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July 15, 1992 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-07-15

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abE3id4an ailj
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Publ icatons
board changes
spark debate

Ann Arbor
Blues amd Jazz festival
The Ann Arbor Blues and
Jazz Festival returns for its
20th anniversary on Sept.
11-13. Bonnie Raitt
headlines the Friday night
"Women of the Blues" bill.
Raitt performed with her
mentor Sippie Wallace at
the 1972 Festival. Other
performers this year include
Sonny Rollins, Al Green,
Robert Jr. Lockwood, and
James Cotton. Tickets go on
sale Saturday at 10 a.m. at
all TicketMasters. For more
information, call 99-MUSIC.
GEO arbitration
On July 1, an arbitrator
found that the University
Mathematics Department
violated the Graduate
Employees Organization
contract when it employed
12 graduate students to
perform graduate student
teaching assistant (GSTA)
duties without providing the
appropriate title or benefits.
The affected teaching
assistants will receive back
pay equal to the difference
between the given salary
and the GSTA salary.
Cancer protein found
Researchers at the
University Comprehensive
Cancer Center have
identified a protein that has
the potential of being used
as a way to determine the
prognosis of sarcoma
patients. The finding, which
was reported in Nature, is
important because it may
be valuable in
understanding other types
of cancer.
Black hole discovery
Astronomers from the
University, along with
colleagues from the
University of Hawaii's
Institute for Astronomy,
have discovered a
"supermassive" black hole
that appears to contain the
mass of a billion suns in a
galaxy 30 million light-years
from Earth. The dark object
found in the center of the
galaxy NGC 3115 is 100
times more massive than
any previously discovered
black hole.


by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
Proposed changes to the
Board for Student Publications
- the oversight board of The
Michigan Daily, the
Michiganensian yearbook and
the Gargoyle humor magazine
- are sparking debate in the
campus community.
The proposed changes -
which are scheduled for action
by the University Board of Re-
gents Thursday - will reduce
the number of Board members
and amend the process by which
these members are appointed.
The proposal also amends the
day-to-day and long-term op-
erations of the Board.
A University Task Force on
the Future Governance of Stu-
dent Publications finalized this

proposal after a year-long re-
view process whichincluded two
public hearings.
However, members of the
Michigan Student Assembly
have criticized the proposal,
which no longer provides for
popularlyelected student Board
members.Instead, the Board will
be self-perpetuating, with Uni-
versity President James
Duderstadtselecting the firstnine
At a special meeting, LSA
Rep. Tobias Zimmerman said
the president's role in the Board
concerns him.
"To me, it sounds like an
open invitation for the adminis-
tration to exert power over any
publication on campus worked
on by students," he said.
See Bosni, Page 2

Flight of fancy
Carnival-goers zoom along on "The Pirate" during the
Taylor Summer Festival in Taylor, Mich. The festival took
place from July 8-12.

Judge declares A2 school ordinance void
Activist Maurer's condom distribution case dismissed

to decide
by Melinssa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
TheaUniversity Board of
Regents will vote on the
University's operating budget
forthe 1992-93 schoolyearatits
regular meeting this week.
Although no numbers will
be available until the meeting,
University President James
Duderstadt said students will
face a large tuition increase.
"It's consistent with what is
happening intherestofthestate,"
he said. "It'snot the highest, not
the lowest."
Michigan State University
with a 9 percent raise for the fall
termand ansdditional 3 percent
tacked on for the spring term.
Lake Superior State University
students will be paying an addi-
tional 7 percent - the state's
smallest increase - to attend
school this year.
Duderstadt added, however,
that the University will use the
tuition money to embellish the
University's financial aid pro-
'There will be a very large
increase in financial aid - ap-
"A lot of famllies are hurting.
We have to get more money to
the students who need it."
Duderstadt said tuition must
be increased to compensate for
decreased funding for the Uni-
versity fromthe federalandstate
"We are getting the smallest
increaseinfunding forouroper-
ating budgetinalmost30years,"
be dad.
The University will receive
thesameamountof funding from
the state as it did last year. How-
ever, with inflation, the flat rate
will seem likea decrease.
"Eachunit in the University
has been asked to make a per-
manent 2 percent reduction in
itsbudget,"Duderstadt said."It's
going to be a very difficult year
from a salaty point of view.
There will be no increases for
most people. Everyone is going
to have to sacrifice."
He said that while most uni-
versitiesinthecountry face simi-
larly difficultfmancialtimes,the
University is trying to avoid
eliminating staff and faculty
positions and keep on track fi-
nanciallyfor the 1993-94school

