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May 24, 1985 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1985-05-24

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Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 24, 1985


Second run of the Milos Forman/Peter Schaffer
supposedly "irreverent" biography of Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart. Despite the Oscar sweep, this is
really a pompous, self-satisfied, pseudo-
intellectual piece of fluff. At the State Theater, 230
S. State; 662-0264.
Eddie Murphy goes through his usual fast jiving,
smart ass routines in this moderately amusing
thriller/comedy about a streetwise Detroit cop
who goes to California to investigate a friend's
murder. The script is just a sketchy outline,
existing solely for Murphy to improvise around.
Murphy's antics are cute even if they're strictly
lowbrow. The laughs are fast and plentiful, but
lightweight, and you're always aware of just how
shabbily slapped together the whole film is. At the
Movies at Briarwood Mall; 769-8780.
Long awaited Alan Parker (Shoot The Moon)
adaptation of William Wharton's novel about a
shell shocked young man's obsessive fantasy of
flying. Stars Matthew Modine and Nicolas Cage,
with a scoreby Peter Gabriel. Awarded theSpecial
Jury Prize at this years Cannes Film Festival. At
the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-
Writer-director John Hughes (last of Sixteen
Candles) takes a bleak look at coming of age in
modern suburbia. The film centers on five kids, of
diverse background locked up together in the high
school library for a Saturday afternoon detention.
Au the day progresses, the ida drop their gurda
and feel each other out, sharing their mutual

whose only respite from the bitterness of life isto
frostratins and feers. A curiously bitter script, LUST IN THEDUST escape into the local movie house and live out this
flawed by melodramatic hyperbole and Expectantly twisted western comedy featuring week's musical or adventure. One day a character
stereotypically stiff characters who act tortured Divine and Tab Hunter. At thefState Theater, 230 Sl in one of the films (Jeff Daniels) looks down into
but are devoid of any real feelings. This is like an State; 662-6264. her eyes, and decides to jump out of the screen into
amateur play, written and put on by a high school her life. Somewhat gimmicky, and sentimentally
class that has just finished reading a Eugene A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET manipulative but it has more than a few moments
O'Neil play. Very sincere, but not particularly Low budget horror yarn about a group of of truly enchanting sweetness and wit. Definitely
thoughtful. At the Wayside Theatre, 3020 adolescents who are stalked in their dreams by a worthwhile. At the Fox Village, 375 N. Maple; 769-
Washtenaw; 434-1782. vengeful ghoul. If he gets his claws on them, they 1300.
don't wake up. The plotting is weak and predic-
table and the acting stiff, but the film is made
BREWSTER'S MILLIONS redeemable by some clever special effects and RAMBO' FIRSTBLOOD I
Latest Richard Pryor comedy wherein he is of- director Wes Craven's snappy direction of the RyM sOR-STaBLODrIs
fered megamillions by an aging wealthy eccentric more chilling moments. A B-movie classic in the Sylvestor Stallone repries the role of the
providedhe can first manage to spend thirty of it in same league as Halloween or The Terminator. At restless Vietnam vet who, in thin sequel to First
one month. At the Campus Theater 1214S. Univer- the State Theater, 231S. State; 662-6264. Blond, is sent bach into the jungles to rescue
American POWs still in captivity. Does this sound
sity; 434-1282.
PARIS,TEXASyfamiliar to anyone else? At the Fox Village, 375 N.
THE CARE BEARS MOVIE Soul-searching in a small Texas town. Directed Maple, 769-1300.
Animated fantasy based on the hugely successful by Wilm Wenders from a piece by Sam Shephard.
line of teddy bears. At the Movies at Briarwood, At thefState Theater, 231S. State; 662-6264. RUSTLER'S RHAPSODY
Briarwood Mall,769-8780. Cowboy camp comedy by the director of Police


