Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, July 20, 1985
Moya-Raggio relays feelings for Chile and its culture
(ContinuedfromPage1) an arrest, no protection from to the possibilities there," she said. of the quilts sent and set up an she said. "You need to take respon-
that it doesn't work or wouldn't prolonged imprisonment, and very When Pinochet took over, the recently exhibition at the Power Center. She sibil for your classes. taught some
wok," MyRgioid. limited rights for workers. Inflation divorced and working mother with also published a study in the Feminist
It worried the United States to see a has been in the 30-40 percent range four children felt going hack was not Studies journal, unique courses at the R.C., such as a
leader in Latin America succeeding since 1975, and unemployment has feasible. In addition, her concern for The women who made the quilts are literature, a course called "Cultural
with a socialist government, accor- been around 30 percent. Food crops her troubled country could have led to poor and uneducated. "The came Confrontations" about third-world
ding to Moya-Raggio. In addition, the were changed to export crops, and more problems. together by the need to feed their kids cultures and conflicts of artistic
lucrative profits of large government spending on social ALSO I WAS very very involed in soup kitchens and they started to do creations, and a course on the Latin
multinational corporations were programs such as health care and in what you would call the Solidarity something meaningful," Moya- American New Song Movement. The
threatened by nationalizing in- education were cut from $454 million of Chile. My name had appeared in Raggio said. A iNew Song Movement combines folk
dustries. to $190 million. various places and I was afraid to The tapestries show amazing music with music of social and
"Deep down I believe the reasons The situation leads to ambivalent return." political and social awareness in the political confrontation. It is especially
(for CIA covert involvement) were feelings for Moya-Raggio. She speaks Now she sees her decision to remain pictures of torture, poverty, hunger, interesting, Moy-Raggi said,
really and truly economical, to of her admiration and love of the in the United States as the right one, mysterious disappearances of loved because so mnuch of what is heard and
protect the multinational United States, but is concerned over "I'm very glad I didn't go back. It was ones, and other issues that are
businesses," she said. its Latin American foreign policy. "It a good decision to stay," she said. dangerous to speak of in Chile. seen in Latin America comes from the
is something I feel is so very wrong," "For me, Chile and everything in BECAUSE LANGUAGE reveals so "It (the New Song Movement) star-
"IN THE CASE of Chile, I think the she said. regards to Chile was divided into much, Moya-Raggio feels strongly ted as erc fo iden t
difficult thing for me is to realize the before and after (the military coup)." about the importance of her native
United States' big role' in WHEN SHARING her political Others see her as dedicated to her tongue, and that students should learn ticity, for a real Latin American
destabilizing...a government that beliefs it is difficult to avoid ap- country. "Once when she was it well ina country where only one out music of their own, she said.
really doesn't present a threat," pearing anti-American, she said, speaking of Chile you could see the of 10 people can speak or read a Her vitality and diversity also come
Moy-Raggiosaid. "That is the danger, but that is not the longing in her eyes for it," said Sean foreign language. Spanishro program. "I try to keep the
Moy-Ragi" Oslin, one of her students in the "rIghave ga tremendous, profound, pnsprga."tytoketh
One thing that is very hard for "Many times I refrain from saying Residential College. deep love for my language and I like program changing, alive. We're
Moya-Raggio and many others to ac- what I want to say," she added, WHEN ASKED if she misses Chile, for my students to speak it well," she always innovatig, revitalizing, she
cept is the United States' current choosing her words carefully. she laughed softly. "I miss the ocean said, using the frequent superlatives said.
friendly ties with Pinochet. According to the professor, students above all," she said. that are characteristic of her speech. She has raised the level of the R.C.
who have never been exposed to On one of her trips back to Chile, she Almost all of Moya-Raggio's program toone of the best in the coun-
Pinochet said in an interview with realities of foreign policy and discovered a group of women who students react similarly to her intense try,"Oslin said.
the Chilean newspaper he runs that problems in other countries find her embroidered a type of patchwork style of teaching. "She is very, very Williams describes Moya-Raggio as
been better than wi the Reagan stance towards U.S. policy in Chile quilts, vividly colored, that depicted strict - almost merciless," Oslin passionate yet objective about
bdmnistrtn difficult. ' scenes of social and political turmoil. said. At the same time, he described everything she does. Her students
Adminstration. -"IT IS IMPORTANT to know the "They are recording the daily her as caring and accessible describe' her as a demanding but
realities. I have a great trust in young history of their country, what no jour- "SHE'S ONE OF the toughest but caring teacher. She is proud of in-
"AT LEAST in the Carter Ad- people to make changes," she said. nal, no newspaper can do," she said, most respocted teachers Ie ever oducing her students to unique
Her first return to Chile was not un- "They have embroidered their lives." had," Wieloch said. pieces of culture of Latin America.
be concerned about human rights," til six years after the coup. Now she THE WORKS are called "Ar- Moys-Raggin does not see herself as But all agree that this intense
Moya-Raggio said. goes back about every other year to pilleras" and Moya-Raggio has tough, but she believes that just at- woman's personality shows in
visit family and friends. devoted time to their study and tending classes, just sitting there is everything she does.
