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July 27, 1994 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-07-27

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Q: Who is the only major
league player to hit home
runs in each of his first
three at-bats of the season?
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'M' hockey standouts
named to U.S. squad
Women's gymnastics hires assistant coach

Lue'm in
Editor's note: Allfour of the start-
ing pitchersfrom last season's Michi-
gan baseball team are now pitching in
the minors; three of them left before
senior eligibility. This is the second in
afour-part report on their progress.
Scott Burton
In minor league baseball, the line
between being a prospect and being a
project is deceptively minuscule.
What is the difference? It may just
be about maturity. A ball player is a
prospect if he can demonstrate self-
discipline and self-motivation in mak-
ing himself better. A ball player is a
project if he depends on others to
engthen his skills.
It is not surprising then that the San
Diego Padres consider former Wolver-
ine pitcher Heath Murray a prospect.
Coming out of a disciplined collegiate
program such as Michigan's, Murray
has gone into his stay at the Padres'
single-A Spokane farm club with a
healthy command of his future.
"Here, you're on your own more,"
Murray said. "They throw a lot more
ponsibility on you,todoyour work,
to throw on the side, to do your run-
ning, to prepare yourself.
"We have some high school kids
who don't know how to handle the
freedom that they get here. I think the
people at school did an outstandingjob
of preparing us for what's happening to
us now."
Murray excelled with the level of
truction he received at Michigan,
ially this past spring. As ajunior,
he established himself as the ace of the
staff after two streaky years. And, as
any star does, he peaked come playoff
time, throwing ashutout in the Big Ten
"Istayed pretty consistent through-
out the season and I finished really
strong, which helped me a little bit,"
urray said. "Ithink the first couple of
I had at Florida (to begin the
season) helped me out immensely -
there were a lot of scouts at those
See MURRAY, Page 16

From Staff Reports
Michigan hockey forwards Mike
Knuble and Ryan Sittler can now add
"USA Hockey" to their already im-
pressive resumds, as both have been
named to the 1994 U.S. Select team.
The U.S. squad will compete for
the Tampere Cup this August in
Tampere, Finland. Its competition in-
cludes some of the top club teams from
Finland and Sweden, as well as teams
Sittleris no stranger to international
competition,havingplayedonthe 1992
bronze-medalist U.S. National Junior
team. With the Wolverines, Sittler
scored nine goals and nine assists in 26
games last season.
Knuble, meanwhile, led Michigan
in goals last season with 32, and has
scored 65 in 123 career games. The
Caledonia, Mich., native was made an
all-CCHA second-team selection for
his efforts last year.
Michigan women's gymnastics coach
Bev Plocki picked up some extra help
around the office this week in the form
of a new assistant coach.
Athletic Director Joe Roberson
named Bryan Raschilla to the position,
filling the post vacated by Guy

Raschilla, a Youngstown State
alum, has spent the past year coaching
at the Alive Now Gymnastics club in
Hartville, Ohio. Over the past decade,
Raschilla has served as a recreational
class instructor and a strength training
and competitive team coach for the
Gymnastics of Ohio and the Gymnas-
tics Training Center club.
A member of the U.S. Gymnastics
Federation (USGF), Raschilla has
coached eight USGF state champion-
ship teams, as well as 30 all-around
state champions.
THE PERYS ETIEn: After more
than two decades of service to the Uni-
versity, Will Perry, the assistant ath-
letic director, and Patricia Perry,
Michigan's scholarship officer for ath-
letics, announced their retirements.
Both Perrys and all three of their
thestaffin 1968asthedirectorofsports
information. He coordinated all pro-a
motions and marketing and,since 1980,
has held several positions as an assis-
tant athletic director.
Patriciastarted at Michigan in 1973
and in 1987received a degree in sports
management, 20 years after her origi-
nal class graduated.

Former Michigan pitcher Heath Murray is making an impression in the minors.

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