The Michigan Daily
Friday, May 22, 1987
Page 11
Dartmouth dumps 'M' 4-0
Pitcher 4-hits Blue
at NCAA regional
ATLANTA (AP) - Mike started and lost for Michigan. The
Remlinger pitched a four-hitter and loss dropped the sophomore's record
struck out 13 batters to lead fifth- to 6-1.
seeded Dartmouth to a 4-0 upset of In another first round game at
No. 2 Michigan in the first round the double elimination tournament,
of the NCAA Northeast Regional Fordham (32-11) beat Georgia (38-
college baseball playoffs yesterday. 19).
Michigan, 51-11, now must Dartmouth meets Fordham
defeat sixth-seeded Rider (22-21), an tonight at 7 p.m. Georgia and
upset victor over first-seeded Georgia Tech (51-13) play in the
Georgia Tech, today at 3 p.m. early game.
(WAAM radio, 1600 AM) to stay The winner of the Northeast
alive in the 48-team NCAA Regional will join the winners of
tournament. the other seven regionals at the
R E M L I N G E R, 9-2, was College World Series that begins
shaky only in the fourth inning, May 29 in Omaha, Neb.
when he walked leadoff batter Phil
Price. Third baseman Bill St. Peter Abbott featured in Si
singled and both moved up on a A member of Michigan's Big
wild pitch. Remlinger then struck Ten championship team is featured
out two and retired the last in this week's issue of Sports
Michigan batter on a popup to Illustrated. Sophomore pitcher Jim
escape unscathed. Abbott is the subject of a two-page
"That was as fine a pitcher as article in the weekly magazine by
we've faced all year," said Michigan Hank Hersch.
head coach Bud Middaugh. "He just The article, titled "That Great
seemed to get better and better as Abbott Switch," details the
the game went on. interesting story of the sophomore
"I don't think there are many lefthander who was born without a
clubs that could have beat that right hand and how he has become
young man today." one of the top pitchers in college
Dartmouth (25-11), the Eastern baseball.
conference champions, scored all Abbott, who was 10-3 this
four runs in the sixth inning on an season with a 2.43 ERA, is also
RBI single from third baseman the only member of the Wolverines
Todd Twachtmann and a three-run to be invited to tryout for the
homer from right fielder Tom United States baseball team that
DeMerit. will compete in the Pan Am Games
RIGHTHANDER Chris Lutz this summer in Indianapolis.
Participants must agree to make 3 visits to the clinic per week for
6 weeks and two follow-up visits (one month and three months
Treatment consists of 3 intramuscular injections every week for 6
weeks, a physical exam and blood testing.
Subjects will receive $250 for their participation at
the completion of the study.
For further information and appointment scheduling,
contact the University Health Service at 764-8325.
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Wolverine Jim Durhamjscores in the seventh inning against Purdue on Sunday to put Michigan ahead
3-2. Michigan went on to win the game, 5-2.
Trojans top netters, 5-1
By DARREN JASEY competing for a national capped its season by winning the
Michigan's Dan Goldberg championship. He faces Jim Lorin first annual Hardee's Softball
advanced to the semi-finals of the of Oklahoma tomorrow. N a t i o n al I n v i t a t i o n al
singles competition at the NCAA "The players are so close down Championship in Macomb, Ill.,
tennis championships in Athens, here that it doesn't matter what last weekend.
Ga, yesterday. they're seeded," Eisner said. The team's 5-0 tournament
In the team competition last "The surfacs are slow, which is record included wins over Iowa
Saturday Michigan's bid for a conducive to good ground strokes." State (twice), North Carolina,
national title ended when top-seeded he added. "Dan has very good Western Illinois, and Sam Houston.
and undefeated USC eliminated ground strokes." Senior pitcher Vicki Morrow
coach Brian Eisner's Wolverines, 5- THE OTHER success for the was selected MVP of the
1, in the second round. Wolverines occurred last Friday tournament. She won all five
The Trojans went on to lose, 5- when they upset 16th-seeded games, allowed three earned runs,
4, in the semi-finals against Kentucky, 5-2, in the first round of and struck out 30.
eventual champion Georgia. the team tournament.
GOLDBERG'S success started "A lot of people had given Pan Am shuns Grant
in the match with USC, when the Kentucky the edge before the match Senior guard Gary Grant failed to
sophomore defeated one of the began," Eisner said. "(The victory) make the 12-player U.S. Pan Am
nation's top five players to give reinforces our beliefs about the kind basketball team last week.
Michigan its only point. of team we are, and it showed The four guards who made the
Goldberg, who was not even others the kind of team that we team ahead of Grant were
considered to be among the top 32 have." Kentucky's Rex Chapman, North
players in the 64-player singles Carolina's Jeff Lebo, UCLA's
field, has survived four matches and ishes 39-17 Jerome Richardson, and Indiana's
is now only one match away from The Wolverine softball team Keith-Smart.