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June 09, 1989 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-09

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 9,1989-Page 2
June commemorates lesbians
and gay men s rights movement

To commemorate the Lesbians
and Gay Men's Rights Movement,
members from the University and
community are working together to
celebrate, educate and demand rights
from the community and University
during Lesbian and Gay Pride
This June marks the twentieth
anniversary of the 'Stonewall
Rebellion' that started when les-
bians and gay men rioted against the
New York police after routine raids
on a lesbians and gay men bar.
Patrons rose in protest when po-
lice confiscated IDs and published
names in the newspapers. Twenty
years ago such publicity was devas-
tating. The riot lasted for three days
and at one point thousands of

protestors barricaded police inside the summer orientation policy to include
bar. student groups and offer lesbian and
Lesbians and gay men all over gay men housing advisors in every
the country will be celebrating the dorm. While these demands were
anniversary of the rebellion and the successful, others were not.
beginning of the Gay Rights The committee is also seeking
Movement this month. this year official recognition of Gay
The Ann Arbor Pride Planning Pride Month from the University and
Committee is coordinating events city. Though the city has issued
for 'Lesbians, Gay Men and such a statement for the past three
Bisexuals Pride '89' which will years, the University recognized Gay
culminate with a picnic at the law Pride Month for the first time last
quad and rally on Friday, June 30. year.
After the picnic, there will be a Billie Edwards, a coordinator of
march through town to the Federal the Lesbians and Gay Men
Plaza where committee members Programming Office sees Gay Pride
will presenta list of demands to the Month as a "chance to address issues
University and city. of invisibility for lesbians, gay men
Last year the committee presented and bisexuals."
a list of twelve demands to the Workshops have also been sched-
University including changing the uled at the Michigan Union.

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News briefs
Increase up in the air
The fate of the inevitable tuition increase remains unknown.
University Vice President for Government Affairs Richard Kennedy said
the state is still in the process of "trying to define what kinds of targets
should be used to establish next year's appropriations."
State administrators are currently working on forming committees to
discuss these issues. The committee conference is scheduled for June
At the University's Board of Regents meeting last month, Provost
and Vice President for Academic Affairs Charles Vest presented graphs
for both 13 and 10 percent tuition increases.
Vest emphasized that neither was a "cut and dry solution" to the
budget. Each model contains certain assumptions regarding internal bud-
get funds deemed necessary for research and state appropriations. Both
represent hypothetical attempts at a balanced budget. Tuition increase
will be further discussed at next month's regents' meeting.
LaGROC to protest
Members of Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Committee will
meet at Hill Auditorium at 3 pm this Sunday to protest the 5 pm grad-
uation of Plymouth- Canton High School.
"We're not going to be screaming and chanting, but disseminating
information," said Linda Kurtz, LaGROC member.
In a January issue of the high school paper, an editorial supported
homophobic statements made by Texas Judge Jack Hampton.
In May1988 two gay men were shot in Dallas, Texas. The murderer
was sentenced to 30 years as opposed to life in prison.
The judge said the murderer reeceived alighter sentence since the vic-
tims were gay men.
LaGROC appealed to the high school to pass out information en-
couraging sensitivity to lesbians and gay men issues. Their requests
were ignored, said Brian Durrance, LaGROC member.
Talks at stalemate
Negotiations between University Hospitals nurses and the hospital
administration on the nurses' union's 2-year labor contract, which ex-
pired at midnight on.June 1st, are still at a stalemate today. Last
Tuesday, nurses' union representatives met with a state appointed medi-
ator and administration officials, but no information about the results of
that meeting is being disclosed.
"There is a news blackout in effect until after the meeting on the
14th," said Margo Barron, president of the nurses' union. She did com-
ment, however, that the present bargaining situation has much in
common with the 1981 contract debate. In 1981, the nurses' union
went on strike for 23 days.
Michael Harrison, spokesperson for the Hospital Administration,
said they are not divulging any information at this point, either.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN0745-967) is published onceaweekduringthespring andsummerterms
by studentsat the Uniersity of Michigan. Subsription rates: for spring and summer (2 semesters)
$6.00 in-town and$8.00 out-of-town, prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is amemberof The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, M 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336,
Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Biling 764-0550
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