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May 23, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-05-23

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, May 23, 1985 -Page 3
Anm Arbor woman pleads innocent to stabbing murder
By LAURA BISCHOFF Eyewitnesses report that Robinson vodka, police said. not remember playing cards or stab- it was dark and she climbed through
A 31-year-old Ann Arbor woman and Randall were playing cards in the When they returned and needed to bing Randall. the bathroom window, shesaid.
pleaded not guilty in the 15th District kitchen when Robinson allegedly use the bathroom, the door was still ROBINSONPolice said they think Robinson and
Court yesterday in the fatal stabbing grabbed Randall's arm and stabbed locked, police said. Robinson then a.m. with other people, and they Randall both lived on Jay Lee Ct.,
of another Ann Arbor woman on her in the stomach with a paring crawled through the bathroom win- dank withs thr peo, hand ptsh which is south of I-94 be ween
Tuesday. knife. There was no argument before dow and found Randall lying on the vodka, two beers, and smoked Eisenhower Parkway and Ellsworth
the stabbing. floor, her body cold to the touch and marijuana while visiting people that Road. Judge S. J. Elden did not set
Barbara Randall, 40, was found RANDALL then went into the without a pulse. Robinson called an day, police said. bond, and a preliminary examination
dead on the bathroom floor of 7 Jay bathroom and locked the door, eyewit- ambulance from a neighbor's house. Robinson told police that she retur- is scheduled for May 29 at 9 a.m.
Lee Court late Tuesday night with a nesses said. Others present talked to ned to 7 Jay Lee Ct. while it was still An autopsy is being performed to
knife wound to the stomach. Police Randall through the door and Robinson was "more than fairly in- daylight, saw Randall on the back determine how long it would take to
arrested Debra Robinson, 31, at the assumed she was all right and then toxicated at the time," according to porch wearing a pink shirt, and fell bleed to death from a puncture wound
scene around midnight. left to go downtown, where they drank police. Robinson told police she does asleep on the couch. When she awoke, to the liver.
Cohen defends choice
in 'mercy killings'

Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen told a
crowd of 60 last night that patients
have a right to decide whether or not
to be kept alive with modern life-
support equipment.
Cohen's speech was part of an
Eastern Michigan University lecture
series that focuses on the impact of
new technology on health care.
RECENT court cases involving
euthanasia illustrate how difficult
reaching a decision can be. Beginning
with the Karen Quinlan case on 1975,
the issues have been tested in the
courts, resulting in a few general
Cohen emphasized that ambiguities
surround the conflict over euthanasia,
Universty News and information Servces or "mercy killing." He noted the sub-
The model of the new chemical sciences facility shows the new chemistry building (foreground), which will be tle differences between letting a per-
attached to the existing Chemistry Building (background). son die and killing him, or the distin-
" ection between withholding and with-
Proposed chem building gets donation drawing care.
P rop Cohen also said the American
(continued from Page i) Medical Association's guidelines on
project so I'm optimistic " Molin said panies such as Dow Chemical and Pit- Chemical Company. The foundation, the issue are not very clear. He said
Another $20 million slice of the tsburgh Glass. whose grants are limited to Michigan, the A.M.A. allows its doctors to with-
budget is expected to come from The Herbert H. and Grace A Dow is widely known for assisting state draw life-support equipment if the
foundations, corporations, alumni, foundation was founded in 1936 by educational institutions with gifts in- patient and his family request it or if
and friends of the University, with $5 Mrs. Dow in memory of her late tended to develop a school's the devices used to keep the patient
million donated so far from com- husband, founder of the Dow established fields. alive are extraordinary.

