South Africans visit Ann Arbor
The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987 -- Page11
In an attempt to raise local
awareness about the conditions of
Black women and children living
under South Africa's Apartheid
regime, two women, one from the
African National Congress and the
other from the SouthWest African
Peoples Organization, visited Ann
Arbor this week to voice their
the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid. They are
currently on a national tour to
promote their cause.
On Monday, the women add-
ressed the Ann Arbor City Council
about investment policies in South
Africa. Thuthukile Radebe of the
ANC told the council, "I speak for
the people of-South Africa, and we
want total sanctions."
ause we know that it will benefit us
in the long-run."
Kathy Edgren (D-Fifth Ward)
said "I thought (the women) were
wonderful - particularly in light of
the city's efforts to divest in the
penchant fund." Last year the city
divested their penchant fund of any
holdings in South Africa.
Edgren thought that because the
women encouraged sanctions, they
effectively answered critics of the
city's divestment policy who argued
that divestment hurts rather than
helps Black South Africans.
The women were brought to She said her people "were
Ann Arbor by the Free South willing to suffer the short-term
Africa Coordinating Committee and consequences (of divestment) bec-
'U' finds seat belts save lives
The familiar saying "Seat Belts Save Lives" may well
be amended to say "Seat Belt Laws Save Lives" after a
University of Michigan study found traffic-related deaths
for drivers and front seat passengers declined 8.7 percent
following the passage of seat belt laws in eight states.
But the study also found the states' methods of
enforcement affected the degree of decline in those
fatality rates. The four states that use secondary methods
of enforcement - including Michigan - require officers
to cite motorists for another violation of the law before
issuing seatbelt tickets, saw only a 6.8 percent decline
while states that use primary enforcement saw a 9.9
percent decline in fatality rates.
Primary enforcement allows officers to directly cite
motorists for not wearing their seat belts.
"Clearly our results demonstrate that in seat belt laws
with primary enforcement rather than secondary enforce -
ment provisions are needed," said Alexander Wagenaar, a
research scientist at the University of Michigan Trans -
portation Research Institute. He added that any 9.9
Panel, sponsors to
Npv hn ttpr hn ttpr 1 Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON I
percent decline in a leading cause of death for the entire j Ji L 14L4Lt "U tu'l
population would represent "a resounding public policy Dave Wuerth, manager of T.J.'s Batting Cages in Veteran's Park,
success." reloads thesoftballs for batters. The cages can be rented by the hour.
Local police officers do not think primary enforce -
ment methods are necessary, tho issug a seat belt citaton U gp
then he can always find a reason," said an officer who
wished to remain anonymous. "But in Ann Arbor there through West Af rica
are enough other tickets to write that a cop isn't going
to follow some guy without a seat belt for three blocks (Contiued froiPage1) tures will cover historical and
waiting for him to make a mistake." of the future." Allen said the contemporary issues such as poli -
Only about one in every ten traffic citations in Ann African population is the fastest tical and economical conditions fac -
Arbor is issued for a seat belt law violation. The Ann growing in the world which brings ing the developing societies of
Arbor Police Department termed the number of citations with it career and educational oppor - West Africa.
issued as "relatively low"; only 447 citations were issued tunities. "In Africa there are a tre -
between January 1, 1986 and May 31, 1987. mendous number of untapped re - Vernon Cabine, an LSA senior,
Of the eight states Wagenaar studied, 60 percent of sources," Allen said. is looking forward to "exchanging
motorists in each state used seat belts in contrast to 20 The students will receive six culturaf values and ideas." Cabine
percent of motorists using them before the laws were credits for participating in program, said, "I will be looking for linkages
enacted. and learn about West African cul - between African culture and the
ture through literature, lectures and Afro-American subculture. I hope
field experiences such as visits to to be a type of student liason with
n g ta e f n i g the Temple of the Sacred Pythons those who have not experienced the
negotiate fund ing in Odha, Dahomey. The program (West African) society."
demic Affairs and sals would be funded by May 1, will also stress African society in- The group will stay at hotels,
derstadt, the panel but, according to Duderstadt, the transition. universities, and villages along the
e proposals than overwhelming response did not The program offers not only Ivory Coast. One of the villages,
selection panel allow the board adequate time to exposure to the diversity of the Juffure, was made famous by author
w less than 100 review each entry before the African culture and societies, but Alex Haley in his novel, "Roots."
the April 1 original deadline. also an exploration of the conti -
ine, but received nent's future prospects through the The program costs $4,671 for
. He announced the competition lectures given by the area spe - undergraduate students and $5,090
panel initially for funds to improve undergraduate cialists for each country. The lec - for graduate students.
panel have encouraged some
sponsors to further develop their
proposals and resubmit them in the
fall competition. The University
will fund a $1 million initiative to
-improve undergraduate life every
Pollack fights
property tax
exemption bill
(Continued from Page 2)
into effect until 1989 because of a
long assesment process, Laidlaw
said the institute will have to pay
taxes for1987 and 1988.
Laidlaw said he questions the
constitutionality of the bill because
the state constitution requires all
tax exemption laws be uniformly
applied. "It's no useful solution. I
have contended that this violates the
uniformity clause." Laidlaw said
any firm that gets one million
dollars in state funding should be
exempt from taxes.
Two weeks ago, Laidlaw spoke
in the Senate in support of
Pollack's proposal.
president for Aca
Provost James Dui
received far mor
anticipated. The
expected to revie
proposals after
submission deadl
approximately 150
The selection
planned to announ
ce which propo -
life at the University last January.
Participants must agree to make 3 visits to the clinic per week for
6 weeks and two follow-up visits (one month and three months
Treatment consists of 3 intramuscular injections every week for 6
weeks, a physical exam and blood testing.
Subjects will receive $250 for their participation at
the completion of the study.
For further information and appointment scheduling,
contact the University Health Service at 764-8325.
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