A young and serenely naive
Katherine Hepburn brings madcap
romance into the life of flustered
professor Cary Grant with the aid of a
leopard. Definitive screwball. MLB 3,
9:30 only. $2.50/single, $3.50/double.
The Year of Living Dangerously
(Peter Weir, 1983) Michigan Theater
Peter Weir (Gallipoli, Witness) ad-
ds his usual touches of thoughtful at-
mosphere and stirring visuals to an
otherwise flat story of love amidst
revolution. With Mel (Mad Max) Gib-
son and Sigourney Weaver as the
romantic couple and an Oscar-
winning performance by Linda Hunt
as a philosophical photographer.
Michigan Theater 7:00, 9:15. $2.50.
International Folk Dancing -
University Folk Dance Club
No partner is necessary for these
weekly meetings that teach begin-
ners, and give experienced folk dan-
* cers a chance to cut loose. 8-11 p.m.
Angell School Gymnasium, 1608 S.
University. $1.50. For more infor-
mation, call 665-0219.
*Bars and Clubs
The Ark - (761-1451) - Gemini
plays for grown-ups. See Saturday
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - The
Buzztones sizzle.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Former
Footloose member Patty O'Connor
joins Rick Burgess for jazz.
The Heidelberg - (663-7758) - Sail
on the sonic waves ofMaxtonBay.
Main Street Comedy Showcase -
(996-9080) - Dennis Wolfberg cuts
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
The Falcons squawk.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Jammin' Jim Hawley.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Alliance mixes sthe old with
the new.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
The Kingbees buzz in from Boston.
U-Club - (763-2236) - Dance Party
' Windows - (769-9500) - The
Rosewood Vocal Express pledges a
polished performance.
Gemini - Washtenaw Council for the
Twin brothers Sandor and Laszlo
Slomovits are Gemini masters of
traditional folk music, and a variety
of instruments. Today they are
resenting two shows especially for
children at 1 and 3 p.m., followed by a
show for adults at 8. Tickets are $7 for
the evening concert, $4 for the after-
noon shows (children $2), and are
available through Schoolkid's and
Herb David in advance, or at the door.
Call 761-1451 for more information.
A Midsummer Night's Dream -
Eclectic Theater Company/Kreative
Improvisational Dance Studio/Young
People's Theater
The dream continues. See Friday's
Virtuoso Harpsichord Works of J.S.
Bach - Kerrytown Concert House
Brookshire plays at 8 p.m. See
Friday's listing.
Campus Cinema Eclectic Theater Company/Kreative
Improvisational Drama
A Day at the Races - CG Studio/Young People's Theater.
First of a Marx Brother double- Dreaming on at 8 p.m. See Friday's
feature is one of their best. Enough listing.
gags, verbal banter, and slapstick to
satisfy all. Wake the kids, phone the
neighbors, and watch this comedy Campus Cinema
classic. MLB 3, 7:30 only. $2.50/single, David Copperfield (George Cukor,
Animal Crackers - CG 1935) CG
A virtual museum-piece of a movie,
More of the same, only the names starring a veritable honor roll of
and settings have changed. What Hollyood actors. This time the adap-
remains constant is the high-level of tatio remains firl faithful to the
comedy hijinks, this time in a swank tsionaremins fairl fithute
Florida hotel. "Why a Duck?" MLB 3 original Dickens novel, with astute
9:30 only. $2.50/single, $3.50/double. ' characterization by everyone from
The African Queen (John Huston Freddie Bartholomew, W.C. Fields,
1952) C2 ' Lionel Barrymore, Basil Rathbone, The Buzztones bash at the Blind Pig Saturday.
If anyone but Huston had directed Maureen O'Sullivan, and Lewis Stone.
anyople but Humphreyadogareted MLB47:00,9:30. $2.00. wonder what the other guy's name ningly beautiful photography
Katherine Hepburn, African Queen 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley is?) highlight the storya young Irish lad's
would have been laughed off the Kurck 1968) MTF T Nctsrin Balloome. adventures in 18th century Europe. A
scren.Eve wih tem t'sprety Space never looked the same after 5436) - Once again - Alliance, masterpiece of movie-making and,
screen. Even with them it's pretty this movie. The only film which is as Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) msepeeo oi-aigad
silly. Yet the magic in their relation- ti m ovi. Th nly f s w i is - Rick s es Cfes -again, perfect for the big screen.
intriguing to watch sober as it is - Fast Tracks fuses styles. Michigan Theatre 7:30. $2.50.
ship more than compensates for any stoned, 2001 discusses in almost U-Club - (763-2236) - Laugh
flaws in the plot. Nat. Sci. Aud. 7:30, purely visual terms man's drive for Track. THURSDAY
9:30, $2.50. intellectual development. Perfect for Windows - (769-9500) - The
Against All Odds, (Taylor Hackford, the big screen of the Michigan. With Rosewood Vocal Express steams on-
1984) MTF music by Strauss. Michigan Theatre ward.
Film noir gone stale. Hackford's 4:00,7:00. $2.50 B rs and Clubs
remake of Out of the Past manages Campus Cinema tues The Apartment - (769-4060) The
the steamy love affair twixt Jeff weekly Jazz & Jamm Session.
Bridges and Rachel Ward just dandy, Furthermore Dr. Strangelove (Stenley Kubrick, The Ark - (761-1451) - Mustard's
but mishandles the convoluted plot- 1964) MTF Retreat celebrates their 10th anniver-
ting and heavy-handed script. Starbound - University Exhibit Kubrick Week at the Michigan con- sary.
