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May 26, 1993 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1993-05-26

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Wednesday, May 26, 1993 - The Michigan Daily S erWeeky-10
P sawiW M Q: Who made the last out in the 1969 World Series?


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Michigan season
meets conclusion

Shortstop Mary Campana and the Wolverines failed to advance to t
Fisher starts early o
By KEN DAVIDOFF season, Conlan averaged 14.5 points
MLY BASKETBALL WITER and 9.8 assists per game and gamered
Having just completedalackluster all-state honors as a junior. He led his
recruiting class for this upcoming sea- squadto an undefeated regular season
son,Michiganmen'sbasketballcoach and an appearance in the semifinal
Steve Fisher got a head start on the roundof the Class B state tournament.
1994-5 season by receiving his first "Ichose Michigan becauselknow
verbal commitment this past week. it's a real fine academic institution as
Travis Conlan, a 6-foot4 point well as athletic, and I didn't want to
guardfromSt.ClairShoresLakeShore, have very many pressures going into
said he would attend Michigan after my senior year," Conlan said. "I fig-
hissenioryearofhighschool.Thispast ured I'd getit outof the way.I was real

by Ragin'
As the saying goes, quitters never
end at the NCAA regional, the Michi-
gan softball team did neither.
"I thought our team played their
guts out all weekend. We (just) didn't
get that timely hit when we needed it,"
Michigan coach Carol Hutchins said.
After defeatingBowlingGreen8-2
in its first game, the team dropped its
next two, 6-5 and 2-1, to No.8 South-
western Louisiana.
out rally against the Ragin' Cajuns on
Saturday, and again with a runner on
third and no outs in the top of the
seventh on Sunday. Both tries, and in
he College World Series, bothgae Michigan came up shot.
Sunday's game featured masterful
pitching Performances fromnboth sides,
owle ru i s esecillyCajun pitcher Kyla Hall,
who improved to 27-1 on the season.
impressed with Michigan and whatit Hall allowed only three hits heading
had to offer in both aspects." into the top half of the seventh, where
Conlan said that Fisher first at- the Wolverines saw their chances of
tended one of Conlan's games his evening up the contest slip away.
freshmanyear.SeveralotherBig Ten TheinningstartedoffforMichigan
schools, Stanford,USCandMissouri with Big Ten Player of the Year Patti
hadalsoexpressedinterestinConlan. Benedict lining Hall's first pitch to
"I think he's the best point guard straight away center. Centerfielder
inthestateofMichigan," LakeShore Jenni Thomas got a late break on the
coachGreg Eslersaid."He'sgotgreat balland tried to shorthopit,only to see
size and he has very long arms, and the ball bounce between her legs and
he's a tremendous defensive player." roll all the way to the wall. Benedict
took twoextrabasesontheerror,man-
Edating merely a sacrifice fly to tie up
"t*hi .'*o.t the game.
*u*u *,d*c*n Wolverine catcher Karla Kunnen
Silver followed with a grounder to
"6 stylists--No Waiting! third that turned into an infield single
DASCOLA STYLISTS when Cajun Lynn Britton threw late
after looking Benedict back to third.

Tracy Carr follwed her by grounding
to third, setting up the game's finalat-
bat by hurler Kelly Kovach with run-
ners on second and third.
Kovach worked the count to two-
and-two, then fouled off the next two
pitches from Hall. The Wolverines'
rally ended when Kovach struck out
swinging on the next pitch.
"Ijusthatelosing.Period," Kovach
said. Indeed, the weekend was arough
one for her, as she lost both games to
the Cajuns. The pair of defeats moved
her season record to 25-4.
Michigan drew first blood in the
game, manufacturing a run on one hit
inthe topof the third. Lisa Arvialifted
a sacrifice fly to left, driving in the
Wolverines' lone run.
together three hits in the fifth - in-
cluding twodoubles-toestablsh the
final victory margin.
The Wolverines' first taste of the
Cajuns was also a bitter one, but was
not without its sweet spots.
In the fourth inning,Karla Kunnen
hit a fly ball to deep center, which was
bobbled, then dropped, by the
centerfielderallowing Kunnentoreach
first. The next play, Silver crushed
anotherone-this time toleftfield-
which was also mishandled.
After Kovach reached first on a
fielder's choice, freshman Kathryn
by the centerfielder. Herhitscored one
and sent Kovach to third.
Arvia capped off Michigan's of-
fensive explosion and inning of good
fortune with ascore-tying base hit that
got by the centerfielder once again.
"It was not a good day for the
outfielders for the Lady Cajuns,"Cajun
coach Yvette Girouard said.
Despite the Cajuns' four errors on
the day, they held on for the victory.
Michigan shortstop Mary


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M tin the face of disappointment.



and never give up, and we didn't give
up," Campana said.
Classes starting now at the Ann
Arbor Airport. Call the
Aviation Center
9 662-6806 o

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