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May 25, 1994 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-05-25

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
;U' to slash Entree Plus, replace with new system

3y James M. Nash
Once a simple meal pass and now a popular
lebit-card program, Entree Plus will likely
volve into an all-purpose plastic currency by
all 1995.
Off-campus merchants who fought the Uni-
ersity for access to the card expect an official
nnouncement early next month. But Univer-
officials already have revealed details of a

revamped Entree Plus-perhapswith a different
name - modeled after debit-card programs at
other schools.
The biggest immediate change is to extend
Entree Plus to off-campus merchants, who have
been denied use of the card. The University
contends that extending the program off cam-
pus would violate banking laws.
The University would sidestep that legal
problem by transferring financial control of the

program to local banks. The University now
oversees the finances of Entree Plus.
Much like the current Entree Plus program,
the future system will allow students to deposit
funds into an account from which they draw
money at the point of purchase.
"It will be even more useful to students and
allow a lot of flexibility," said Farris W.
Womack, the University's executive vice presi-
dent for finance. "That's the beauty of it - you

still have an i.d. card and you don't have to use it
(for purchases)."
The University will continue to manage the
debit card for on-campus purchases. Off-campus
purchases will be administered by a bank.
The new card may include an option for
students to activate their accounts from an auto-
matic teller machine (ATM). Unlike current
student i.d. cards, new cards issued this fall will
See DEBrr, Page 2

ouples to {/
enefits Y:f
y Lisa Dines

Study: mandate
for minorities
left unfulfilled

nd Ronnie Glassberg By Cathy Boguslaski
University President James J. DAILY STAFF REPORTERS
uderstadt promised to extend ben- In 1987, President James J. Dud-
fits to same-sex couples based on the erstadt unveiled the Michigan Man-
aw 14.06 task force report intro- date - a blueprint for creating a Uni-
ed at Friday's Board of Regents versity reflective of the nation's ra-
eeting. cial and ethnic make-up.
The regents voted in September to Monday, the Committee for a
dd sexual orientation to the list of Multicultural University said the
haracteristics that the University may promise is an unfulfilled one.
ot use to discriminate against indi- Since the mandate, the proportion
iduals. of minority assistant professors has
Following this move, Duderstadt increased, but the number of Black
ssigned a 12-member task force to and Hispanic associate professors has
dy the implications of the addition remained constant. The number of
e bylaw. Black and Hispanic full professors
"We do intend to fulfill our respon- DOUGLAS KANTER/Daily has actually decreased.
sibility to the Board of Regents and Regent Deane Baker expresses his opposition to Bylaw 14.06 Friday. Asian faculty have fared better
:sove ahead with the policy they ap- under the mandate: They represent 8
roved last September," Duderstadt tion." U The University will grant stu- percent of the faculty, according to
taid at the meeting. U Employment benefits will'be ex- dent residency status to same-sex re- the committee report, and only 2.9
Duderstadt said the recommenda- tended to gay male or lesbian partners lationships in the same manner as percent of the population of the United
:ions will probably be implemented by of University employees. married couples. States, according to the 1990 census.
he beginning of next year. Same-sex couples will have the While there was strong approval, The statistics do not include fac-
The report spelled out many rec- same access to family housing as mar- the report was not unanimously sup- ulty members who have considerable
Smendations. ried couples. ported by the regents Friday. administrative or other non-instruc-
WE Same-sex couples will be re- U Financial aid available for Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- tional duties. For this reason, some
uired to document their relationship spouses will be extended to gay male bor) expressed concern over the report administrators question the validity
with "a domestic partnership registra- and lesbian partners. See BYIAw, Page 7 of criticism that the University is not
living up to the mandate.
"A lot of minority faculty have
Duderstadt looks at year-rounu classes advanced to the point where they have
become administrators, and those
people would not be counted," said
3y Ronnie Glassberg But this may soon change. falls to one-third of the academic year, Associate Provost Susan Lipschutz.
md Shelley Morrison The University needs to move in and in the summer term student en- "We just presented a set of recoi-
LY STAFF REPORTERS the direction of year-round educa- rollment drops to one-tenth of the mcndations for the hiring of minority
With the end of winter term, most tion, said Preside o James J. Duder- number during the year. faulty to the reg'crts and there were
tudents head home for a long sum- stadt in an interviHw last wek. We said the University :houtd 22 promotions last wek," she said.
ner - only a small number remain in Duderstadt sad that during the move in the diree Vnof I"W-pereeit -W are rot doing neary s well aswe
Ann Arbor to take classes. spring term the number of studenod See Y.-ROUND, Fag 2 would like to be, but I think we are

doingbetterthan this reportsuggests."
The report compares the number
of minority faculty to 1990 census
numbers for the percentage of mi-
norities in the U.S. population.
The Medical School is one of the
areas most deficient in minority rep-
Associate Dean for Faculty Af-
fairs in the Medical School Lorris
Betz said the small pool of minority
candidates available for positions in
the school is part of the problem.
"In general we do not have ... a lot
of senior minority faculty here and it
is a goal of ours. We are working
toward that," he said.
Betz added that the number of
Black medical residents in the school
has doubled and Hispanic representa-
tion has tripled in recent years.
The report also showed a large
turnover rate for Black faculty. Of
those individuals who were assistant
professors in 1982-83, only one in
five is still at the University, the re-
port said. This retention has been par-
ticularly troublesome for Black
women - none has reached the rank
of full professor.
"There's quite a large proportion
of minority women who remain assis-
tant professors even after 11 years,"
said multicultural committee mem-
ber Charles Smith.
Faculty of color receive signifi-
cantly lower salaries than non-minor-
ity faculty, even at the same seniority
le vetls, accordi: to the committee
port. Women at generally rece e
tower sata s than men within Pe2
See Rrtoi r Pug 2

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