The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 31, 1985- Page
Belgium blames English
spectators for soccer riot ,
BRUSSELS, Belgium (UPI)-The Belgian government "A handful of lunatics have finished British football in
blamed English fans yesterday for a riot at the European Europe," said life-long Liverpool supporter John Bennett, a
Champions Cup title game that left 38 people dead and 36, as weary fans arrived in London.
more than 400 injured and warned it may ban British teams OFFICIALS of the union of European Football
from the country. Association, which governs soccer in Europe, toured the
The riot in Heysel Stadium jammed with 60,000 spec- stadium and announced they would meet July 2 to decide w
tators began Wednesday about an hour before the what action should be taken. Union President Jacques
game-pitting Juventus of Turin, Italy, and Liverpool of Georges indicated it would be necessary to ban teams
England-was scheduled to begin when Liverpool fans at- whose supporters have a record of violence.
tacked Juventus supporters, sparking hour-long clashes. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, already un-
der fire for failing to halt rampant
BELGIAN police said 16 people had soccer "hooliganism" in Britain, ex-
been taken into custody in the fracas, 'A ha dful pressed "horror and revulsion" at the
while Rome's public prosecutor said an u o rioting and pledged 250,000 poun
he would open an investigation into l una tic s have ds-$317,500-for the victims. That-
"relative acts" leading to the cher said "my blood was boiling" as
tragedy. finished British she watched the riot live on television.
The Belgian Interior Ministry put f o ot b a 1 l in Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and
the death toll at 38, with the Red Cross Pope Paul John II joined Italian,
reporting 41. The dead included 26 Europe. British, and Belgian officials in ex
Italians, fuBegasonFrnhJo nB n e BiihanBegaofiiline- i n thAssociatedPrs
Briton living in Belgium nd French, six -John Bennett pressing shock over thetragedy. Rolhn on the river
otet identifiedgh minlistr said. segaixieMnserWlr
notyetidentified, the ministry said. British football fan Belan n Prime Minister Wilfried Rich Foster, 34, mans an oar on the raft he and his brother plan to take to
Authorities said some 435 others Martens, in a telegram to his Italian New Orleans Wednesday night in Pittsburgh. The brothers started Sun-
were treated for injuries-many of counterpart Bettino Craxi, said he day In East Brady, Pa., and have navIgated 72 miles down the Alegheny
them serious. Interior Minister was "deeply shocked by the explosion River so far.
Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb said many of the victims of violence, started by British fans, which caused the
were crushed or suffocated in a stampede, which caused a deaths of several Italians."
concrete dividing wall to collapse and trap people under a oer
pile of debris. In a radio interview, Martens said, "To me it is clear
ANGRY Italian soccer fans returning to Turin lashed that Belgium in the future cannot afford the risk of
out at Liverpool fans for the violence at Heysel Stadium. organizing cup finals in which British teams take part."
MSA reviews problems cit scol o at
By NADINE LAVAGNINO bott Elementary School the 1985
(ContinuedfromPage1) From the table to the trash to the Waste Awareness Award.
University." present committee system is a lack of incinerator to the air-that's the cycle During a four-week period,
SCOTT Page, last year's MSA an overall "vision" by MSA. Without for 3,600 plastic and styrofoam school Wahamaki's class studied various
president, said the plan could work this vision, Schnaufer said, commit- lunch trays, and it earned the Ann Ar- cycles in nature, focusing one day a
well, but the turnover rate could be tees are currently reactive: "They bor Public Schools' lunch program the week on recycling. The "energy
decreased just by involving people wait for an issue to come their way. ' Ecology Center's "Most Wasteful patrol" was formed by a group of
more and increasing the chances of Committees have to be progressive Consumer Award" for the second students whose efforts were directed
their coming back the next year. and implement their own initiatives." consecutive year. to decreasing the amount of paper use
Under another proposal, advocated This vision, Josephson said, should "We gave this award to the school in the school. The recycle-promoting
by Schnaufer, elections would be held be what the people want. We're going "e ga s aar o t sol inuthscool. Thereersmting
abou a ont ealierwit ol me- tobrig gvermentbac tothesystem last year hoping it would youths encouraged their peers to use
about a month earlier with old mem- n bring government back to the produce some in-house investigating, both sides of a sheet of paper and have
members in transition. According to Josephson, MSA also but the system has not done a lot," it recycled after that.
membrs n tansiion Acordig t Joephsn, SA lsosaid Nancy Stone, education coor- Another group of students drafteda
An inter-related problem, accor- has an image problem. "People think dnc at gC r Aeter o oftgenteirfe a
ding to Layman, is MSA's committee of MSA as heing way out left." They rodinator at the Ecology Center. letter to encourage their neighbors to
structure and the assembly's tack of think we're crazy, so they think 'let's Thousands of school meal trays and prepare for the June 4 recycling cen-
focurI dn'thko hass tb's g oin t nk forge a h " hy htheir utensils are disposed of each day ter truck run by flattening their
focus. "I don't know what's going to forget about them.' " and burned in incinerators on the aluminum cans and separating paper
happen with that, but the way it's set JOSEPHSON said the committee school lots. The problem of toxic products. The truck makes its mon-
up now, it leads to problems with has discussed several changes in its fumes in the neigh- thly pickups to citizens homes upon
committee chairmen doing communications committee, to "do a borhoods-"because plastic, does not requests.
everything with little input from better job of telling people all the Josephson always burn clean"-is of concern to The lunch room committee was
anyone else," he said. "Other times a other things we do." One plan in- ... .looks for changes the center, according to Stone. formed in which the children them-
chairman would get bogged down volves a new hotline - 76-GRIPE, "It is a shame that we are teaching; selves become part of the clean-up
with other commitments and nothing where students can call and express dropped from the election. When a students that once they are finished process. They set up boxes for other
will happ'n with these committees." their problems with the University. candidate is dropped, all his votes are eating, they are to throw it all away. students to separate their plastics on
"COMMITTEES tend to be hierar- Layman added that part of the distributed to other members of his This encourages the children tot their trays to be picked up by the
chical," the letter says. "This means problem is that the representatives party. waste," said Leroy Cappaert, Abbott truck.
that most members of the committee have no clear constituents. He would According to Layman, in last year's Elementary School principal. Every student at the school took
tend to lose interest because they are have new representatives sign a con- election, because more MUM party The reason the schools continue to home brochures about recycling and
not involved in much of the decision tract promising to meet regularly candidates were dropped than VOICE throw away their meal trays and not went around their neighborhoods en-
making, and it means that the bulk of with some student organization - party candidates, MUM candidates use paper or metal utensils is to keep couraging recycling habits.
the work must be done by the chair- such as students in the residence received extra votes. papercosts, talputersilsid. Botksepec"uraginre hab its.
person. " halls. This resulted in more MUM can- doncosts, Cappoert said. But some "We think we have made an impact
Schnaufer said he would abandon Probably the most controversial didates being elected than the voters students and teachers strongly oppose on the sixth graders and that it has
the current "committee-aimed" and complicated problem is with elec- wanted, Layman said. the system. "In order for us to live in filtered through to the younger
structure of MSA, opening up projects tions. Layman said the vote counting According to Josephson, the a better world we have to think about children," Wahamaki said.
to other members of the assembly procedure is too complicated and may initiatives would be implemented by recycling," said Kathryn Wahamaki, The studenta also feel they have
other than those involved in the even be unfair. the fall, unless it requires a vote by sixth grade teacher at Abbott made an impact on the school, home
related committee. IN MSA election hallois, voters thbyenl.Ths ol e* Elementary School. and community. "Recycling is impor-
For example, Schnaufer said that number one through 11 according to he assembly. These would be im With that thought in mind, Cap- tant. If we don't recycle, all our
For xamleSchaufe sad tat umbe on thoug 13 ccodin toplemented by mid-fall, but Layman paert, Wahamaki, and her class of 24 natural resources will go to waste,"
on the issue of escort services, he their preference of LSA represen- said some could take up to a year and students successfully completed a said sixth grader Ross French, a
would see if anyone in the Women's tatives. But only first place votes are a half. month-s succe comletedia member in Wahamaki's class project.
Issues committee was interested counted while two through thirteen "We realize that many students do m ontlng project of elevating memhir, asar
before opening it up to the rest of the are meaningless. not have the fullest of trust in our s e and public concern and HeniAnother class member, Tamara
assembly. Then the isaue would be Lamnas xlie htteaiiisawareness forecycling. Beigburg, said, "I feel it's not good
b Layman also explaied that the abilities," Layman said, "but we When the Ecology Center handed to use plastic plates. It pollutes our air
assigned to a committee. votes are counted in rounds, with the want them to know that it's not from a out the non-desirable "consumer and if you keep doing that you will
ANOTHER problem with the lowest vote-getter in each round being lack of concern on our part'' waste" award it also preented Ab- pollute our world."