by Mary Chang an ordinance clause allows the
Daily Staff Reporter principaltoejectanypersonfrom
Section threeof Ann Arbor's school property at any time
ordinance on school grounds without justification.
trespassing was declared void "The ordinance as it was
under the First Amendment last written would allow the princi-
Wednesday. pal to order the superintendent
The ordinance was being of schools off school property
used to prosecuteactivistPattrice andhavehimarrestedifhedidn't
Maurer of AIDS Coalition to leave because there are no
Unleash Power (ACT UP), who guidelines," Reno said. "It
was arrested for passing out doesn't say ifa person is com-
condoms and AIDS-related lit- mitting a crime or a person is
erature at Pioneer High School committing a disturbance."
Feb. 24. The Ann Arhor News re-
Judge Timothy Conners, of ported that Assistant City At-
the 15th district court dismissed torney Thomas Blessing, who
the case, stating, "The city ordi- represented the state, said he
nance addresses the creating of a advised the Ann Arbor Police
disturbance on school grounds Department to use the state
but there is no balancing of First trespass law instead of the city
Amendment rights in this law. ordinance if Maurer was to go
As amatter of law this section of back to the school and distribute
the ordinance is unconstitu- condoms.
tional." "Schoolsneedagreaterlevel
Pointingtothecasedismissal of protection than say streets,
and recent school board mea- sidewalks and university prop-
sures, Maurer said, "This has erty. Those are all public fo-
really been avictory on all fronts rums," Blessing told the Ann
for us." Arbor News.
The prosecution has not de- But Maurer argued that
cided whether it will appeal the teenagers are the fastest growing
case. HIV-afflictedgroupintheUnited
Maurer's Defense Attorney States, and the ones most vul-
Molly Reno had argued that the nerable to the vius are students
ordinancewastoobroadbecause who live in poverty, especially

students of color. explorationandimplementation
Schools are partly respon- of an AIDS education curricu-
sible for "people of color being lum.
the majority of AIDS cases in The school board held a spe-
this country," Maurer said. cial session on AIDS education
Since Maurer's arrest in andis currentlyrevisingan AIDS
February, AIDS activists have currcula.
attended Ann Arbor School "We hope and expect that
Board meetings regularly. this revision is direct in the way
With thehelp of someparents we wanted - i.e. more educa-
and students, they are urging the tion," Maurer said.
Students say sex education
in high schools inadequate

by Nicole Converse
Reflecting on their own sex
education backgrounds, many
students favor making condoms
available in public high schools
-an issue theAnn Arbor school
board is currently exploring.
Although it is reported that
five of the nine school board
members are in favor of a more
expansive sex education pro-
gram, including the availability
of condoms, there is a question
of legality as state law currently
prohibits the distribution of
"family planning devices."
Dale Orlando, director of
Fenway Health centerinlBoston,
reported to Spin magazine,

"Nobody wants the schools tak-
lag charge of their kids' sexual
life, and that is the way condom
they don't seem to understand is
that kids are having sex."
Abha Ahuja, an LSA senior,
echoedthissentimentsaying she
thought making condomsavail-
able was a good idea since high
school kids are sexually active
Like many students, Ahuja
has only a vague recollection of
sexual education in school. "I
don't think I had any in high
school," she said. "I watched
some films in middle school."
See EnoucAnow, Page 2

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