Conditions under Pinochet are She waited so long to return because showing them here. She couldn't bring not enough. Students must also be ac- A lot of what I care for, what I am
terrible. There is no right to free of the hostile situation. "It was im- them out of the country because it tive in learning all about comes forth in the courses I
assembly, no right to notify family of possible then even to submit my kids would be dangerous, but she had some "Teaching is a two-way process," teach. I never teach what I don't care
about," she said.
Highlight Highlight
Hazen Schumacher will discuss this evening's Don't miss Dr. Harvey Reed's Jazz Quartet
"One Thousand Years of Jazz" Power Center per- today at 3 p.m. Harvey and friends will be spicing
formance at 4 p.m. in the Founders Room of the up the Bishop on the Green on North Campus.
Alumni Center. Check it out.
Films Films
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - The Stunt Man, 7:30 Michigan Theater Foundation - The Wizard of
An. Favorite Year, 9:45 p.m., MLB 4, Oz, 4, 7, & 9 p.m., Michigan Theater.
p.m.; My F rAnn Arbor Summer Festival - The General,
Cinema II - The Glass Key, 7:30 p.m.; Fury, 9 dusk, Power Center.
p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema Guild - The Hidden Fortress, 7 & 9:30
p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Michigan Theater Foundation - Gone with the Performances
Wind, 7p.m., Michigan Theater.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival - Make Mine School of Music - Ars Musica (Program II), 11
Music, dusk, Power Center. a.m., Rackham Auditorium.
People Dancing - Whitley Setrakian and Dan-
cers - Modern dance concert, 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
Meetings delssohn Theater, Michigan League.
Ann Arbor Go Club -2 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Women's Aglow Fellowship of Ann Arbor - 9:30 Miscellaneous
a.m., Cornerstone Church, 1954 S. Industrial
Highway School of Social Work - International Con-
Highway. ference of Aging and the Aged, 2:30 p.m.,
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation
Miscellaneous Commission - Interpretive walk with County
Parks Naturalist Matt Heumann, "Weeds or Wild-
Dixboro United Methodist Church - Dixboro flowers?" 10 a.m., Rolling Hills Park, off Stony
Festival, all day, Village Green, three miles east Creek Road just north of Bemis Road.
of U.S. 23 onoPlymouth Road. His House Christian Fellowship-dinner,6:30
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - Pressed Flower Hpm.; Bible study, 7 p.m. 925 E. A St d
Workshop, 9:30 a.m., 1800 Dixboro Rd. Lutheran Campus Ministry - worship, 10:30
a.m., Lord of Light, corner of Hill and S. Forest.
University Lutheran Chapel - worship, 9:30
a.m., 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Tune in to WCBN-FM tonight at 6 p.m. for "Con-
sider the Alternatives," a weekly news/culture
radio magazine. At 6:30 p.m., brace yourself for
"BBC World Report." Only at 88.3 FM.
Michigan Theater Foundation - Repo Man, 7:30
& 9:30 p.m., Michigan Theater.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival - The Emerging
Chaplin, dusk, Power Center. .
People Dancing - Whitley Setrakian and Dan-
cers - concerts of modern dance, 3 & 8 p.m.,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Michigan League.
Computing Center - Forrest Hartman, "In-
troduction to MTS Command Extensions and
Macros, Part I," 3:30 p.m., 164 Business Ad-
ministration Building.
Microcomputer Education Center - workshops,
"Microsoft Multiplan for IBM-PC Compatibles
(Part II)," 1 p.m.; "Microsoft Word for the Apple
Macintosh (Part II)," 1 p.m., 3113 School of
Education Building.
Frye says
tuition will
go up again
(Continued from Page 1)
$5 million over the target spending
figure that had been agreed on, Naf-
taly said.
Despite this, a number of colleges
have approved or are contemplating
tuition increases ranging from just
over 3 percent to 5 percent, he said.
"If universities are to receive from
taxpayers 13 percent increase on a
average, they ought to be able to
discipline their budgets in such a way
as to keep tuition increases down to
nothing," Naftaly said.
"We're just trying to send a
message out," he said.
"IF FACED with a research fund
that has no accountability to tax-
payers in it and large economic (aid)
increases with continual increases in
tuition, I'm leaning toward recom-
mending that (Blanchard) veto line
items related to all the universities,"
Naftaly added, making the message
Last year, universities complied
with the administration's request for
a tuition freeze.
Earlier this year, Blanchard asked
that tuition increases be held to the
rate of inflation. But Naftaly said the
budget passed by the Legislature con-
tains more aid than Blanchard was
Michigan's tuitions are among the
_ nation's highest.