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July 10, 1987 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-07-10

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 10, 1987
Flocks of junior jocks invade
By BRIAN BONET Their numbers are strong - summer's end.
Beware Ann Arborites! The according to the office of the Sum- Flocks of these youthful jocks
summer sports campers are back! mer Camp of Champions, about can be seen as they parade up and
And unlike the cicada, these pesky 9,000 campers - most of them down State St. on their pilgrimage
parasites migrate to our town between the ages of nine and to the University's athletic facilities
annually, upsetting the serenity of seventeen - will take homage in where, for a weekly rate of between
summertime in Ann Arbor. East and South Quads before the $175 to $325, they learn how to

Ann Arbor blocks

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run, race, catch, throw, skate,
shoot, dribble, grapple, grunt, hit,
and holler hurrah -just to name a
"They come in hoards," said Bob
Dinns, a cashier at Blue Front, a
popular peddler of junk food to the
sprouting sportos.
"They tend to be a little
obnoxious," Dinns said, but added
that the campers' raucous behavior
can only be expected.
Heck, they're only kids, right?

Some of them are away from home
for the first time. Give these future
superstars a break!
Thor Himley, manager of
Steve's Ice Cream holds a similar
sentiment. "Every summer they
come in droves," he said, adding
that the campers "tend to be more
obnoxious than the general
But like Dinns, Himley has
learned to live with the influx of
the ball-bouncing banshees. "We
tend not to look forward to them
but we deal with it," he said.
And deal with it they do.
According to Himley, Steve's Ice
Cream's business increases about
15 percent during camp season.
Likewise, Amir Sayaz, Manager of

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Double Focus Arcade, who has no
qualms with the campers and their r
quarters, said their business
skyrockets 25 percent during the
yearly onslaught of the adolescent
athletes. Could this apparent
sympathy be based on the busy
buzzing and dinging of cash
Maybe. But according to the
camp office, not one complaint has
been received. Besides, at one time
in our lives, we've all had the urge
to be mischievous when we were
miles from mom, right?
petition to
save Kresge
(Continued fromnPage t)
Kresge stores along with its Jupiter
stores to the McCrory Corporation
on April 3, according to K Mart
Public Relations Coordinator Leslie
Although most of the 76 Kresge
and Jupiter stores in 21 states will
be converted to McCrory's drug-
stores, "we could not provide
McCrory with the Ann Arbor store
due to landlord and leasing prob-
lems," Kota said.
Hewitt said that no leasing
problems existed with Kresge and
said that his company was not
involved with the decision to close
the store.
The deal between the corpor-
ations was announced only this past
June, and the suddenness of
Kresge's closing may surprise
many University students returning
in the fall.
Long-time customers were fast
to react to the announced closing
last month. A week-long petition."
drive conducted by Jessie Berkan
and Mark Wanless gathered over
700 signatures.


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