The Michigan Daily
01iie Afiitdian B atl
Vol. XCV, No. 35-S
95 Years of Editorial Freedom
Managed and Edited by Students at
The University of Michigan
Editorials represent a majority opinion of the
Daily Editorial Board
Ironic decision
T IS IRONIC that Alfred Sussman, Vice President for
Research, rejected a research proposal submitted by
Political Science Prof. Raymond Tanter. It seems that this
proposal was aimed at a peaceful end - arms control. The
problem was that his research findings would be
classified, and that violates the classified research
Although Tanter's project would have been on the topic
of arms control, the freedom to openly publish and
disseminate the findings and conclusion of a research
project cannot be surpressed at this University. It would
have compromised an important foundation of academic
Sussman's decision to reject Tanter's proposal also len-
ds credibility to the University's Research Policies Com-
mittee. The committee recommended by a vote of 7 to 0 to
reject the project. If the recommendation of the policy
committee had been ignored once again, then the existen-
ce of such a committee would become pointless. Sussman
had overruled a rejection recommendation by the policy
committee in 1983.
The beginnings of the classified research committee can
be traced back to the fall of 1967. Chemistry Prof. Robert
Elderfield undertook a 3 month study of classified resear-
ch. The committee submitted a report, including four
guidelines for classified research. Those guidelines and
the procedure for submitting a proposal were later up-
dated in the 1970s.
The concern for the ramifications of research proposals
has improved over the years, but the work shouldn't stop
here. Other areas such as non-classified research need
study. But with the number of research proposals that this
University generates, the review procedure would need to
be economical.
Sussman's decision to accept the Research Policies
Committee's recommendation was commendable. But the
scope of the committee needs to be expanded to include
non-classified research also.
Saturday, July 20, 1985
Page 5
A probe ofsanctuary operations
ticements for elaborating on their mine to Florida in March of last
By Sandy Tolan statements to officials. year," she says, charging at least
and Carol Ann Bassett "One time, he came to where I $100 per worker for the ride.
andCar___ nn_ Basse__ worked," said one man who declined This was after another major INS
to be identified. "He said he could probe, Operation Everglades, which
PHOENIX, ARIZ. -- To workers arrange many things for my security Cruz participated in. That ended in
in the sanctuary movement, Jesus in the U.S. He asked me to change my February, 1984 with the arrest of at
Cruz was a gentle grandfatherly man' testimony from what I said when im- least 63 people, mostly undocumented
notice.yHe and se orals fe'of- migration first picked me up. He said, farmworkers.
n Js rsfreeyon 'If you do this, I'll give you a Social INS SPOKESMAN Gene Fit-
fered to help refugees from strife-torn Security card.' " zpatrick refused to say if Cruz was in-
El Salvador. In a separate interview, another volved in an INS operation in March,
Those workers did not know that Salvadoran, who also requested but Ruiz is convinced that Cruz was
C an raham - were nfe anonymity, claimed that Cruz came on his own, because she later learned
is Salomon Gr e e to his house on morning in January. from one of her friends that Cruz
mants, paid more than $16,000 by the "He was telling me, 'you have to tell never turned them over to the border
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization them (INS) about the churches. You patrol.
coerprbe durb be-m"Onterati have to tell them that you saw (san- Visited at their West Phoenix home,
Soournprobe e " o ctuary defendant) Father (Ramon Cruz and Graham refused to com-
BSoo Nr Dagoberto) Quinones'. I did not know ment on the charges. James
BASED IN part on their evidence, that name. Cruz told me, 'Remember, Rayburn, who directed Operation
12 people connected with the sacn- you have to tell them how you crossed Sojourner, also refused comment,
ctuary movement now are facing the border and who came with you.' I and attorney Reno denies any
federal charges of conspiracy to knew Cruz wanted me to change my knowledge of the charges.
smuggleadansThrialisdor story." Cruz and Graham have worked for
and Guatemalans. The trial is set for ASSISTANT U.S. Attorney Donald the INS on a number of occasions sin-
September. .hReno, who is prosecuting the san- ce 1982, after agreeing in 1980 to
Grahamin is md3 had li ctuary case, flatly denies these testify against the leaders of an alien
trouble inisingthemovementtCru allegations. "There have been no smuggling ring, of which they had
trouble infiltering the movement. Cruz promises, there have been no favors been a part. Depsitions given by the
first earned the confidence of san- to any of the aliens in this case. Nor two indicate that Cruz was threatened
ctuary workers when he arrived last will there be." Reno says. "If Mr. with criminal prosecution, and
spring at a church in Nogales, Mexico' Cruz has made such promises, they Graham, a Mexican citizen, with
with a truckload of vegetables for were not made under the auspices of deportation, if they did not cooperate
refugees sheltered there. He laterain- this office or the INS." with the government.
troduced Graham as his nephew and Graham has also been accused of GRAHAM already had been in
partner in a fledging roofing business. pimping. Anastacio Tello, an trouble with the law. Between 1970
Both men ate in the homes of organizer for the Arizona Farm and '77, he was arrested five times -
Salvadorans and those who offered Workers Union (AFWU), says three times for illegal entry and twice
sanctuary. They attended movement Graham visited a farm camp west of for transporting illegal aliens. He was
strategy sessions - Cruz even took Phoenix in early January, before the twice sentenced, and one served three
Central Americans from Phoex to Operation Sojourners indictments and a half months in jail.
Albuquerque and Los Angeles twere served. "He told me that he had It is possible that none of these
THE INORMANTalso e- a very pretty Anglo woman in his allegations will be presented in the
Bible study meetings and church ser truck," Tello said. "I asked him how current sanctuary trial. Reno has
vices, which they secretly recorded much money it was going to cost, and warned them not to raise these
for the government. Defense attorneys he said, 'That's no problem. After- issues, citing a recent ruling that
claim those recordings represent a wards we'll see how much it's going "Evidence of a witnesses' past
serigion n into freedom of to cost.' " misconduct, other than conviction for
religion. Graham has formally denied of- a crime, is inadmissable for the pur-
Now, however, there are fering a prostitute to Tello. pose of attacking the witness'
allegations that Cruz and Graham IN AN AFFIDAVIT, AFWU press credibility."
themselves committed crimes while secretary Don Devereaux explained Sanctuary supporters say these
working for the government, offering that Graham was fired from an allegations, if true, show the INS has
prostitutes and smuggling un- organizing project. "During April its priorities reversed. "It's really
documented workers for profit 1978, I was advised ... that Delgado, crazy," says AFWU president San-
"They should have Jesus and as Graham was then known, had been chez. "If they really want to stop
Salomon in jail, instead of indicting discovered to be acting as an oc- :smuggling operations, they have a lot
church people," says Guadelupe San- casional pimp . . . taking female of bad guys to go after, hundreds of
chez, president of the Arizona Farm prostitutes to certain labor camps in them." According to Sanchez, INS
Workers Union. Sanchez has Arizona ... and retraining a portion undercover operations "move more
cooperated with the INS in breaking of the financial proceeds." people than the sanctuary movement
up smuggling operations in the past. Cruz, according to farmworker has ever moved in the United States.
TWO SALVADORANS, brought to Dolores Ruiz, was in the business of It's all political."
Phoenix by the movement, told repor- transporting undocumented workers. Tolan and Bassett wrote this for
ters that Cruz offered them en- "Jesus Cruz took some friends of Pacific News Service.
BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed
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