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August 14, 1996 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-08-14

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, August 14, 1996

Lamm, Perot vie for
Reform party support

LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) -
Battling down to the smallest details,
Ross Perot and long-shot challenger
Richard Lamm vied for convention
support Sunday from a Reform Party
eager to crack the Republican and
Democratic hold on the White House.
"I understand that if we fail to solve
our problems, millions of people in our
country will be devastated," Perot said
in a speech cheered repeatedly by mem-
bers of the party he founded.
Lamm, who preceded Perot to the
podium, agreed with his rival on one
point. The two
major parties are
"not part of the
solution, they've t
become a very
large part of the
problem," said
the former
Democratic gov-
ernor of
Colorado, who Perot
sharply criticized
President Clinton
and GOP presidential candidate Bob
Dole in turn.
If elected, Lamm said, he would pur-
sue a program of campaign and govern-
ment reform, immigration reform and
"fiscal sanity," including a balanced
budget amendment to the Constitution
and reform of automatic spending pro-
grams such as Medicare and Medicaid.
After declaring, "I want to be your
president," Perot gave a 59-minute lec-
ture on economics, augmented by about
a dozen charts and punctuated with
Texas homilies and exhortations for
voters to take control of their country.
"Think about it," he repeatedly said
as he took on issues ranging from the
budget deficit to foreign trade, lobby-
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ists and politicians.
The Perot-Lamm duel, billed as an
"electronic convention," was part one
of a two-act play set up by Reform
Party officials in July.
The Long Beach setting was picked
to capitalize on the attention focused on
this week's Republican National
Convention 90 miles to the south in San
The delegates in the hall greeted
Perot more enthusiastically than Lamm,
although nominating ballots will also
be cast by party members around the
country able to vote by telephone, com-
puter or mail. The winner will be
announced next Sunday in Valley
Forge, Pa.
Lamm acknowledged the long odds
against his success in battling Perot but
paid tribute to the Texan's reform
efforts nonetheless. Perot founded the
Reform Party and won 19 percent of
the vote as the third man in the 1992
race for the White House.
Lamm said he has what it takes to
"move this party to the next level of
restoring sanity to our political sys-
Despite the onstage exchange of
compliments, the gathering at the Long
Beach Convention Center was marked
by animosity between billionaire Perot
and Lamm.
Lamm's candidacy was once wel-
comed by Perot, but the founder and
benefactor of the Reform Party
announced his own candidacy just 24
hours after Lamm got into the race on
July 9.
Since that time, Lamm, his support-
ers and other party members have
become increasingly critical of Perot's
hold on the party, including his control
over party membership lists and ballot-

Continued from Page 1
Chicago convention swill be the first
democratic convention he has not
attetnded since 1976.
With an incumbent president and a
determination to counter the republi-
cans' Contract with America campaign
and election sweep two years ago,
Democrats are focusing on unity this
"The convention in general is going
to be sort of noncontroversial," said
Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor). "Our
party is more unified at this time than
the Republican party. We've not had
primaries, we've not had divisions."
Ann Arbor delegate Gus Amaru said
the party's emphasis on unity will stem
partly from its history in Chicago. Anti-
war protests and a convention-floor
attack on Chicago Mayor Richard
Daley plagued the 1968 Democratic
Convention in Chicago.
"I thnk there will be an emphasis on
harmony, seeing that we are returning
(to) Chicago for the first time since
1968," Amaru said. "I think ours will
be a harmonious convention."
Amaru said it will be up to the con-
vention delegates to maintain that har-
mony once they return home.
"Delegates now play a part to spearhead
... to help rally the voters," he said.
The delegates themselves are key to
setting the conventions apart from each
other, Amaru said.
"Ours will be a much more diverse
convention," he said. The Democrats
have a good "balance" of minority,
women and younger representatives,
Amaru said.
Dissention within the delegation on
platform issues will be minimal, Rivers
said. "I don't think there are going to be
a lot of fights around the platform," she
said. Abortion and affirmative action
may create disagreement among the
platform committee members, but
won't be cause enough to break the
party's unity at the convention, she

By Prachish Chakravorty
For the Daily
The National Association of
Graduate-Professional Students
(NAGPS) has launched an online job
bank to help students nationwide find
The bank is part of a number of ser-
vices offered at the NAGPS homepage,
which can be found at http://nagps.vare-
where the non-profit organization is
involved in the support of graduate and
professional students belonging to 137
organization members.
The job bank offers exclusive job
listings available only through NAGPS
and allows access to other job search
sites with additional lists as well as to
other locations offering various career
placement services.
"(Online job lists) are becoming
more popular," said Tami Carson, a
recruiting assistant at the Business
School career placement office.
Although the Business School is not
specifically associated with NAGPS,
students are always encouraged to
search the Internet in addition to their
regular search, Carson said.
"A lot of the jobs are technical posi-
tions," Carson said, highlighting a con-
cern of many graduate students that
online job lists are primarily aimed at
those with technical qualifications.
"It's absolutely true that people who
are technical seek jobs on the Net," said
Kevin Boyer, Executive Director of
NAGPS. "Even though the sterotype is
still true, it's begining to break down. It
was probably truer three or four years
ago, but not anymore," Boyer explained.
Established in November 1995, the
NAGPS service has attracted over