Michigan Theatre 7:00, 9:30. $2.50. Museum Planeterium tiues with a macabre look at the Cold The Blind Pig - (996-8555) -
The Bride on the River Kwai (David Shows are at 1:30, 2:45, and 4 p.m. War. Before you can say "How I lear- Chicago's Blues master Mighty Joe
Lean, 1957) AAFC See Friday's listing. ned to Stop Worrying and Love the Young
If you're looking for epic, sweeping Bomb," you'll be laughing at the The Earle - (994-0211) - Mander-
drama, always check out David Lean. sharp satire, deadly humor, and ville mans the keyboard.
His direction is confident, technically striking parallels to today's world. Main Street Comedy Showcase -
accurate, and emotionally tight. This M O NDAY Michigan Theatre 7:10, 10:00. $2.50. (996-9080) - Song spoofer Stuart Mit-
story started out a straight-forward W EDNESDAY chell.
anti-war novel, but ended up with Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
seven Academy Awards. Starring Tracy Lee and the Leonards bop.
Alec Guiness and William Holden.PeMountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
MLB 4, 8:60only. $2.50 Community access Television Bars and Clubs Wed The Jeff Beldori Duo.
Eyemediae Video Showcase Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
Furthermore The best of American cable The Ark - (761-1451) - From Min- -SurrealEstateStomps.
Celestial Spring/Starbound - programming, including local work, nesota, or maybe Lake Wobegon, it's U-Club-(763-2236) -Soundstage.
University Exhibit Museum coupled with a live performance. 8 Charlie Maguire. Windows - (760-9500) - Ride with
p.m. at the Kerrytown Concert
Planetarium House,m 415 5. Fourth Ave. $3. Call the Rosewood Vocal Express.
Celestial Spring is a video presen- The Blind Pig - (996-8555) -
tation featuring live narration about 662-2410 for more iformation. Hiawatha Bailey leads the Cult
the constellations currently visible in Heroes. Performance
the evening sky. Starbound is an
audio-visual presentation of develop- Cine The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry Welcome to the Freak Show - Per-
ments in astronomy since the '50s. 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Manderville on the 88s. formance Network
10:30 and 11:30 a.m. (Spring), 1:30, Kubrick, 1968) MTF Eastern Michigan University dance
2:45, and 4 p.m. (Starbound), at the See Sunday's listing. Michigan (oParty -(995-2132)s teachers Harriet Payne and Paul
Exhibit Museum Planetarium, Ged- Theatre 7:00, 9:35. $2.50. Hodgkins have collaborated on a dan-
des at N. University. $1. Call 764-0478 Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) - The ce concert incorporating elements of
for more information. Japanese Nog drama, and the music
Observers' Night - University Furthermore of Robert Fripp. With guest perfor-
Lowbrow Astronomers 9th Annual Ann Arbor Memorial Day Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) mance by Kathy Gantz Morse and
This is your chance to see the night Pre lacier Ararmeors' - Break down and see Resistance Jeff Picard. 8p.m. at the Network, 408
skies through the gigantic 24-inch Parade - Glacier Area Homeowners Free W. Washington. For ticket prices call
telescope at the Peach Mountain Ob- Association 663-0681.
seratory. Cancelled if the skies are Ann Arbor's only Memorial Day
parade features bands, balloons, U-Club (763-2236) - Tom Simonian
overcast at sunset. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. at bikes, clowns, cars, the mayor, and hosts the Reggae Dance Party. Campus Cinema
the Observatory, N. Territorial Rd. much, much more. Beginning prom- The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)
Free. Call 663-2080 for more infor- ptly at 10 a.m. at Greenbriar Park, Windows - (760-9500) - The MTF
mation. and snaking to Larchmont Park until Rosewood Vocal Express rides again. Kubrick adds several interesting
it's all over. Free. Call 769-3015 for touches to Stephan King's
more information. psychological horror story, yet
vur#ArMNim g o e te n
Bars and Clubs
Main Street Comedy Showcase Bars and Clubs
(996-9080) - Open Mike The Ark - (761-1451) - Open mike.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - The Blind Pig - (996-8555) -
Los Chickens try to outsquawk last Reggae, Dance Party, mon.
night's show by The Falcons. The Earle - (994-0211) - The
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994- keyboard wizardry of Larry Mander-
5436) - Alliance closes out a 3 night ville.
stand at The Nec. Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Perfom aneWithout a doubt, it's Killer Trout!
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Jeff Baldori Duo. (Don't you
rer ormance manages to leave out the emotions of
Requiem for Nicaragua - Canter- the main characters. A consistently
bury House scary pace provides some chills, but
Tim Simonds directs his adaptation poorly developed themes and struc-
of the traditional Christian Mass for tures make the film ultimately unin-
the Dead to the current situation in teresting. Michigan Theatre, 7:00,
Nicaragua. A trilingual performance 9:35. $2.50.
(Latin, English, Spanish). 8 p.m. at Furthermore
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 306 N.
Division. Free. Call 665-0606 for more Mexican Border States - Michigan
information. League American Heritage Night
Presenting food and festivity from
Campus Cinema the states just this side of the border.
Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick,1976) 5-7:15 p.m. in the Michigan League
MTF cafeteria. Meals range from $6-8 on
Whatever you do, don't call it average. Call 764-0446 for more in-
boring. A deliberate pace and stun- formation.