Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, May 23, 1985
NAACP admonishes KKK joke IN BRIEF
From United Press International
n T~mTT K:1./TD\ t,,emnlo ees to wear the chnol's white. ena that tha i ilinr rtin
PORT HURON, Mich. (UPI)-The "uWer"'-a y ' "'-esppr- - 'e ,""-ato
NAACP is shocked at a prank against hooded sweatshirts-simulating the taken against the assistant principal
a black teacher involving school em- white sheets and hoods worn by KKK Monday night was "appropriate and
ninvees dressed as Ku Klux Klan members. Diggs said Lyszak then firm."
members and says the white ad-
ministrator allegedly reponsible
should have been fired.
Armtead Diggs, president of the
Port Huron NAACP, said Tuesday the
school board's decision to place
Walter Lyszak on probation for his
role in the incident was "a slap on the
LYSZAK, a white assistant prin-
cipal, allegedly ordered four school
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summoned the black teacher to the
administrative offices during a break "We should not be playing practical
between classes. jokes when it comes to race," Diggs
. said. "..There is no place in our
"The teacher was met at the office si.".Teei opaei u
"Theteacer ws me at he oficeschool district for a person like this."
door, and this individual told him the
grand dragon wanted to see him," Neither Lyszak nor James Jones,
Diggs said. "He then opened the door, the black teacher, would comment.
and saw four individuals dressed in Jones, who is among a handful of
sweatshirts with 'Big Red' insignia on black teachers at the high school that
them." has a 75 percent white enrollment,
said he didn't want to comment until
Big Red is the nickname of the high he learned more about the
school's sports teams. disciplinary action taken against
"THIS particular individual Lyszak.
thought it was quite a big joke and Moeller said he determined that
laughed all over the place...Naturally, four school secretaries had donned
the black teacher was quite offended the hooded sweatshirts in a humorous
by this," Diggs said. attempt to show Lyszak that they
Diggs said he disagreed with were cold. When Lyszak saw how they
Schools Superintentdent Larry were dressed, he decided to play a
Moeller, who told a Port Huron prank on the black teacher.
Project Grow promotes
Ann Arbor's green thumb
Car bomb kills 32 weapons.
Cear bmbi lsh 32 wThe current disparity betweei
near Beirut school NATO's conventional forces and thos(
BEIRUT - A car hacked with high of the Warsaw Pact risks an unduc
explosives blew up near a school in reliance on the early use of nuclea
East Beirut yesterday, killing 32 weapons," the NATO ministers sail
people and hurling fireballs down a in a communique issued at the end o
busy street. Across the city, heavy their one-day meeting.
fighting raged for a third day between
Shiite Moslems and Palestinians. Senate approves
The car-bomb attack came just asc k
children were being let out of school juvenile crackdown
during the lunch hour in the city's LANSING - The Senate yesterday
crowded Sin El Fil neighborhood, approved, by a wide margin, a tough
Christian radio said. At least 200 crackdown on juvenile offenders.
people were reported wounded. Legislation sent to the House on a
Dozens of youngsters were among vote of 32-2 permits prosecutors t
the victims in the bloodiest car- demand adult court trials foi
bombing in the divided Lebanese juveniles 15 and older who are
capital since March 8, when a booby- charged with certain serious crimes.
trapped auto exploded in a ram- Those convicted and sentenced will
shackle Shiite neighborhood in mainly be incarcerated in special juvenil
Moslem West Beirut, killing more facilities and considered for parole at
than 80 people and wounding 250. age 19.
Gandhi signs pact At present, youths convicted ir
juvenile court win automatic release
with Moscow at 19 regardless of the offense they
committed or other factors.
