Wednesday, August 14, 1996 - The Michigan Daily - 3
Housing, city work together to
ease move-in congestion
By Anita Chik
Daily Staff Reporter
As summer vacation ends, flocks of
students will return to campus and pre-
pare for a new year of hard work and
social activities. To avoid traffic con-,
gestion, the University Housing Office
worked with the City of Ann Arbor to
designate non-standard traffic flow in
12 city streets from 6 a.m.-10 p.m. on
Aug. 27, 28 and 29.
"(In 1993), cars couldn't get through.
It was a big mess," Fair said.
Fair said the designated move-in days
started in 1994 and aim to avoid prob-
lems with students arriving at the same
time and to give everyone a chance to
move in their items. The program also
helps ease heavy traffic to ensure fire
trucks can get through the roads in
urgent situations, he said.
The housing staff has scheduled
first-year and transfer students to move
in on Aug. 27 and Aug. 28 from 9 a.m.-
4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m.; and returning
sophomores, juniors and seniors to
move in on Aug. 29. The program dis-
courages students from moving in on
Aug. 30 and 31, but suggests Sept. 1-2
-from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. as alternative move-
in days.
According to Fair, University
Housing Security, the Department of
Public Safety and the Ann Arbor
Police Department will direct traffic
at all entry points to the residence
halls on both North and Central cam-
Three vendor sites which sell
refrigerators, carpets, bean bags, pil-
lows and other items students use for
decorations are located next to South
Quad, behind Bursley Hall, and in
the parking lot across from Markley
Hall, Fair said.
Diane DeLaTorre, co-ordinator of
customer services for parking ser-
vices, said the setup of vendor stalls
will affect several parking lots. She
said some spaces in Bursley Hall and
the Washington Heights Parking Lot
will remain closed for vendors' use
and the Triangle Parking Lot at
Thompson, Packard and Madison
will not open from Aug. 25-30. The
University will also restore meters in
the staff paid parking next to
Thompson Street, DeLaTorre said.
Remembering Hiroshima
Dancers Amanda Stanger (left), Kelly Borcherts and Elaine Economou perform a routine choreographed by Tsu Hayashi. The
three were part of a range of activities held last Thursday in Gallup Park in memorial of the August 1945 bombing of
Hiroshima, Japan.
students chosen to participate in specialized training program
By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
Ten University graduate students will
be earning credits outside of the class-
room as well as in their lectures this
fall. The students have been selected as
holars in the School of Social Work's
vitas Child and Family Program,
which will specifically train ttem to
work with abused and neglected chil-
Prof. Katherine Fuller, faculty coor-
dinator of the program, described the
difficulty of being admitted to the pro-
gram. "Our people must be in a master's
or doctoral program before they are eli-
gible. We usually get between 60 and
*0 applicants, which is narrowed in a
very elaborate process involving facul-
ty and current Civitas students, which is
then followed by campus interviews."
The 16-month Civitas Master's
Scholars Program, begun in 1994,
offers specialized coursework, field
placement and $15,000 scholarships to
its students. A doctoral Civitas program
was instituted this year. Faller said that
most master's graduates go on to direct
practice while doctoral graduates usual-
ly pursue teaching and research.
Fuller said that the students will attend
advanced-level seminars taught by psy-
chology, sociology and Law School pro-
fessors; and while not in class, will per-
form clinical work involving child pro-
tection tasks and multi-disciplinary
assessment teams and occasionally sit in
on court cases.
The University programis supported
by the Civitas Initiative, a national non-
profit organization headed by Chicago
attorney Jeffrey Jacobs, which provides
funding to train specialists in child
abuse assessment and intervention.
"The mission of Civitas is to edu-
cate and train committed men and
women to work together, from within
communities, to break the transgen-
erational cycle of child abuse and
neglect. Civitas' mission is based on
the premise that child protection is
tantamount to crime prevention,"
said Suzanne Machin, executive
director for Civitas.
The Civitas Initiative also provides
funding for a child law center at Loyola
University's School of Law in Chicago,
and a child trauma program at the
Baylor College of Medicine.
Paula Allen-Meares, dean of
theUniversity's School of Social Work,
said she was grateful for Civitas sup-
port. "We appreciate Mr. Jacobs' gen-
erosity. This program is attracting out-
standing students nationwide," she said.
Muchin explained why the Civitas
program is at the University. "(Allen-
Meares) ard (Fuller) have shown a
commitment to issues related to
child abuse and neglect for years.
(Fuller) is known as one of the lead-
ing experts in child sexual abuse. In
addition, the (University's) School of
Social Work has an excellent nation-
al reputation"
Renec Gonzales, one of this ye ar's
scholars, said the opportunity to w)rk
with children was the principal reason
for her application. "The thing I first
thought about was that I wanted to work
with children, and since that is the focus
of the program, that is why I decided to
apply," she said.
Harkmore Lee, another of this year's
scholars, said, "Basically I hope to ben-
efit from a lot of good training in work-
ing with the children - learning how to
deal directly with abused and neglected
Lee emphasized the importance of
teaching and treating people at a young
age. "One way to deal with these issues
is to teach people while they are young.
While treating the kids, you can also
help with prevention," he said.
Exchange to offer cheaper textbook options
Anita Chik Pacis said students who volunteer for at least 4 hours have
ily Staff Reporter the privilege to first reserve the books they want. He said stu-
Many students want to spend less on textbooks for the new dents who want to sell their used textbooks can go to the third
school year and the Student Book Exchange provides them floor of Media Union in Pond Room on Aug. 29, 30 and 31
an opportunity to save money by buying and selling used from II a.m.-6 p.m., and buy books on Sept. 3-4 at the same
textbooks. time. He added all the books will become SBE property if
Student Book Exchange President Ron Pacis said the orga- students do not pick up their checks and unsold books by
nization has been around for about seven years and the Friday, Sept. 6.
exchange will take place at the beginning of both fall and Pacis said SBE will throw away the outdated books and
winter terms this year. He said SEB collects a great variety of hold some for resale during the next book exchange drive in
books. winter term. He said SBE expenses are paid for mostly from
'There are huge stacks of organic chemistry and calculus its own fund, which collects money by selling unsold and
books and we get books about dogs too. We just ask students unclaimed books to a book broker in Ohio.
to conic in and stick their books on the shelves," he said. "We want to make the event as organized as possible.
Student Book Exchange is a non-profit student organiza- We want to make the event open and short (because) we
tion, which Paris said will receive the most help from Alpha have to handle taxes and prepare for our next drive, too,"
Phi Beta volunteers this year. Pacis said.
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