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July 20, 1985 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-07-20

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Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, July 20, 1985

Get to know us...
We're a bookstore and a whole lot more.

We're Ulrich's Bookstore, the bookstore
that you will get to know and love.
Located in the heart of central campus at
549 East University (corner of East
University and South University). Ulrich's
has been serving the community since
t934 and has grown with the ever-
increasing needs. We have a complete
line of products in all of our departments
with friendly knowledgeable people ready
to seine you.
25-50% OFF
the purchase
of used texts
In our Book Department you will find all
of your course texts. We buy from lists
submitted to us from your instructors.
This way we guarantee that you are get-
ting the right books. If there are changes
bring it back, we'll get the right one for
you. To make book buying a breeze you
simply fill out a BOOK RUSH SLIP and
give it to a clerk, they will do all the work
and hand you your books.
In our General Supplies Department we
stock more binders,
notebooks, pencils,
pens, paperclips,
folders, lamps and
miscellaneous items
then you can ever _
imagine. If you
can't find what your
looking for ask one of our sales clerks
who knows exactly where it is.

You can't miss our
"M" section. We have
just about everything
imaginable for the
Michigan fan: shirts to
shorts, pens to pen-
nants, music boxes to
mugs, banners to
backpacks and more. Our clothing items
fit infants sizes to adults.
°i 10% OFF
Art and
In the Art & Engineering Department we
carry a complete line of supplies for the
amatuer and professional painter, archi-
tect, sculptor, graphic designer or wher-
ever your creative talents might fall.
Up on our second floor is the Print and
Frame Department where we carry a
wide assortment of art posters and quality
print reproductions. To put the finishing
touches on your work we stock wood and
metal frames in all shapes and colors.
15-25% OFF
all new
Our Electronics Showroom is located
across the street at 1110 S. University
where we stock calculators and com-
puters from Hewlett-Packard, Texas In-
struments, Epson and Sharp. Our
knowledgeable sales staff can help you
choose the right one for your needs.
With ull these
~IjjuiI~~ reusons don't
- you think it
/ would heya
goodidea to
stop in and find out for yourself why we're
Ann Arbor's Friendly Bookstore.


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Don't wait until Fall...
to get to know us!
Receive 10% OFF your total purchase of
Michigan items. Clip this coupon or show
us your orientation folder.-
Only one coupon per customer please.
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A first name in ice cream.i1,
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Open Noon - Midnite, 7Days a Week

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