Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987
'Arts Update
The Ark, 6371/2 Main, presents
an evening of fine topical music,
featuring John McCutcheon, Si
Kahn, and signer/singer Susan
Freundlich tonight. There's two
shows, at 7:30 and 10, and with the
recent wealth of government mis -
haps, these pointed social critics
have plenty to aim their barbs
at...That old standby Steve
Nardella and his rock and roll trio
shake the Blind Pig tonight while
Jeanne and The Dreams come
to life at Rick's, 911 Church... A
Stanley Kubrick double feature
plays tonight at the Michigan The -
atre. The Killing airs at 7:30
followed at 9:15 by the classic Dr.
Strangelove...The Southeast -
ern Michigan Jazz Assoc-
iation (SEMJA), dedicated to
promoting jazz in the area, holds a
kick off party tonight from 5 to
8:30 at the Burlington Atrium. All
jazz lovers are welcome and call
662-8310 for more information.
million selling "Sunshine," makes
his first ever Ann Arbor appearance
tonight at 8 at the Ark...Two of the
greatest Bogart movies of all time
show at the Natural Science
Building. The Big Sleep, with
Bogey playing private dick Phillip
Marlowe, hits the screen at 7:30
followed at 9:30 by The Treasure
of The Sierra Madre, generally
considered to be the cool one's
greatest role....Modern pop diva
Laurie Anderson's first feature- -
length film, The Home of The
Brave, shows tonight at the
Michigan Theatre at 7, 9, and 11.
From Chards of Broken
Dreams to Fragments of
Hope, an evening of drama -
tizations of Israeli and Palestinean
voices will be presented tonight at
the Trueblood Theatre, located in
the Frieze Building. The theater
work is culled from the writings of
leading Israeli snd Palestinean
poets, writers, and political leaders.
acoustic guitar and in videos
tonight as Eyemediae, 214 North
Fourth Ave. presents A Ham-
tramck Polack in Ann Arbor.
The McGuires, a highly
acclaimed San Francisco folk-rock
group, play Rick's tonight. Their
recent EP received raves on the
West Coast, making them worthy
of at least checking out....The
T.A.M.I. Show, called "the
greatest rock and roll movie ever
made," shows tonight at Eye -
mediae. The movie features perfor -
mances by James Brown and The
Flames, The Supremes, Marvin
Gaye, The Rolling Stones, and
more...Liquid Sky, a bizarre post
modern film about aliens who kill
people at the moment of orgasm,
screens tonight at the Mich at 7:30
and 9:45.
The Layabouts, Cass Corr -
idor's favorite anarchist world beat
band, appear at Rick's tonight.
Their album has lyrics such as
"Governements suck. And I mean
all of them"...One of the most
influential movies of the 70s plays
tonight at 7:30 at the Mich. That's
right. It's Dirty Harry, the
movie that taught us all that some -
times the good guy has to break the
rules and go against the system to
nab the bad guy and has spawned oh
so many inferior imitations.
Jean Luc Godard's Breathless
(that's the original) shows at the
Nat Sci Auditorium at 7:30. This
parody of Bogart's tough gangster
is followed by one of Bogey's
finest tough detective films, The
Maltese Falcon, at 9:30.
-Alan Paul
Don't forget
pick up
Michigan Daily
s T rkD A YM _ N'D A Y
Long time local faves The
Urbations are at the Blind Pig
tonight...Singer/songwriter Jona -
than Edwards, who wrote the
Dave Uchalik, a member of
Detroit bands such as the Mutants,
the Polish Muslims, and The
Treblemakers, performs live on
The legend lives on ... in three
campus films this week.
The alendar
of The University of Michigan
The calendar combines meeting, lecture workshop and con-
ference announcements with other events happening each week
on campus. It is based on The University Record calendar, and
is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations
recognized by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be
submitted in writing by Sp.m. the Tuesday before publication.
Address all information to: Julie A. Brown, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*)
denotes events to which admission is charged.