MOSCOW - Indian Prime Minister They can be tried in adult court only
Rajiv Gandhi signed a major if the juvenile court judge approves a
economic pact with Moscow yester- waiver.
day but said he also wanted to expand
trade with the United States and was Sextuplets face
looking forward to meeting President fight for life
Reagan next month. fg
Gandhi said a major economic ORANGE, Calif. - The six sur-
agreement he signed yesterday with viving Frustaci septuplets fought a
Moscow - the second such agreement critical battle for life yesterday as an
reached in his six-day visit - was army of medical specialists worked to
worth $1.16 billion in trade credits to save the tiny infants from heart-
finance Soviet power, oil, coal and related illness, immature lungs and
machine-building projects in India to jaundice.
the year 2000. The septuplets were born 12 weeks
premature Tuesday to Patti Frustaci,
NATO to bolster a Riverside, Calif., English teacher
conventional forces who took the fertility drug Pergonal.
The seventh and smallest infant, a
BRUSSELS, Belgium-NATO girl weighing less than a pound, was
defense ministers, in one of their shor- stillborn.
test meetings on record, yesterday The surviving infants, from 1
accepted a plan to bolster conven- pound, 13 ounces to 1 pound, 1 ounce
tional military forces and avoid "un- were suffering a variety of life-
due reliance on the early use of threatening illnesses, all "predic-
nuclear weapons." table, but serious," said Dr. Carrie
NATO sources said ministers heard Worcester, the neonatologist direc-
a secret report that, within 15 years, ting the babies' care at Childrens
the Soviet Union will be able to Hospital of Orange County.
overrun Western Europe before She said their chances of survival
NATO commanders could decide were 50-50. "Everyday it is 50-50 until
whether to retaliate with nuclear we're out of the woods."
(Continuedfrom Page 1)
Though Grow has no formal ties
with the University, Eskstein points
out that an increasing number of
green-thumbed students are showing
interest in gardening. Nancy
Tillengast, a Michigan graduate who
worked on a "Grow" plot four years
ago, touted the project as a savior for
financially strapped students.
"I suddenly found myself with a vir-
tual cornucopia of food during the
school year," she says. "It was cer-
tainly a great change from the
drudgery of eating cheap peanut but-
ter or expensive frozen foods."
ESKSTEIN seconded this opinion
by saying that "nearly half of our new
people are students. In the summer it
works out well. When one person
leaves for a while, his friends stick
around and care for the garden."
Besides offering land for the garden
itself, Project Grow provides services
such as watering and a limited supply
of seeds and tools.
As a new twist this year has marked
a great influx of group gardening at
Grow. Debbie Yeager, head of the
Peace Neighborhood Center in Ann
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Arbor, works with young children in
after-school and summer programs
which teach the youngsters ways to
deal with hunger. It's a real education
for them," she says. "It also has a
real family-oriented sort of flavor.
Once the kids learn and become
interested, they take their vegetables
back home to their families."
And though Project Grow places a
heavy stress on the logistic and
economic gains available through
community gardening, its aims often
reflect a more basic, tangible quality.
Rebecca Arebo has only been with
Project Grow for a year, but the
benefits that she gains from her gar-
den perhaps exceed those gained by
others. "The major overriding factor
to me concerns a medical problem ...
allergies," she says. "I need an
organic sort of diet, one that's free of
additives and pesticides. Project
Grow is as close to a controlled
system as I can find."
INDEED, Grow gardens do offer a
natural environment to avoid what
Tillengast calls "plastic food." She
urges anyone striving for a more
healthy diet to "start a Grow garden.
It, for a change, is 100 percent real."
The members of the project make it
quite clear that each gardner must
take excellent care of their plots. The
gardens must be weeded and fer-
tilized on a regular basis, and those
who do no comply often have their
plots reclaimed by the program so
that others may garden.
Arebo took that point one step
further in pointing out one final factor
on which Project Grow is based: "On
top of everything, it's just a nice
statement of community, without any
real bureaucracy."
Those interested in starting a gar-
den should pick up a Project Grow
registration from the Ann Arbor City
Hall or the Ann Arbor Public Library.
For further information, contact the
Project Grow office at 926 Mary st.
Vol. XCV - No. 5-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through
Sunday during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday
during the spring and summer terms by students at The University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April - $35 outside the
city; May through August - $8.00 in Ann Arbor, $15.50 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
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