,z-TheM SummD- s Week -Wedniesday, June 16, 1993
You Turn Me On
drone ofa single guitar, Calvin'stune-
less baritone or Heather's4/ 4 drum-
ming and ghostly vocal counterpoint,
nirvana can be reached on Beat
Happening's latest release "You Turn
cassettes,numerousseven inches, five
official albums, a collaboration with
Screaming Trees,analbumofBHcov-
ers by various indie bands and even a
CD retrospective, the band has been
spreading the gospelof simplemusic-
for-music's-sake more than 10 years.
Sure, themusicianship isnotof the
highest caliber, but that's where the
fiercely independent charm lies. Beat
Happening has the rare ability to look
at the world through a 30-year-old
child's eyes. In "Adult," worries are
present, but they're viewed as only the
innocent can see them. "Godsend,"
with nothing but a chiming guitar to
to another. In "Tiger Trap," Calvin
frets about what intimacy feels like.
With no bass in the mix and, on
one or two songs, no drums, Beat
Happening is as stripped down as a
band can possibly be. Whether the
singleguitarisringing outin bell-like
open chords or protesting in a voice
full of feedback, as on the title track,
it's pure and beautiful.
-Dirk Schulze
Little Charlie & The
Night Vision
Little Charlie & the Nightcats have
blues of the white, middle-class sub-
urbs. The music is clean and rehashed
BB. andFreddy King guitar licks and
Estrinperfectlyenunciatesevery word
he sings in his tales of dealing with
alimony,boozing andone-nightstands.
ing it difficult for a listener to relate to
unless he is also a white 40-ish male.
Still, "NightVision"soundslikeagood
time. Just like a beer ad.
-Tom Erlewine
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