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July 27, 1994 - Image 16

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-07-27

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16- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 27, 1994

Continued from page 1
attorneys, Gregory Schmid and James
Brisbois, plan to appeal the verdict.
They also will attempt to have the
sentencing moved back until after the
end of the season.
The verdict comes as a result of an
incident Feb. 27 when Peoples was
accused of shooting at undercover of-
ficers who were investigating automo-
bile robberies in the area of Peoples'
apartment at Signature Villas. Court
records show that two police officers
and a detective arrested a suspect for
looting vehicles in the neighborhood.
At approximately 3:30 a.m., they
returned to the scene to determine
whether there was any damage or sto-
len property. The officers discovered
Peoples' gray 1994 Jeep Grand Chero-
kee with the driver's side window bro-
ken and radio missing.
When the detective unlocked and
openedtheJeep doortocheckthescene,
hetriggeredPeoples' alarmandPeoples
emerged from his apartment. Then he
fired a series of shots in the air and in
the vicinity of the officers.

Peoples said that he was not shoot-
ing at people, but "in the area"of where
the officers were.
"I wasn't trying to kill anyone,"
Peoples said. "I just wanted to keep
them in the area until the police
He said thathe didnotknow that the
men were police because they were
driving an unmarked car and were not
wearing their uniforms.
Originally, the prosecutors only
charged Peoples with one count of as-
sault with a dangerous weapon, but
when he pleaded not guilty to that
charge at the preliminary examination,
they added two more counts. Peoples
was found guilty on the two counts
involving the police officers but was
found not guilty on the other count,
involving the detective, because the
detective was not in the vicinity of the
Thursday's decision ended a four-
day trial in which the jury deliberated
for eight hours before returning with
the guilty verdicts.
If put in the same situation again,
Peoples said that he would do it differ-

"It's important to realize your mis-
takes, and I realize mine," he said.
"Next time, I'll call the police and file
a report and do nothing else." 0
Peoples said thathe is disappointed
at the verdict, but still maintains his
innocence. "My parents always told
me that honesty is the best policy," he
said. "I was honestbut I was still found
What's next for

An odd series of events could land former Wolverine Shonte Peoples in prison.

Continued from page 15
His impressive development made
him a surprise third-round pick in the
major league draft, preceding his more
touted teammates Ron Hollis (10th

round) and Ray Ricken (fifth round).
"I was thrilled to be drafted where
I was," Murray said. "The time be-
tween when the draft started and when
I got my phone call was the longest 40
minutes of my life."
Although some pitchers coming
out of college grow arm-weary as

they throw another season's worth of
baseball in the minor leagues, Murray
has debuted in solid fashion, demon-
strating two of the main things orga-
nizational personnel look for: lots of
innings and good command of the
strike zone.
"It took a little bit of adjustment,
but everything is going pretty suc-
cessfully," Murray said. "Right now,
I just want to goout anddo my job, get
my innings in, and I just want to win.
Hopefully I'd like to progress this
season up to another level.
"Personally, you'd like to move up
as fast as you can, but that is almost
unrealistic. Most people say three to
four years (in the minors before reach-
ing the majors); that's what I'm look-
ing for. If it happens before then,
great. If not, I'll just have to work a
little harder before I get there."

Shonte Peoples faces
sentencing Sept. 2 for his
conviction of assault with a
dangerous weapon. He will
continue to play with the Las
Vegas Posse until his court
date. His attorneys will appeal
the verdict and attempt to have
the sentence delayed until at
least Nov. 27, the end of the
Canadian Football League
- Roderick Beard
Webber a;
and Rosre
From staff reports
A female stripper, who accus
former Michigan basketball stars
Chris Webber and Jalen Rose ofsexual
assualt, recanted her story Monday,
the same day she made the complaint
to Detroit police.
The woman,
whose name was
not released, ini-
tially told police
that Rose, Webb
and several other
men raped her at a
late-night party at
a downtown De-
troit hotel Sunday
night. Uponfurther
Rose police questioning,
however, she ad-
mitted she had not been telling the
She later also told police that s
agreed to exhange sex for cash with a
least four of the men at the party, but
that she was not paid. The woman
works as a stripper at the Black Orchid
Cabaret in Detroit.
Rose had thrown a party Sunday
night at the State Theater to celebrate
being drafted 12th overall by the Den-
ver Nuggets in June's NBA draft. The
party relocated to a River Place hote
where a group of people rented rooms.
The police are considering bring-
ing charges againstrthe woman for
filing a false police report.


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