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August 09, 1985 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-09

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 9, 1985-- Page 9
Can the world be ready for Fishbone?


Los Angeles band Fishbone black people would say - this white provisational thing that you did in the though the band may all go vote your last name. Somebody wants to
makes its Ann Arbor debut Wed- boy thing. It's everybody's thing, studio... Democrat. We're not going to wave create an air of mystery about them-
whoever digs it. Music itself has no N: Most definitely. We were anybody's banner. We have things selves, so they do it. Prince didn't give
nesday night, August 14, at the color. thinking about what we could do to that we believe in, and that we'll stand out his last name for five or six years
Nectarine Ballroom. The band's D: I understand that the "Modern this song we came up with a day and a up for, but we're not going to go out - what a stupid thing! I mean, it's
EP and video have been very suc- Industry" video is going to be half before we went to the studio, and say that you have to look at things your last name, you should be proud
cessful, garnering critical raves, featured in an exhibition at New because we thought it was a cool song. our way to come to a Fishbone show of it, I guess.
and awards from the Museum of York's Museum of Modern Art. I don't There were lyrics before there was or buy a Fishbone album. We're just D: What's the story behind the
Moernd Aronhe Yoseumnd theknow of any other videos in music, but nobody really liked the saying, here's this point, and you look photo on the cover of the EP?
Modern Art in New York and the MOMA...how did yours get in? lyrics, not even me, so we scratched at whichever way you want to. Use F: That was shot in this abandoned
American Film Institute. Daily Ar- N: I don't know. We went and did them, but we kept the concept that your brain. We're not going to think apartment where a couple of people
is staffer John Logie spoke with the video...we had a ball. There was was in the lyrics - that there is this for you. had died. They drowned in the tub...I
Fishbone bassist John Norwood no thought of artistic expression when thing called radio and the people that D: How did you all first meet? personally think it was one of those
Fisher, and the band's drummer; we were doing it. The video doesn't run radio don't necessarily like the N: There was this thing at school, landsharks coming up. We were just
Fisher, neven have a storyline pertaining to the music that's played on it. They may we all got bused out to the San Fer- in the kitchen. We were really cooking
Fish. song. The song is about how we have not even be into rock and roll, they nando Valley. We went to this school some fish. We just started jumping.
Fish: John, what's up, babe? radio and it's a great thing, but it's probably are more concerned with called Hale Jr. High...George Ellery Someone started taking pictures.
Daily: Nothing much, how are you being abused. The video has nothing cash-ola, advertisement and stuff. Hale. We were in physical education, That's what came out. Real spon-
doing? to do with that. But radio is still a binding force in dif- a few of the guys - not everyone - taneous kind of happenings here. We
F: I'm doing real good. I've been up D: O.K., just what kind of show are ferent places, between different types and there were these girls. It was in had a fish ceremony, you know. We
at CBS, stealing brews from the of- the people who come to see you going of people. Basically we ragged on the lockerroom after P.E. and chopped up this fish into small dices
fice, you know how it is... to get? radio really hard. At one point we say these girls were getting really around the bones, and we broiled it,
D: People seem to have a tough N: We've been taking lessons from These are the voices of Modern In- freaky, they wanted to measure the and fried it, we did everything you
time describing your music...how Julio Iglesias and the guys in Wham! dustry/They spell the power that guys. We just happened to have the could do to a fish. Then we pissed on
would you classify it? on superstardom. We're on our way to fuels thefat. longest ones. This was like in the it, and we started jumping over it.
Norwood: The only way I can a very Las-Vegas-y type show. If we People at radio stations pick up the beginning of the year. We all thought D: Did the ceremony create any
classify it is...O.K., you take Madon- have it together by the time we get to song and say, "Wow, they're saying this was pretty funny so we became sort of bond between the participants?
na, and she's an apple. You take Ann Arbor, then you will see the Las our name." The fact is, all they're friends. Then the other guys came in. F: Oh yeah, definitely, and the EP
Phillip Bailey, he's a pear. Merle Vegas side of us. Madonna too, she's listening to is their radio station being D: In alot of the publicity before the sold like crazy. If Led Zeppelin can
Haggard? Maybe he's an orange. showing us how to get this real Las called off. That's what the song is all record you didn't print your last pray to Satan, we sure can piss on
Fishbone is a kumquat. Vegas type feel in our music, and in our about...not caring what the songs are names, but then on the EP you printed some fish.
F: It's what I consider a cultural' lives. If we don't have that together it about. them all, except for Fish. Why the
explosion. Every type of music we do will probably be more or less like D: Fishbone has been labelled a change?
comes from some type of black music. having the Dead Kennedys come and political band... N: We just wanted to see how that
Think about it...rock and roll, funk, play. N: Yeah we put out a view, for felt. (laughter)
blues, soul, whatever we got. It's not a D: In "Modern Industry" the band people to consider. You can look at it D: Well, how did it feel?
racial thing...it's just a cultural thing. rattles off radio station call letters. whichever way you want. We're not N: Stupid! (more laughter) It felt
Rock and roll is not just - as some I've heard that that was a sort of im- saying, "Go vote Democrat," even stupid. There's no reason not to give
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Old fans will curse about how little of the songs. There will be ample time mature. And anyone with ears can be Hundreds of surplus T sht only OLDER FROM $995"
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