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August 10, 1994 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-08-10

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Page 9 Wednesday, August 10 994

'I stood up and the leg buckled
- Record mogul and ex-Dead Kennedys
frontguy Jello Biafra describing part of
his recent run-in with violent people

Marilyn Manson are minions of themselves
By Ted Watts On the live show, Manson says "People seem to like us live. There seems to
What do you get if you take Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson and put be a traditional violent reaction of slam-dancing or whatever. I think it's a
themintoablender,hitpureeandbakeinFlorida? Well, that's simple. You weird reaction between us and the crowd. I think Marilyn Manso is a lot
get Marilyn Manson, a kooky band that has been touring with NineInch like that rickety roller coaster you're afraid to ride. 'Ride at your own
Nails. They've got a sound not entirely unlikeNIN, but vocalist and risk.' That appeals to people so they welcome it more. It's a fear
frontman Mr. Manson's screams sound generally less strained relationship, showing them their fear, which is mostly them-
and plaintive than Trent Reznor's and there is a more evil aura selves, and them getting off on it."
aboutthem. And with influencescited fromKiss andDevo Theband'slookissortofastrangemixbetweenmodels
all the way to Nietzsche, Marilyn Manson is clearly not and killers. A large part of the band's visual representa-
your average bunch of musical potatoes. tion is androgyny. "We like to reside in the gray areas
So, blender theory aside, how would this unit come in all respects, and I think that balance is what we thrive
about? "Marilyn Manson originally started about four years on. I like being a paradox, I like being a hypocrite and I like
ago as a concept that originated from me spending a lot of time people not being able to figure it out on first glance."
watching talk shows and tabloid TV and realizing that Hollywood With a CD just out and the NIN tour going around like VD,
and the entertainment industry raises serial killers to the same Marilyn Manson is sure to be taking over the country real soon. "I
celebrity status as Hollywood icons, with Marilyn Monroe and Charles think America really has to be afraid of us," laughs Mr. Manson
Manson as the two characters who stood out most for me from the '60s," sarcastically. I suppose there is only one way for you to really find out.
says Mr. Manson. "So I thought putting two somewhat-opposites together Marilyn Manson will be atPine Knob on Friday, Sept. 2 with Nine InchNails.
would be something I would want to represent as a person, as a performer." Show time is 7:30. Don't be a wuss.
'Long Journey' for Stratford, for you
By Melissa Rose Bernardo elements. It is the story of the can't hold a job and wastes his money plays the truth only surfaces when in-
It is said that after a good perfor- playwright's own family: James on whiskey and women; as aresult of a duced by whiskey.
mance of "Long Day's Journey into Tyrone, a successful stage actor who past tragedy, Mary has become depen- Because each of the characters has
Night," an audience should leave the has overcome an impoverished Irish dent on morphine. And poverty in- his or her fair share of problems, in
theater completely upbringing; Mary grained on his spirit, James refuses to order to give a production focus a di-
exhausted. After Cavan Tyrone, his spend the money to provide his family rector usually slants the story toward
watching 3 1/2 hours doting wife who with any of the comforts of home. The one or two characters. Typically, the
of the Tyrone aspired to be a nun play takes place in their summer resi- play either belongs to Mary or to James
family's soul search- and a concert pia- dence, a cheaply built shack; it is noth- Tyrone.
ing, one should be al- nist before falling ing like the home Mary wants. Nestled in the intimacy of the Tom
most as drained as the in love with James; The meat of the play is conversa- Patterson Theatre, director Diana
actors. Such is the Jamie, the elder tion. Antagonism, guilt, anger, confu- LeBlanc has given this production to
case in the Stratford son, also an actor; sion, blame and insults fly from every- Martha Henry as Mary. Henry carries
Festival'sproduction Edmund, the one to everyone else. Each character the immense weight of this production
of Eugene O'Neill's youngerson, apoet dedicates his or her time on stage to with astounding aplomb and courage.
autobiographical and half-baked blaming someone else for the family's She makes a wonderfully subtle yet
play, which plunges newspaper re- problems. Most of this is done in a striking transformation after Mary's
the audience into a porter. drunken oblivion, because in O'Neill See LONG, Page 10
dark and draining 2< But there is a
journey into the soul - K, .darker side to this
of an American fam- family,anditis this
ily. side which an obviously wounded
Critics and drama buffs love "Jour- O'Neill has given to us. Edmund is Everyth ing, yo u I I I1 .Ii
ney" because of its autobiographical suffering from consumption; Jamie

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