Academy. At the State Theater, 231 S. State; 662-
No information at press time. At the Wayside, Return of David Lean's highly praised drama. At
3020 Washtenaw; 434-1782. the Ann Arbor Theater, 219 S. Fifth Ave; 761-9700. A VIEW TO A KILL
Latest James Bond opus, with Roger Moore
CODE OF SILENCE (who's beginning to look a little long toothed to
Chuck Norris vehicle. Lots of quasi-martial arts POLICE ACADEMY II make a believable 007) and Grace Jones as a
ass-kicking. At the Fox Village Theater, 375 N. Sequel to last year's lowbrow comedic romp, somewhat funky nemesis. At the Fox Village
Maple; 769-8780. Police Academy. At the Fox Village, 375 N. Maple, Theater, 375 N. Maple; 769-1300.
Film vehicle for transient popster Madonna. At Harrison Ford plays a Philadelphia detective
the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- who uncovers an extensive narcotics network
8780. APRIVATE FUNCTION operated from within the agency, and his life is in
British comedy of soial manners, starn Maggie danger, flees into the Pennsylvania countryside
THE GODS MUSTBECRAZY Smith and Monty Python's Michael Palm. At the taking refuge in an Amish farming community.
A marvelously imaginative comedy about as AnnArbr Theeter, 210S. FifthAve; 761-8766. Australian director Peter Weir successfully takes
African bushman who mistakes a Coke bottle that a second rate script and elevates it to absolute
falls from an airplane as a dropped trinket of the sublimity. This film is one of the richest in mood
gods, and decides to try to return it. The laughsare THEPURPLEROSEOFCAIRO and texture tve ever seen. Very highly recom-
pure slapstick, but ingenious and relentless. The mended. At the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood
newest cult classic in town and deservedly so. At Mall;769-8780.
the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- y A en's latest film, a romantic fantasy Malle769-022B.
8781. about a Depression-age housewife (Mia Furrow) Comspiled by Byroo L. Bolt


FRIDAY performance of Bach's virtuoso har- Adu., 7:30 only, $2.50/single, reporter Clark Gable. A comedy that
psichord works was so successful $3.50/double. hasn't aged a day in the fifty-years
that Brookshire is back tonight with a It Happened One Night (Frank Capra, since its release. On a double bill with
Bars and Clubs smattering of Ars Musica members. 1934) Cinema Guiild Bringing Up Baby, MLB 3, 7:30 only.
The Ark - (761-1451) - Larry Brookshire is a graduate of the Heiress Claudette Colbert doesn't $2.50/single, $3.50 /double.
Sparks and the Lonesome Ramblers University School of Music, and the want to get married, so she runs away Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks,
sing bluegrass. winner of the 1984 Magnum Opus In- and into the life of down-to-earth 1948) Cinema Guild
ternational Harpsichord Competition.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) -Tbe8 p.m. at the Kerrytown Concert
House, 15 N. Fourth Avenue. $5 for
Robert Penn Revue plays R&B students. For reservations call 769-
The Earle - (994-0211) - The
masterful jazz of Burgess and O'Con- Campus Cinema
nor. Dead Ringer (Paul Henried, 1964)
Main Street Comedy Showcase - Cinema 2
(996-9080) - Dennis Wolfberg gets you A two women-one man love triangle
howling. that's definitely isosceles: Bette
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) The Davis plays the double-role of two
guitar magic of Jim Hawley. sisters fighting each other for the love
of one man. MLB 4, 7:30 only.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994- $2.50/single $3.50/double.
5436) - The Motor City dancibility of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane
Alliance. (Robert Aldrich, 1962) C2
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) Playing on the same double bill as
- Slip'n'slide with Newt and the Dead Ringer, this'll be your third
Salamanders. chance in two movies to watch Bette
U-Club -(760-9500) - The Davis act. This time, she's tormenting
Rosewood Vocal Express rides on. Joan Crawford and trying to relive the
glamour of her youth when she was
Performance known as child-star Baby Jane. MLB
4, 9:40 only. $2.50/single $3.50/double.
A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Horses Mouth (Ralph Neame,
Eclectic theater Company/Kreative 1958) Alternative Action Film Co-op
Improvisational Drama An eccentric painter causes con-r'
Studio/Young People's Theater fusion when his art leads him to use
This performance of Shakespeare's unconventional techniques. Featuring
popular romantic comedy features a another impeccable characterization
cast that ranges in age from 15-30, and by Alec Guiness, who also wrote the
includes local high school and college script. Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 only.
students. The show is directed by Rick $2.50/single $3.50/double.
Sperling, a 1984 Community High The Ladykillers (Alexander Macken-
School gradaute who has studied at drick1 A ci
the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Co-o
8 p.m. Performance Network, '418W Co-o
- Another small Hritish comedy with
Washington. $3 for students. For more bAuhsaThitiecAleyGuiess
big laughs. This time, Alec Guiness
information, call 663-0681. leads a gang of misfit crooks who get
Virtuoso Harpischord Works of J.S. undone by their silver-haired lan-
Bach - Kerrytown Concert House dlady. With Herbert Lom, Frankie Will cares and Anne Morton play Bottom and Titania in an updated 'Mid-
Bradley Brookshire's February Howad, and Peter Sellers. Nat. Sci. summer Night's Dream' at the Performance Network.



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