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July 20, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-07-20

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Ninety-five years of editorial/freedom

Vol. XCV, No. 35-S

Copyight 985
TheMichigan 5Daily

Saturday, July 20, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

R. C. prof
in Chile
Eliana Moya-Raggio is a woman of
passionate beliefs - about her
,homeland of Chile under a dictator-
ship, about her role as a teacher, and
about her language and cultural
heritage. And the feelings she inspires
in her students are equally strong.
1 a
Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
"She is passionate about every Eliana Moya-Raggio, head of the Residential College Spanish depar-
decision she is confronted with, from tment, discusses her strong feelings about the political, economic, and
political views to day-to-day social conditons in her homeland Chile.
decisions," said Tamara Williams, a
teaching assistant under Moya- planned to stay only a few years but coup. Since that time, General
Raggio. her husband decided to stay for good. Augustus Pinochet has ruled the
"SHE IS ALMOST beyond words for "It was not a choice I made, but a Republic of Chile.
me," said Jenny Wieloch, one of her: choice made for me," Moya-Raggio Many people, including Moya-
students in the R.C. program. said. Raggio, believe the United States was
But Moya-Raggio is devoted to IN 1973 she wanted to return to live responsible for destabilizing the
more than just her classes. "I think I. in Chile, where she is still a citizen. Allende government. Moya-Raggio
do so much more than teach Spanish, The country was under Marxist leans forward to stress the point, as
sometimes that gets lost in the enor- President Salvadore Allende, who she often does when she feels strongly
mous amount of things that go on in a was working on a socialist plan to about something.
place like this," she said. nationalize the industries and "FOR ONE of the countries with the
Moya-Raggio, who has been head of redistribute the wealth of the lands to largest, most established democratic
the R.C. Spanish program for 13 the peasants. tradition in Latin America, Chile,
years, came to the United States from But in September of that year, having elected a socialist (Allitnde),
Santiago, Chile in 1984 when her before she returned, Allende and the was considered by the U.S. asa sort o
husband became a visiting professor Unidad Popular party were thrown shameful thing, They wanted to prove
at Ohio State University. She had out of power in a bloody military See MOYA-RAGGIO, Page 2

State pushes
to keep tuition
increases low

with wire reports
LANSING - State budget director
Robert Naftaly sent a message to
university administrators yesterday
to keep tuition increases down or face
having "substantial increases in state
college aid" vetoed by the governor.
Naftaly said he and Gov. James:
Blanchard believe that because of
what they consider generous in-
creases in state appropriations for:
higher education, tuition should be in-
creased barely, if at all.
BUT AT the University, Billy Frye,
Vice President for Academic Affairs
and a key in the University's budget
forming process, said that freezing
tuition is "impossible."
Frye said the University will have.
to raise tuition by at least 5 percent,
and perhaps by as much as 9 percent..
Frye explained the need for the in-
crease by saying that the state's con-
tribution to the University's operating
budget decreased during the '70s -
going from 60.7 percent of the budget
in 1975 to 47.5 percent in 1983. During
that time, the University was forced
to defer paying for several needs that
have to be made up this year, Frye
FOR EXAMPLE, Frye said, faculty
salaries at the University dipped
below salaries at peer institutions.
"I think it's very unwise for Mr.
Naftaly to be issuing such a
statement," Frye said. "I hope he will

recognize the situation we've been
put into."
Frye said he didn't know if Blan-
chard would follow through with the
"message." But Richard Kennedy,
the University's vice president for
state relations, acknowledged that
even if he doesn't the governor has
some pull when he makes his state
budget recommendations next
THE STATE legislature works from
these recommendations when they
settle on the state budget. The Un-
iversity is expected to decide its own
budget and tuition increases Aug. 1.
Naftaly said the administration is
also unhappy over the handling of a
special research fund proposed by
Gov. James Blanchard. Naftaly said
the higher education budget bill ap-
proved by the Legislature includes no
means for assuring accountability on
the part of colleges receiving resear-
ch grants.
In general, however, Naftaly defen-
ded the 1986 budget approved last
week, denying that it was greatly in-
flated over the administration's
original proposal. The state still can
afford to approve the "tax fairness"
plan proposed by Blanchard," Naf-
taly said.
THE HIGHER education budget
contains increases for colleges and
universities of about 13 percent. It is
See FRYE, Page 2

By THOMAS HRACH of Nicaragua's right of self-
Special to the Daily determination," said Mark Weisbrot,
4 4 an organizer of the event. "We've
Protesters PITTSFIELD TWP. - In an effort tried many times to talk with Pursell,
to heighten community awareness of but he seems embarrassed by his
issues in Central America, more than voting record."
celeb rate 100 members of the Ann Arbor area Last month 17 protesters were
held a "birthday party" on the front arrested and charged with
lawn of Congressman Carl Pursell's trespassing at Pursell's office on the
N local office yesterday. same day that the U.S House of
g But the celebration had nothing to Representatives approved $27 million
do with Pursell's age. Instead, the in non-military aid for anti-gover-
" cake and balloons were to com- nment guerrillas inNicaragua.
iay memorate the sixth anniversary of Pursell, who voted in favor of the
the Nicaraguan revolution
"WE WANT to increase awareness See LOCALS, Page 4

Ex-Bursley officer gets
five yasprobation
Rick Blalock yesterday was sentenced to five years probation, fined
$100, and ordered to pay $2,000 restitution for embezzling funds from the
Bursley Board of Governors.
Blalock, the former vice president of the board, was also ordered to pay
court costs and probation fees.
IN JUNE, Blalock pleaded guilty in Washtenaw County Circuit Court to
embezzling $515 in board funds last November and waived his right to a
trial by jury.
See JUDGE, Page 3

4 Wheeling Shaky Lycanthrope
Aa look for a mix of sun and clouds with Werewolf guitarist Fred Frith and Tim
chances of some sprinkles. High in the Hodgkinson howl at the Ark.
tour of Ann Arbor.70's
Sports, Page 11 Arts, Page 8

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