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May 18, 1994 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-05-18

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16 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 18, 1994

] Men's track ready for Big Ten
r meet after hosting invitational

By Eugene Bowen
gan men's trackteam'sperformance at
last Saturday's Len Paddock Invita-
tional track meet at Ferry Field?
It's "tune-up" according to coach
Jack Harvey. This unscored meet,
which Michigan hosted, precedes the
Big Ten outdoor Championships to be
held this coming Saturday in Madison.
There were some great moments
for the Michigan team. The high-
light of the meet came when fresh-
man Kevin Sullivan set a new Michi-
gan, Ferry Field and meet record --
and automatically qualified for the
NCAA National Championships -
by running the 1500 meter in
Michigan sophomore Scott

MacDonald came in second with an
automatic qualifying time of 3:40.88.
This was MacDonald's fastest time
ever. AttheBig TenOutdoorChampi-
onships last year he ran a 3:49.16,
good for third.
"We ran fast,"
said Sullivan, the
Big Ten Cross
Country Fresh-
man of the Year.
minded me that
running hurts,"
McDonald said.
Sullivan Sophomore
Todd Burnham
won the 400 meter dash with a time of
47.5, and junior Jim Finlayson won
the 5000meter with a time of 15:11.8.

was somewhat disappointed, placing
third in his event with a height of 7'1".
behind Canadians Cory Sienachok)
(74") and Alex Zawavskas (7'2")
Royce seems jinxed by these two.
"I've never beaten them," Royct
said with a smile. "I will, though. M
my words."
Freshman hurdler Neil Gardnei
wasn't too happy with his unchar-
acteristically slow time of 14.58
and a third place showing, in thi
100 meter hurdles.
"Itjust wasn't agood day,"Gardnei
There is little time for reflection
though, as the men's team - whict
won this year's indoor Big Ten mee
will soon have to prove how "tuned
up" it is at the Big Ten outdoor chain

L....._ J
Mgtt Schroeder and the men's track team took things in stride this weekend.


] Webb paces track at Ferry Field

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By Brent McIntosh
There's nothin' likea little R & R.
Yes,sir, alittlere-lax-a-shun'll cure
what ails ya'. You just can't beat the

day and just crack open a cool school
Just do what...?
That's right: break a school record.
MuchlikeRichelleWebbofthe Michi-
gan women's track team.
The junior sprinter topped her own
mark in the 200 meter dash to join five
other Wolverine women in winning
events at the 1994 Len Paddock Invita-
tional, held Saturday at Ferry Field.
"Today is usually a relaxed day,"
Webb said. "I haven't run the 100 or
200 all year - I've been running the
"I just wanted to try to get some
good times, to see where I am going
into Big Ten's, and that's what I did. I
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tried to see where I was, push myself
felt good, felt relaxed."
Relaxed enough to post a 23.4
the 200, nearly a full second ahea
the field - fast enough to break t-
school and meet records and qualif
provisionally for the NCAA finals.
Webb also won the 100, with
meet-record, hand-timed mark of II.'
This Friday and Saturday, at th
Big Ten championships in Madisor
Michigan will attempt to win the elu
sive conference "triple crown": Ha
ing won the titles in cross country
indoor track, only the outdoor tr
title stands between the Wolverint
and the feat.
"I think (the meet) is going to be
fight," Webb said. "We're not goingt
win it easily, but I think if everybod
comes together and has their head o
straight, we can do it. That's why I fe(
like we're going to do it."
The Wolverines may be slight j
vorites in the meet after a surprisa
win last year andatindoors this winte
but a tough Illinois sprint and hurd]
corps should keep the meet hotly con
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