Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 22, 1987
Arts Update
'F R D" A y tonight for some good o1' rock and
roll. It's a lucky night for movie
You want dance? We'll give you buffs. Two of the cornerstones in
dance. Import/Export, a~graduate filmmaking are playing in one
dance concert, will be performed at action filled evening. Citizen
Studio A in the Dance Building. It Kane, Orson Welles' cinematic
starts at 8pm and, hey, it's only masterpiece about the wild world of
three bucks. Catch Cub Coda, newspaper publishing (kind of like
those original "Smokin' in the the Michigan Daily) is at MLB 4
Boys Room" boys at the Blind Pig. at 7:15 and 9:30. And to top it off,
Talking about boys, Dorris Dorrie's the Michigan Theater Foundation
acclaimed film Men will be at the brings us Another Night with
Michigan Theater at 7:30 and 9:30. Rocky and Buliwinkle (tomor-
It's the story of a boring advertising row night, too), guest starring
executive who moves in with his Boris, Natasha, Dudley and Snidley,
wife's Bohemian lover...And if you at the Mich. at 7, 9 and 11pm.
b nlntAs ha nn l s. fnr
the MLB 3 at 9:20. And talking
about picnics...
...why not go on one today. It's
Memorial Day (remember?) and
nothing is open in Ann Arbor any -
way so just relax and have a grand
time in the Arb or some place like
that. Get drunk, eat a lot and make
sure to go to the bank on Friday
because it's just not going to be
open today.
Memorial Day is over and it's
time to get back to the real world
with a down-to-earth movie. Sid
and Nancy is a love story but
nothing like the Eric Segal version.
Alex Cox directs this gory story
about Sid Vicious and his groupie
Nancy Spungen.
If you missed Map of the World
or just yearning for another hip
local band, catch Before or After
a the Pig tonight. They're really
kind of cool except that the lead
singer thinks that he's in the Cure,
or something. Don't get thrown off
by the English accent; they're from
Michigan, believe me. David
Lynch, the celluloid king of disgust
who brought us the pseudo-cool
thriller Blue Velvet, graces Ann
Arbor with The Elephant Man,
a pretty good adaption of the stage
play, at the Mich. at 9:45. William
Holden is back to the silver screen
again but this time it's no Picnic.
He's trapped in the mansion of a
washed-up actress played by Gloria
Swanson in Sunset Boulevard.
It's playing at the Mich. at 7:30.
Liz Story may not be a 'local"
musician but she did go to grade
school here. She's an amazing solo
pianist with a hauntingly beautiful
sound. She plays at the Ark on S.
Main at 7:30 and 10pm. If you feel
like totally being depressed, make
sure to catch the Bergman double
feature at MLB 3 at 7:30. This
depressing deadly dou features The
Seventh Seal and Summer
--Seth Flicker
a solutely aVe nu plan~ 10
tonight, there are a couple of great
double features. Alien and
Aliens, Sigourney Weaver's sci-fi
breakthroughs, start at 7:30. Bette
Davis is the center of attention in
Beyond the Forest and All
About Eve, playing at MLB 4
at 7:30.
Map of the World, that
crazy, local band with that wild,
poppy flair, comes to the Pig
May always proves to be the
most financially deficient times of
the year so, hey, why not sell some
of those old albums laying around
the room at the Ann Arbor
Record Show at the American
Legion Hall at 1035 S. Main. For
those few of you who do have
money, buy some. The great Amer -
ican bartar system at work. Wild.
Kim Novak, Rosilind Russell and
William Holden go on a Picnic at
Sophia Hanifi
... of Map of the World
The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The calendar combines meeting, lerture workshop and con-
ferenre announcements with other events happening each week
on campus. It is based on The University Record calendar, and
is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations
recognized by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be
submitted in writing bs y5 the Tuesday before publication.
Address all information to: Julie A. Brown, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (')
denoles events to which admission is charged.
MAY 25
Career Ping & Picmt--Lec, "Resume Writing," 3:10-4:30 pm, 3200
SAB, 764-7460.
Gay Liberation--Lesbian-Gay Male Community Open House, 8:30 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606,763-4185.
MAY 26
Mus Art--Art Breaks, "From Seedtime to Harvest," 12:10 pm.
*Botanical Grdns--Lec/demo, C Liu, "Oriental Vegetables," 7-9 pm,
1800 N Dixboro Rd. 763-7060.
Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Lotus 1-2-3" Pt I, 8:30 am-
12:30 pm; "Macintosh Basic Skills," 9 am-noon; & "Microsoft Word"
Pt I (IBM PC-Compatibles), 1-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Courses:
""Macintosh Basic Skills Lec/Demo, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, & "Intro to
Computing," 3-5 pm, 4212 SEB, Course, "Intro to TEXTEDIT" Pt 6,
1:30-3 pm, 2065A Frieze Bldg. Regis: 747-2424.
Psychol--Paul M Fitts Mem Lec Ser, D Kahneman, "Objects &
Attentional Control," 4:15 pm, Hale Aud. 747-4948.
Engr--Lec, D Knuth, "Experiments with Digital Halftones," 3 pm,
Chrysler Aud. 763-2174.
*Human Resource Devp--Class, "Organizational Behavior & Politics
at U-M," 1-4 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-7410.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, 2nd Level,
Univ Hosp. 763-9953.
