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June 09, 1989 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-09

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Giraldo: education
*key to combat racism
BY VERA SONGWE "What we are trying to do is to
Seeking bigger challenges and give people something they don't
wanting to work more with students, have," said Giraldo.
Zaida Giraldo began her job just Affirmative Action and its valid-
three weeks ago as the University's ity is a controversial issue but
Affirmative Action Director. Giraldo said Affirmative Action is a
Giraldo has worked with positive policy if done right.
*Affirmative Action Programs for the "What we do at this institution is
State of North Carolina, Montana we set goals," said Giraldo,
State University, the University of "Nothing that we do leads to the hir-
Wisconsin and, most recently, with ing of unqualified individuals."
the University of Massachusetts at But before doing this, some stu-
Amherst. dents think Giraldo has something G Ira I""
"It seemed clear to me that educa- else she must accomplish.
tion has got to be the most impor- "She needs to get a better defini- ... Affirmative Action Director
tant thing this country is about tion of what Affirmative Action is
when dealing with the issue of to the students," said Delro Harris, not conservative but I am practical,"
racism. The only way to break the chair of the Minority Affairs she warned.
pattern is by educating the people." Committee. "I would like her to _ "(Giraldo) has to try to increase
Born in New York of Latino ori- make it clear to students what the of- minority representation for different
gin and raised in the Bronx, Giraldo fice is for and what our expectations racial groups in this institution,"
feels her upbringing provides her should be." said LSA senior Francis Matthews,
with a chance to deal with people of Giraldo said she enjoys working President of the Black Student
varying ethnic and religious back- with students but feels they should Union. "She is going to have to deal
grounds. be able to select from their demands with the issue of free speech and ha-
Giraldo carries the idea of diver- the possible and the impossible. rassment as well as work with the
sity into her job, saying that "I can be very sympathetic to a code."
Affirmative Action provides people student course, on the other hand I Matthews also served as a mem-
0with a chance to experience the cul- am very practical. I would only sup- ber of the Affirmative Action
tures and values of other people. port change that is practical, I am Director student search committee.
Parking ordinances spark debate

The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 9,1989-Page 3
MSA approves
budget proposal
BY LISA POLLAK budgets were all to be cut from last
The Michigan Student Assembly year's $2,500 to $841.
will ask the University this month "MSA is not a bank," Williams
to increase funding for the assem- said in introducing the budget. "A
bly's programs by 7.8 percent, but lot of issues on this campus don't
plans to cut its own operating bud- depend on money if students are
get by 20 percent so it can repay willing to work."
$69,000 in debts. But MAC Chair Delro Harris said
"The fact is we've got a problem, he was outraged by the proposed re-
and we have to sacrifice," said MSA ductions. "I'm surprised that after
Vice President Rose Karadsheh. everything we've done this is hap-
"Most of us are going to lose some pening... minority groups on this
money." campus are going to suffer for it."
The budget request, approved by Arguing that MAC has done
MSA at last night's meeting, will more for the campus than any other
be presented to the University's MSA group, assembly rep. Heidi
Board of Regents June 22. If ap- Hayes proposed amending the budget
proved, students will pay $6.77 to to cut $500 from Peace and Justice,
the assembly as part of their tuition giving $300 to MAC and $100 each
fee next year, an increase of 49 cents to Student Rights and Women's
from last year. Issues. She said Peace and Justice,
The bulk of the increase would which focuses on Central American
cover "cost of living expenses" for issues, does not serve students' in-
Student Legal Services, the Ann terests.
Arbor Tenants Union, and Advice Williams.broke a 2-2 tie to pass
magazine, which together would re- the amendment despite the objec-
ceive 72 percent of the student fees, tions of several representatives. "Just
said John Coleman, MSA's student because we are concerned with issues
general counselor. beyond campus boundaries doesn't
Under the proposed budget, mean those issues don't concern stu-
MSA's operating fund receives the dents on campus," said assembly
rest of the fees, about $138,700. rep. Jeff Gauthier.
Although that is $3,755 more than Following further discussion
last year, Coleman said 20 percent of about MAC's contributions, rep.
the budget will automatically go to Paul White proposed transferring
the University's Student $1,000 from the $10,000 telephone
Organizations Account Service to budget to MAC. Williams again
pay MSA's debts. broke a 2-2 tie to pass the amend-
Those debts, first announced last ment.
month, are a result of payments to Other areas to receive cuts under
SLS and AATU missed during the the proposed budget include the
last three MSA administrations, in- External Relations and Campus
cluding Williams', according to an Governance Committees, as well as
MSA report released last night. office supplies. The Budget
"We will cut some unnecessary Priorities Committee, responsible
things and some necessary things to for allocating money to student
pay for it," Coleman said. groups, would receive the same
At last night's meeting, represen- amount - $30,000 - as last year.
tatives disputed proposed cuts to
MSA's commissions. Originally, UM News in
the Minority Affairs, Peace and T e Da
Justice, Student Rights, and m
Women's Issues Commissions' 764-0552
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The Ann Arbor City Council passed various
parking ordinances at Monday's six-hour meeting afte
0 listening to student and merchant concerns.
The new ordinances will result in increased parking
fees and will most likely restrict residential street
parking. One of the first streets to be affected by th
new ordinance is Ridgeway road, a narrow street on th
Arboretum near group housing, fraternities, ant
"The parking permits initiated by Larry Hunter (D
-1st Ward) in the Kerrytown area seemed to have
worked out pretty well. They help neighbors who have
*parking problems," said Anne Marie Coleman (D -
1st Ward) reflecting on the council decision.
Ridgeway residents said they have had limited stree
parking. Under the new ordinance, the residents wil
receive permits to park in front of their houses. Thes
will exclude neighboring students, student commuters
and other non-residents who park on Ridgeway.
"It's an inconvenience. Parking is so hard anyway,"
said LSA senior Chad Cohen. Cohen is also a membe
of Delta Tau Delta, a neighboring fraternity.
"It's a difficult situation because the area is purely
residential," said spokesperson for the Ridgeway resi
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dents, Bruce Larson. "It's about as much fun as
s pulling teeth from a rhinoceros. I feel sorry for the
r Delts because they have a parking problem."
Many parking permit holders in the South
University area, including local merchants, are
t frustrated by the council's decision to raise fees while
e adding no additional parking.
e "It's already bad, and with the new building going
d up it's going to be even more horrendous," LSA
junior Joey Levine said.
Parking development in the downtown area near
e Main Street appears to be moving more quickly than
e the areas closer to campus, said Denise Shawl,
spokesperson for the South University Merchants
Association and owner of Dawn Treader Book Shop.
me"An enormous lack of parking exists. In the sum-
mer, it s livable, but in the fall it's outrageous," said
l Shawl.
e City Director of Transportation Jim Valenta sup-
ported both the council's action of raising permit fees
and creating a residential parking permit system. Va-
lenta said the increased fees will help bring more of the
r necessary revenue for exploring parking alternatives
and that residential permits will alleviate problems
y including those that Ridgeway residents voiced at the
- meeting.
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