*Exhibit Mus--Family Show, Sky Rambles, 10:30 & 11:30 am, &
Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm, Planetarium, 1109
Geddes. 764-0478. Adventure workshop (4-7 yrs), "Digging into
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life," 10:30 am-noon, 1109 Geddes. 764-
Stu Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, Sess I, 9-11 am, SAB,
Amnesty Intl--Mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich Union. 663-2609.
CEW--Job Hunt Club (Tuesdays through July 28), "Organizing Your Job
Search," noon-1:30 pm, 350 S Thayer. 763-7080.
MC MUG--Mtg/demo, S White, "U-M-Quickslides Systemfor Generating
Full-Color Slides On-Line," 3 pm, Amph, Univ Hosp. 936-4900.
*Career Ping & Picmt--Wkshp, "Career Planning," 1-4:30 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr. Regis: 764-7410.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, Univ Hosp,
Plant Operations--Prog, "Weight Watchers at Work," 3:30 pm, Model
Conf Rm, 326 E Hoover. 764-2484.
June 10
Commission for Women--Brown bag panel disc, "Making the
Transition from Clerical to P&A at the U-M," noon-1:30 pm, Conf
Rms 4 & 5, Mich League. 764-3423.
*Cont Med Ed--Clinical Laboratory Computer Symposium (3 days),
. Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe, 763-
Grad Employee Org--Membership mtg, 4 pm, Guild House, 802
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, Univ Hosp,
Stu Woodshop--Safety Class for new shop users, Sess I, 3-5 pm, SAB,
WCBN (88.3)--Prog, "All Things Reconsidered," 6:30 pm. 763-3500.
*AAFC--Breathless, 7:30, &The Maltese Falcon, 9:30 pm, Nat Sci Aud.
Career Ping & Plcmt--Wkshp, "Introductory Practice Interviewing,"
2:10-4 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460.
*Mich League--Amer Heritage Night, Hawaii, 4:30-7:30 pm, The
League Buffet.
Stu Woodshop--Safety Class for new shop users, Sess II, 3-5 pm, SAB,
R ID AY Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation Serv., 5-7 pm., 1214 Packard, 761-
*Exhibit Mus--Family Show, Sky Rambles, 10:30 & 11:30 am, &
JUNE 5 Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm, Planetarium, 1109
Geddes. 764-0478.
*Celebration '87--Perf, Aliens & Scoundrels, 8 pm, Mendelsohn M-CARE--Family Fun Day, noon-6 pm, Maybury Park. 349-0203.
Theatre. 764-3982,663-2379. *Outdoor Rec Prog--Hands-on Clinic, "Basic Canoe Strokes &
Career Ping & Plcmt--Lec, "Interviewing," 3:10-4:30 pm, 3200 SAB, Techniques," 1-4 pm, Argo Pond. Regis: 764-3967.
764-7460. Stu Woodshp--Safety class for new shop users, Sess II, 11 am-l pm,
Comp Ctr/Mlcrocomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Microsoft Word SAB. 763-4025.
Lecture/Demonstration (Macintosh)," 9-10 am; "Basic Concepts of Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Computing Ctr Tour, 2-4 pm, 1075
Spreadsheeting," 10:30 am-12:30 pm, & "Intro to Computing," 1-3 Beal Ave. Regis: 764-2121.
pm, 4212 SEB. Courses: "MS-DOS Basic Skills (IBM)," 9 am-noon;
"Computer Conferencing for MTS Users," 1-3 pm, and "VersaTerm
Terminal Emulation Program," 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
Gay Liberation--Lesbian-Gay Male Community Open House, 8:30 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606,763-4186.
*AAFC-Crocodile Dndee,7:30 & 9:30,2Nat pi dsoh Gay Liberation/LaGROC--Community Forum on Self-Defense, 7:30
*Celebraton 87--N2 , Aliens & Scoundrels, 2 & 8pm, Mende pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606, 763-4186.
'Iheatre. 764-3982,663-2379.