Programs offer students
online job searches a

6,000 visitors and allows individuals to
access non-technical jobs, including
academic and commercial positions,
both on the web page and through links
to other sites.
Although the homepage is available to
the general public, the job bank is for
members only. Boyer explained that thls
is not a problem for University studeU
"Both the Rackham Students'
Government and the Graduate
Employees (Organization) are mem-
bers," Boyer said.
As a result, graduate and profession-
al students at the University can access
the job bank by e-mailing NAGPS an
requesting the user name and passwor
at no individual expense, Boyer said.
"All they need to tell us is their nan
e-mail address and their school. Th
membership fees are already cover
Boyer said.
The use of the Internet as a meeting
place for students and employers has
become increasingly common over the
past few years.
"Two years from now, including the
Internet in your job search will be
absolutely essential," Boyer said.
In addition to NAGPS, there are a
number of other similar pages availa
on the Internet.
According to information provided by
the Office of Career Planning and
Placement, CPP offers two online
employment related services from their
homepage at http://www.umich.edu-
One service, the "Job Bulletin," is an
online listing of jobs, also available in
print. The second service is the
"Forum," where students can have th r
resumes posted online for poten
employers to view.


Continued from Page 1
Center is such a
large budget
expenditure and
generates such a
large amount of
revenue, the next p
leader of the
University should
understand how
the processes of
academic teach- }
ing hospitals Deitch
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit)
said she did not think the doctors' can-
didacy indicated that the regents were
influencing the search process. "The
regents, at this point, have nothing to do
with the earih " the said.

. Bohdan Damian Cap phot raphed the site of the former Sigma Phi Epsilon fra-
ternity house in last week'sbaly. This was incorrectly reported in last week's
"If a physician is presented to us (by Daly.
PSAC), we'll look at them," Varner
said.i i uSg
Horning said he did not think the
next president necessarily had to come he Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745967) is published Wednesdays during the spring and summer terms by st
from the academic medical community. dents at the University of Michigan. Subsrciptions for fall term, starting n September, via U.S. mail are $85.
Wnter term (anuar y through Aprit) subscriptions are $95, yearlong September through A pri> are $65. On-
"The presidency has to be based on the campus subscriptions tor fail term are $35. Subscriptions most be prepaid.
whole institution and not just one part The Machigan Daily is a ember of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109 1327.
of it,' Horning said. PHONE NUMBERS All area code 313 : New 76 DAILY Ar ts 763 0379: Spor ts 47-3336 Editorial 764-0552;
"I don't think we ieed t ogo C-rculation 764-0558; Classified advprtising 764-0557; Display advertising 7640554; iling 764-0550.
stEraight tail ld f ind a hospitl E rnci etters to the edi to dailyetters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: http:/ /www.pub.umichedu/daily/.
administrator to run our University,-
Horning said. "It's important, but it s NEWS Jennifer Harvey, Managing Editor
no1 imperative.'" E5005 ang.tt S
SSoi Fm:eBria."n Campbl.,Anita Chik. Matthew Smart. Michelle Lee Thompson. WiWeissert.
Regent L awrence Deitch (D- EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Paul Serilla, Editors
Bloomfield Hills) said he is confident STAFF: Dean Bakopoulcs. Niraj Ganatra Tony Ghecea Jeff Keating. Partha Mukhopadhyay. Steven Musto. Greg Parker
PSAC will deliver a list of the best can- SPORTS James Goldstein, Will McCahill, Editors
didates to the board. "The process STAFF: Donald Adamek, Jim Rose. Richard Shin. Mark Snyder, Barry Soltenberger, Ryan W hte.
we've embarked on is ati appropriate ARTS Elizabeth Lucas, Greg Parker, Editors
STAFF: Dean Bakopoulos. Coin Bartos Eugene Bowen Anitha Chalam. Christina Curkov c. James Miller, Heather Phares. Ryan Posly.
process."Vicotria Sa'ipande, Michael Smith. Craig Stuntz. Ted WattsJames Wilson. Michael Zilberman
"We're gonna pick a great president," PHOTO Mark Friedman, Sara Stillman, Editors
Is STAFF: Bohdan Damian Cap. Nopporn Kichanantha Jonathan Lurie., Margaret Myers, Krsten Schaefer.
Deitch said. COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Editor
ONLINE Chad Harrison, Editor
5............. ..........
t ea irne aae

TAFF: Sara Beck, Lauren Kalette, L

Bekah Sirrine, Manage
istei, Meagan Moore. Iran Naqui Marcy Sheiman. Kristen Shuster, Zac Spector.
Khoi Le
Katie House, Manager
Sean Sweda, Jonathan Weitz

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