BUT THE A.M.A. has also said that
eachtcase is unique and should be
treated separately, Cohen said. The
ambiguities in the guidelines allow
nearly every factor affecting a patient
to be labeled "extraordinary" or "or-
dinary," depending on the opinion of
the presiding authority.
One recent case in New Jersey
shows how unclear the issue is, Cohen
said. In that case, the nephew of an 84-
year-old woman asked that his aunt's
feeding tube be removed because
there was no hope that she would reco
ver and she had repeatedly told him
that she preferred to die.
A lower court authorized the
removal of the tube, but the ruling
was reversed on appeal because
"active" euthanasia is not allowed.
The State Supreme Court ruled that
the lower court was right in the first
place and tried to set up some
The resultsof that attempt still pose
philosophical problems, Cohen said,
but they do provide an easier way to
settle disputes. Under the standards,
the wishes of the patient - whether to
live or die - would be carried out. If
the patient has not or cannot give his
opinion, the court should look at all
sides before making a decision.

'Black Velvet' billboard vandalism trial set for today
cotined from Page1) tering into today's court proceedings. sing)-four of us-and we presented
have to consider some priorities of Both Emanoil and Akfirat have them with the award and the 2,000- When we tested it (the ad), we find that
these (police) calls," said Coun- been active in the feminist movement. signature petition," McCabe said. most people go away thinking that the
cilman Lowell Peterson (D-First The two women were part of last "We planned on giving it to (Central p105
Ward). "Arresting someone for spray January's sit-in at University Vice Advertising President) Jim Johnson, product is smooth.'
painting a sign-it sounds like they President Henry Johnson's office but he was mysteriously away at the -Sandy Beckwith
(the Ann Arbor Police) are ignoring protesting rape and both volunteered time."
domestic violence." their time for the Ann Arbor Coalition JOHNSON responded to the award public relations manager at Heublein Inc.
At the meeting, the council Against Rape. by saying, "Why wasn't an award
requested an investigation and a COMMUNITY ACTION Against given to the hundreds of newspapers
report of the treatment and circum- Sexist Advertising was formed in late and magazines that Black Velvet pur-
stances surrounding Akfirat and March to support Akfirat and chases space from for the exact ad? I deterring. It's just one sign in a very promotion's 12-year history.
Emanoil's arrest. Emanoil and help pay their legal fees. guess I feel honored that they presen- media intensive campaign," he said. "Because this is somewhat of an
The Washtenaw County jail The group is also working to remove ted out medium with the award." Larry Smith, a sales manager for isolated incident, we won't change the
routinely strip-searches anyone sent the Black Velvet billboard. Johnson added that he would have no Central Advertising, called the campaign," Beckwith said. "When we
to the facility, according to Deputy "We're trying to have an alternative but to take the adver- presentation "very peaceful, very tested the ad, we find that most people
Don Weber of the Washtenaw County educational campaign centered tisement out of circulation if Heublein, pleasant." He said the petition won't go away thinking that the product is
Sheriff's Department. around the media and violence again- the company that produces Black force the company to remove the smooth."
STANLEY POLLACK of Student st women," said Carol McCabe, a Velvet, took it out of all the billboard. Beckwith added that the company
Legal Services, Akfirat's lawyer, spokeswoman for the group. Accor- newspapers, magazines, and other "It shows us how 2,000 people feel, did not feel the advertisement is
called the woman's arrest and treat- ding to McCabe, the -group recently advertising media. We have to consider the advertisers," sexist.
ment "excessive for a presented CentralAdVertising, a Lan- "It would be ludicrous for us to Smith said. "There were four or five
misdemeanor." He declined to com- sing company wiith owns the remove just one particular sign," women. They brought more media McCabe said her group will con-
ment further on the case.' billboard, an award for the most Johnson said. with them than they did teammates." tinue in its efforts to educate. "This is
According to the city clerk's office, sexist advertisemet along With a JOHNSON said he was away on SANDY BECKWITH, public part of the 'think global, act local'
the report will not be released until petition calling for he rtinoval of the business the day the petition was relations manager at Heublein, said idea-we have plans to organize other
next week, effectively dismissing the billboard. presented. "I'd be happy, to talk to the defacing and subsequent, protests groups around the country against
mistreatment allegations from en- - 'We went up. there. (to Lau-. -them,. but one .sign won't.do mnuch..wrere be irst corpplaijnts .in the sexist advertising," she said..

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