Plant Oper--Class, "Weight Watchers at Work," 3:30 pm, Model Conf
Rm, 326 E Hoover. 764-2484.
MLK-Rosa Parks Prog--Slides/lec, E Youngblood, her work as a
graphic designer, 6 pm, Rm 2104, Art & Arch Lec Hall. 764-0397
MAY 27
*AAFC--Erendira, 7:30 & 9:30 pm, MLB 3.
Psychof--Paul M Fitts Mem Lee Ser, D Kahneman, "Movement, Change
& Identity," 4:15 pm, Hale Aud. 747-4948.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe, 763-
Psychiatry--Conf, "A Salmagundi of Satiety, Taste & Long Term
Follow-up Research in Eating Disorders & Its Relevance to a
Hospitalized Treatment Program," 10:30 am-noon, & "The Pitfalls for
Biological, Behavioral & Treatment Research in the Eating Disorders,"
1:30-3 pm, Aud Rm P3231, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Hosp.
W Europ Stds/Hist of Art/Mus Art --Lee, G Goldner, "Renaissance
Drawings in the Collection of the J Paul Getty Museum," 7:30 pm,
180 Tappan Hall. 764-4311.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Prog, "All Things Reconsidered," 6:30 pm. 763-
Sin Wooduhop--Safety class for new shop users, Sess I, 3-5 pm, SAB,
MAY 28
Mus Art--See May 26. (No Art Breaks during June, July & Aug; will
resume in Sept.)
Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Microsoft Word" Pt II
(Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; "dBASE I Plus" Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30
pm; "MS-DOS Basic Skills (IBM)," 1-4 pm, & "MTS Visual Editor,"
7-9 pm, 3001 SEB. Courses: "Intro to TEXTEDIT" Pt VII, 1:30-3 pm
2065A Frieze, & "Basic Concepts of Text Processing," 3-5 pm, 4212
SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
Prog on Confiet Mgmt Alt & Evoi--Lec, F de Waal, "Pace
Lessons From Our Simian Relatives," 3:30-5 pm, E Lee Rm,
Rackham. 936-2526.
Psy chol--Paul M Fitts Mem Lee Ser, D Kahneman, "Emerging Themes:
Interpretation & Cognitive Control," 4:15 pm, Hale Aud. 747-4948.
*Human Resource Devp--Class, "Dealing Successfully with the
People," 8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-7410.
*Cont Legal Ed--Course, "Article 9 Documentation & Foreclosure:
Security Interests & Default Realization," 1-5 pm, Holidome-Holiday
Inn, 763-3233, 764-0533.
*Mich League--Amer Heritage Night, Mexican Border States, 4:30-7:30
pm, The League Buffet.
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, 2nd Level,
Univ Hosp. 763-9953, 936-4300.
*Turner, Geriatric Sves-Prog, R Murphey, "The East Through Western
Eyes," 10 a99-noon, 1010 Wall. 764-2556.
Stu Woitshop--Safety class for new shop users, Sets II, 3-5 pm, SAB,
Turner Geriatric Sves--Workshop, "How Far Have We Come? Eyes,
Heart & Growing Older," 1-3 pm, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud, 990 Wall St.
Chem--Sem, DSayers,.'Time-Dependent Sructural Studies Using Energy-
Dispersive X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy,"4 pm, 1200 Chem Bldg.
MAY 29
*AAFC--The Stranger Stranger, 7 pm; Shadow of a Doubt, 7:30 pm, &
Strangers On a Train, 9:30 pm, MLB 4.
Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Macintosh Basic Skills," 9
am-noon; "MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users," 1-3 pm, & "Macintosh
System Utilities," 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB. Courses:-"Choosing a Text
Processing System," 10:30-11:30 am, & "Into to Computing," 1-3 pm,
4212 SEB. Regis: 747-2424. Info Ctr Users Grp, mtg, 10:30 am,
Regents' Rm, Fleming.
*Human Resource Devp--Professional Devp Lab, 1-4:30 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr. 764-9250.
*Cont Legal Ed--Course, "Article 9 Documentation & Foreclosure:
Security Interests & Default Realizations, 1-5 pm, Holidome-Holiday
Inn, 763-3233,764-0533.
Med Ctr--Mott Golf Classic Party, 5:30-11 pm, Holiday Inn West
Holidome & Conf Ctr, 2900 Jackson Rd. 763-0510
MAY 30
*ExhibitMus--Family Show, Sky Rambles, 10:30 & 11:30 am, &
Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm, Planetarium, 1109
Geddes. 764-0478.
*AAFC--The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 7:30 pm, & The Court Jester,
9:30 pm, Nat Sci.
Ne E & N Air Stds--Conf, "The Impact of the Jihad (Counter-Crusade)
on the Medieval Middle East," 2 pm, 3050 Frieze -764-0350
MAY 31
Mus Art--Docent tour, "From Seedtime to Harvest," 2 pm. (No docent
tours during June, July & Aug; will resume in Sept.) Zen Buddhist
Temple--Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
*Exhibit Mus--Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm,
Planetarium, 1109 Geddes. 764-0478.
Gay Liberation--Postive Identity Day Conf, E Noble, 9:30 am,
Marygrove Conf Ctr, Detroit. 869-5105,763-4186.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church --Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest,