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$660 ashtrays leaves
3 seamen in the dust
Secret ary Caspar W einberger said
ysterdse an admir and two oth a
ton fr aocers have been removes;
trare ammand at a aliforni naval
bass where ashtrays that cos. $ 6
eacn were bought for military planes.
Weinberger's announcement sur-
prised some Navy officials, who ac-
cused the defense secretary of staging
a public relations stunt since none of
the officers affected served at the
Miramar, Calif., naval air station
debated the cutbacks, "America's
defense needs did not shrink. No one
seriously challenges the fact of Soviet
I-flit-ry power.
"TIE PRiOGAES which we have
made ' in the arms buildilp) has cer-
tainly improved our position enor-
mously. but the process which led to
the lower defense budget figures, I
think, in no way implied that our
earlier proposals had been ex-
when the ashtrays were purchased. In a prepared statement, Wein-
WEINBERGER, a non-smoker, berger carried out a threat made
s ine e",namen-al-kers"Wednesday and said three officers
said one of the 'fundamental ways" were relieved of command and or-
of dealing with the ashtray problem dered transferred from Miramar
"is not to have smoking on those yesterday as punishment for the
planes. Navy's purchase of the ashtrays for
"The other way is to use used but the E-2C Hawkeye radar surveillance
relatively secure old mayonnaise jars plane.
for ashtrays, and we're going to pur-
sue both of those avenues," Wein- The ashtrays were bought from the
a berger said to laughter. "We're not Grumman Aerospace Corp. of Beth-
going to pay $50 or $10 to dispose of page, N.Y., builder of the Hawkeye. A
ashes from used cigarettes." Grumman spokesman said seven
ashtrays were bought for $659.63 each
Daily Photo by ALISA BLOCK In his first general news conference between 1960 and 1983 and that the
of the year, Weinberger defended his firm will refund $4,270, dropping the
Uncle Alligator and his friend wave to passersby yesterday at the grand opening of Rax restaurant on South budget for next year in the face of cost of the items to $50 apiece.
University congressional proposals to limit its
growth to cover inflation only or to Two other ashtrays were bought in
freeze spending at this year's level. 1981 for $900 each, but the spokesman
" The former would mean a $302.5 said that although Grumman received
- scen eef o L s, am p a m cs bhadministration$originally evidence that we ever filled that pur-
requested $313.7 billion and Wein- chase order. We never sold an ashtray
(ConinuedfrornPagel) berger said that while Congress for $900."
component of the national economy promoting Hispanics' college the State House of Representatives,
dSally Fernandezo tgoiake uca tion, The funds would be used and is now on the floor of the Senate,lounge sought for GLi
presden fortheassoiaton, aidto enhance the knowledge of studenta,
education is necessary to make parents, teachers, and counselors
Hispanics effective producers and about educaitonal opportunities. According to Fernandez, the exact (continuedfromPagei)
purchasers. Although speifics of the legislation appropriation of the bill is not the N h S lbaysporenasadcidtO relasst.g t
One of the projects the committee -Asuch as what inatitutions would most important part of the legislation and the LSA library committee. Nor- support academic interesta,"
has recently undertaken to meet that receive the funds, and the amount of for the association. "What is impor- des curel waitin for the
goal is working on legislation that the allotment - have yet to be tant," Ferndandez said, "is that they estimates on all three proposals. The old lounge located on the fourth
would set aside state funds for decided, but the legislation has passed are addressig the issue, A first plan calls for the construc- had to sit outside the lounge so that
tion of a furnished lounge on the food was not brought into the stacks.
ground floor of the library where the According to Norden, the guard's
Senten scheduled forcopy machines are now located A salary needlessly took away from the
J u ly second idea is returning vending library's general fund,
(Coninue fro Pag 1)machines to the building's first floor,
(CotinuedfromPagei) but Blalock and his lawyers from charges of embezzling $515. and a third is a lounge which would THE OLD lounge remained for
THE OTHER two counts were Student Legal Services and the Public Blalock declined to comment on the remain open 24hours a day. years because students helped keep
related to purchase orders written by Defender's Office decided to face the case. the area clean, but "we didn't find
repairs and $225 worth of typewriters The all-night lounge would provide such a demonstration of support when
repairs. Blalock said he paid for Police N otes a safe place for women travelling the the lounge was removed this past
repairs himself and the board reim- Bike thieves caught Safe stolen campus and ? secure place to wait for fall,"Norden said.
bursed him, Siler said. The other two rides or escorts, Norden said.
counts, however, were not mentioned Four Ypsilanti residents were ap- The Art and Architecture Building . Because library officials decided
in the courtroom yesterday. prehended when trying to steal a bike on North Campus was broken into NORDEN said implementing the not to include additional funds for
Blalock was given the opportunity locked near the Geddes bus stop at between 2 p.m. Monday and 8 a.m. latter two proposals would be costly security in the most recent budget,
at his pre-trial in the 15th district Geddes and North University streets, Tuesday. According to police Sgt. Jan because of the expense of having a 24- funding for security in a new lounge
court on April 24 to repay the $2,457 in according to safety director Leo Suomala a safe with less than $800 hour security guard assigned to the must be drawn from University cof-
a lump sum and avoid criminal Heatley. Campus security officers was taken and the police have not ap- lounge, fers, Norden said.
carges, um sm and drinsad.caught them cutting the lock cable prehended anyone in connection with
charges, Siler and Schubring said. and followed their pick-up truck until the break in. -Laura Bischoff "There's no money in the library's Norden plans to meet with Johnson
This was part of the plea bargaming Ann Arbor police arrested them. budget for added security right now, to discuss possible funding for the
Although Johnson declined com-
ment on the proposal, his assistant,
H iiFilms Miscellaneojus Roselle Wilson, said she "would doubt
Johnson will support the 24-hour
Michigan Theater Foundation - A Clockwork Microcomputer Education Center - lounge."
Tune into WCBN tonight at 6 p.m. for "Arts Orange, 7 & 9:35p.m., Michigan Theater. Workshop, "Intro to MS-DOS," 10 a.m., 3113
,pAnn Arbor Film Co-op-The Terminator, 7:30 SEB The library staff does not report to
and Idea, a cultural varietyprogram, airing at & 9:30p.m., MLB 4. International Folk Dance Club - lessons8 Johnson's office, Wilson said. "It's
Cinema 2-Pandora's Box, 7:30 p.m.- pm.; open request dancing, 9:30 p.m., Angell hard to support a proposal without
Eraserhead, 9:30 p.m., MLB Aud. 3. Elementary School, I6OBS. University. havig control of the proposed con-