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May 18, 1994 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-05-18

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Wednesday, May 18, 1994 - The Michigan Daily -15

SOFTBALL hosted MichiganMState in back-to-back
Continued from page 13 The outcome of that series was the
during the regular season qualify to exact opposite of last weekend's
play for the playoff championship games in Indiana. The Wolverines
and an automatic bid to the NCAA took three out of the four games and
tournament. kept open their hopes for a tourna-
Indiana claimed the automatic bid ment berth.
this season by claiming the regular Hot hitting propelled Michigan
season crown. over the Spartans. Jessica Lang led
The Wolverines, who were hop- the Wolverine hitters with five hits
ing for an at-large bid, will not com- over the four games. Overall Michi-
pete in this seasons tourney. gan totaled 31 hits and 14 runs over
Prior to the Indiana series Michigan the duration of the series.

Continued from page 13
State and Minnesota because they
have had all the success up to this
point. When you get into a short ,e-
ries in a tournament like this, if you
can stay in the winners bracket, any-
thing can happen."
The Buckeyes swept Michigan, 5-0,
5-4, 8-2, 8-5, at Ray Fisher Stadium
May 1-2. Michigan won three of four
a series April 2-3.

reshman Kelly Holmes and the Wolverines fell short in their quest for third
onsecutive Big Ten title. They lost three games to Illinois over the weekend.
Irish end men netters'
season with shutout
By Elisa Sneed sota, claiming the sectional title, and
DAILY SPORTS WRITER advance to the NCAA tournament.
Earlier this season, the Michigan "Notre Dame has the best national
men's tennis team faced 15th-ranked rankingin the Midwest region,"Eisner
Notre Dame and lost, 4-3. Last week- said. "Theirnationalranking is higher
endtheWolverinesfacedtheIrishagain so you know they've gotthe potential
at the NCAA regional qualifier, with a to play great tennis."
very similar outcome, even though the Eisner attributed some of Notre
scorebook will record this loss as 4-0. Dame's success to the team's playing
However, despite the absence of up to its potential.
points for Michigan, the match was "It wasn't that we played poorly; j
much closer than the score indicates. (Notre Dame) deserved to win," he
During theregularseason,matches said. "They are playing much better
are played to completion-all singles now than they did during the season."
and doubles matches are played and While the Wolverines will not ad-
scored even if one team has already vancetothesweet sixteen as ateamthis
wonenoughpoints towinthematch. In year,seniorDanBrakus willplay inthe
their first meeting this season, the singles division. With Brakus going
Wolverines won their three points after into the tournament ranked 18th in the
the Irish had already clinched the vic- NCAA, Eisner said the outlook is posi-
tive for his success.
During NCAA qualification,things "(Brakus) comes in 18th in the na-
are different. As soon as ateam obtains tion, so he is theoretically the 18th best
the four points it needs to win, the player there," Eisnersaid. "Hehas the
match ends. Notre Dame did that so chance todovery well ifhecatches fire
quickly,Michigan'sotherplayers who, and he has the potential to do that."
according tocoachBrianEisner, were TheNCAAtournamentwillbeheld
"in good shape," did not get to com- in South Bend May 25-29.
plete their matches - three singles
matches and one doubles match.
* "Theoretically, we could have won We're Daily sports.
if those matches had been played out,"
he said. Who the hell are you?
The Wolverinesdidnot winthough.
Notre Dame went on to defeat Minne-

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