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June 16, 1993 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1993-06-16

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Wednesday, June 16, 1993-The Michigan Daffy SummerWedy -13
Q: What was the last team to lose the first two NBA Championship games at
home and come back to win the series?
-s 1 euop JOA sey weak9ON-

M' axes
Michigan cheerleading coach
Annette Schmidt has been told her
services are no longer required.
On June 1, Athletic Director Jack
Weidenbach and Associate Athletic
Director Peggy Bradley-Doppes met
with Schmidt,
varsity and jun-
ior varsity
A~squads, for a
coaching evalu-
ation-the first,
and last, of her
seven-year em-
ployment pe-
Bradley-Doppes niod.Inthemeet-
ing, Schmidt was told her contract
would not be renewed.
Despite her seven-year tenure, the
Athletic Depamentclassifed Schmidt
asatemporay coach. Asa temporary,
she was noteligible forstaff coaching
benefits and was given a reduced an-
nual coaching salary of $3,200 -
money she claims she injected back
into the cheerleading budget.
Bradley-Doppes said the Athletic
Department wanted to take the
cheerleading program in a new di-
"Annette Schmidt did acapable job
for us, but we felt it was time to make
a change," Doppes said.
An employee in the Personnel Di-
vision of the University, Schmidt de-
* manded thatDoppes give her ajustifi-
cation for the tennination.
Schmidtsaidllradley-Doppes cited
alack ofconunicationon Schmidt's
part as justification for the firing.
Schmidt saidthe cormunication issue
arose from an incident at this year's
NCAA basketball tournament.
See CHEER.EAIw, Page 14
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Wings get Ward;
signing expected
By BRETT FORREST month's draft and aplayer tobenamed
Wanted:A hard-noseddefenseman Ysebaert was a key player for the
with top-notch all-around skillsto play Wings the past two seasons. He scored
in the CCHA immediately. 34 goals last year and 38 the season
Michigan hockey coach Red before. In 1991-92, Ysebaert led the
Berenson may soon take out want ads NHL in plus-minus with a plus-44.
in area newspapers, as chances are he For Ward, the blueliner from
will lose his fourth defenseman in less Gloucester, Ontario, the trade was a
than two months. dream come true.
Aaron Ward was planning to lead "I always wanted to be drafted by
the Wolverine defensivecorps through- Detroit," Ward said. "I'm happy I'm
out next season, his fourth in Ann with DetroitbecauselI've played around
Arbor. Now the possibility of Ward here for three years."
wearing the Maize and Blue for one A Winnipeg-Detroit trade involv-
more season looks bleak. ing Jet defenseman Phil Housley and
Ward, drafted fifth overall by the the fights to Ward was rumored
Winnipeg Jets in the 1991 NHL entry throughout last fall and winter. How-
draft, was traded Friday to the Detroit everDetroit filled adefense need with
Red Wings. The Jets sent Ward to the Paul Coffey, whom it acquired from
Wings for winger Paul Ysebaert, the Los Angeles Kings for forwards
Detroit's fourth-round pick in this
See WARD, Page 14

The rights to Michigan defenseman Aaron Ward were traded by
the Winnipeg Jets to the Detroit Red Wings this past week.

Watson departs Ann Arbor for head U-D post

It seems that the best route to ahead
coaching positionin college basketball
travels through Ann Arbor.
In the tradition of Mike Boyd and
Steve Fisher, Perry Watson cashed in
his two years of service as a Michigan
men's basketball assistant coach into
the top position at the University of
Detroit Mercy. Boyd had previously
obtained the head job at Cleveland
State, and Fisher, of course, took over
the Wolverines after Bill Frieder de-
cided to head to Arizona State.
Although most wouldnotconsider
the Detroit Mercy job a "plum" posi-
tion - the Titans' Midwestern Colle-
giate Conference will not receive an
automatic bid to the NCAA Tourna-

ment next season - Watson ex-
pressed joy over his new setting.
"This is a very emotional time for
me," he said at a Thursday press
conference on campus.
Watson attended high school at
Detroit Southwestern, and he later
went on to coach his alma mater for
13 years, compiling a302-24 record.
His knowledge of the Detroit area
and the Public School League should
aid the school in recruiting, and it
partly explains why Watson accepted
the Titans' offer.
"A lot of people asked me my
thoughts as far as why the University
of Detroit," Watson said. "They said
you could play it safe and stay at the
University of Michigan, that could
parlay you into a great job, whatever

their definition of a great job was.
"I don't think anything in life really
comes without a struggle or without a
risk. I think me coming back, me mak-
ing an honest effort to tie into the
rebirth of Detroit. ... I look at what's
going on in Detroit from a local level.
The high school coaches' doing what
they're doing togettheir playersexpo-
sure, to address the academic and test-
score issues."
"Ijustthink we can tieintoall that."
Fisher expressed delight over
Watson's good fortune.
"Perry was a terrific part of Michi-
ganbasketballover thelasttwoyears,"
Fisher said. "He'll do a great job at the
"He was great for Michigan, and
Michigan was great for him."

Fisher indicated that he and his
staff had already begun the process of
replacing Watson.
"Michigan is still Michigan, and
we've had tons of phone calls, re-
sumes, calls for guys," Fisher said.
"We've had people from major pro-
grams (contact us).
"I've got a list that Im trying to
work down to a short list. But I don't
have a guy that right now I could say
thisis whoIreally,really feel(Iwant)."
The coach could not give aspecific
time frame as to whenthehiring would
take place, and he said he hadn't de-
cided if he would promote one of his
other two assistants - Brian Dutcher
and Jay Smith - to Watson's top
assistant role, or if the hiree would
move into Watson's spot.


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