amassed just the academic con-
seven wins overall and only one win in cerns of the team
the Big Ten. Michigan (1-15 Big Ten, 7- would be more
20 overall) completed the 1995-96 sea- closely monitored"
son tied for 10th place. Roberson's com-
Roberson noted that terms of the res- Roberts ments came prior to
ignation include a financial settlement a lawsuit filed by former Wolverine
with Roberts, which will provide a one- Tannisha Stevens and her parents
time payment of $65,000. This figure against Roberts and the University in
approximates summer camp money for November 1994. Stevens claimed that
1996 and 1997, and relocation expenses. the coach harassed her and forced her to
Roberson said he felt this change leave the team because of a disability.
would be the best for both parties. Stevens lost sight in her left eye after
"Coach Roberts and I have conclud- she was hit by broken glass during a
ed a series of very candid discussions team bus accident in Miami in
regarding her interests in exploring new December 1992.
career avenues available to her, and my Roberson said in Thursday's press
interest in acommitment to a new sense release that the University will continue
of direction for women's basketball at to support Roberts in any legal pro-
Michigan," Roberson said. ceedings in which she is, or may
"It was our mutual agreement that become, involved.
both of these interests are best served Roberts was not able to be reached
by this course of action," he said. for comment on her resignation.
Roberson said a national search for Assistant coaches Danny Evans and
Michigan's new coach would begin Sandy Thomas refused to comment
immediately. about the coaching move.
Roberts' tenure as coach was a rough Of the two, Thomas has known
one. According to published reports last Roberts longer. Besides working for
year, Roberts was put on probation Roberts throughout her four-year
midway through the 1994-95 season Michigan tenure, Thomas was also an
after repeated complaints about her assistant coach with Roberts at Maine
conduct toward players and her attitude from 1988-92. Roberts was 82-32 as
toward academics. coach of the Black Bears.

irk you'r
we listen
e, any da)

Sara Griffin and the Michigan softball team's season came to an
aturday at the Women's College World Series in Columbus, Ga.
game Thursday evening, Michigan.
the Wolverines' meeting The Series' finish met expecta-
emesis Iowa. lions. Arizona and Washington,
wkeyes lost to Arizona which had split the No. I ranking all
place them in the loser's season, met for the championship
d earn them a date with Monday.
The Wildcats won the title with a 6-
4 victory over the Huskies.
The Wolverines ended their season
51-14, with a Big Ten Championship
e pregnant,,, and a Regional Championship, but
without a win at the World Series
once again.
y,24hours ATTENTION Al

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