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May 13, 1984 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1984-05-13

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, May 13,

As the Democratic candidates moved
Murdock, Nebraska yesterday. Ja(
concerns of America's farmers.
(Continued from Page 1)
home," she said. Because of this ex-
perience, many never receive any fur-
ther education, Goeman explained.
Cornell described the boarding
schools experiences as "designed to
beat the 'Indianness' out of (the studen-
PROBLEMS IN public schools can be
even worse, Cornell said, because In-
dians are taught by white teachers who
do not understand their unique cultural
needs. One major problem she cited
was that "Indian children won't raise
their hands in the classroom - they
consider it an affront. The teachers
then think they are stupid, so they don't
get adequate attention."
Poverty also contributes to Indian's
poor education, Cornell said, because
Indians living on reservations aren't
always fed enough protein and are
unable to maintain an adequate atten-
tion span. "There's a whole lot of un-
dernourished kids whose teachers think
they're stupid," she said.
Finally, the quality of education is
poor in many Indian communities, not
geared toward Indian ideas.
UNIVERSITY Prof. Ed McClendon,
a Native American professor of
education, said "I was taught one day
in class that Columbus discovered
America. I went home and told my
grandfather, and he said, 'Didn't we
already know we were here?'"
In recent years, more money has
been allocated to upgrade Indian
education at the primary levels. Title
IV and the over 20-year-old Johnson-
O'Malley fund are designed to help
close the education gap between Indian
and white students by concentrating on
the needs of Indian children. In recent
years, these funds have been very help-
ful, Cornell said.

Democrats move west
to woo more voters
From AP and UPI nomination.
Walter Mondale got a head-start on The Rev. Jesse Jackson, meanwhile,
his Democratic presidential rivals in distributed ground beef in Nebraska
the high-stakes California campaign and accused his opponents of "offering
yesterday, as Gary Hart urged suppor- only Band-Aid solutions to a cancerous
ters in Oregon to send President problem" - the plight of the American
Reagan "back to his ranch for good." farmer.
Hart stressed the environment in Jackson, appearing at a news con-
Oregon and told an outdoor rally in ference in Omaha, outlined a five-point
Eugene, "We must not let this president plan to help farmers. It included a
have four more years in office when he moratorium on farm and home
will not be accountable to the American foreclosures until there is economic
people." -recovery.
ON THE TRIP to Oregon from Oregon and Nebraska are holding
Associated Press Nebraska, the Colorado senator said primaries Tuesday, but the 67 delegates
west, Jesse Jackson visited a farm in Mondale would be the cause of disunity being divided up by the two states are
kson wanted to hear some of the in the Democratic Party if he continued just a fraction of the 306 delegates at
to attack his chief rival for the stake in California's June 5 contest.
Indians 'problems increase at U'
system at the University they'll retreat
"into defensive circles, and will never
"I was taught one day in class that survive here."
Columbus discovered America. I went Prof. McClendon points toa lack of
professors as role models as another
home and told m grandfather, and he said, reason why so few Native Americans
'Didn't we already know we were here?' ' ever graduate. There are currently four
Native American professors at the
- Prof. Ed McClendon University. He frequently invites In-
dian students to his office for talks so
they know that they are not alone.
"They're startled" to see an Indian
At the university level, the problems Seventeen tribally-controlled com- teaching white students, he said.
facing American Indians increase. The munity colleges and two four-year in- Indian families in Boston, said there is
few Indians who make it to college stitutions have been established in the mdrefpreinBosrenbeaiethere ir
usually lack the support systems which U.S since 1978 to offer Indians an alter- more prejudice here because there are
they say are essential to surviving in native education. Their curriculum in- are needed to combat the alienation In-
an alien environment. cludes courses on everything from diana feel. The problem begins, she
DEBBIE HEELEY, a first-year tribal government and law to business said, because "students and ad-
University law student majoring in In- and management, Cornell said.msa br s tuts andptdh
dian law, said she felt very alienated Since the tribal community colleges ministrators "want you to accept the
during her first semester because the were formed, more Indians have com- majority~idealsand ifun"
other students had different goals than pleted their educations at four-year you haves real hardtime.
she did., colleges and received degrees.
She also said that the club formed to IN THE FALL of 1975, 13 American P ro f A n g ell
help American Indian students, the Indians entered the University as
American Indians Law Association, did freshpersons. Only four ever received a
not provide the support she needed. The diploma. In contrast, 24 Indians d ie s a 0 t
club does not have enough voice in , enrolled at the University in 1978 and S



University issues concerning Indians,
she said, and it therefore lacks student
Heeley said she never would have
made it through her first year of law
school if it hadn't been for the academic
and social support of her friends.
FOR MANY Native Americans the
problems are even greater. There is not
much encouragement to leave reser-
vations and go out into a world filled
with discrimination, Cornell said.
Regardless of the high unemployment
rate on reservations, she said, many
Indians feel "safe" staying in their own

more than half graduated.
The University currently has only one
full-time staff member for recruiting
Native Americans. He visits Indian
centers, the one reservation in the
state, and other areas with a high In-
dian population.
Despite the gain in enrollment,
American Indians are still "woefully
underrepresented both at the un-
dergraduate and graduate levels at the
University," said McClendon. This is
especially sad, he said, because the
school is on what used to be Indian land.
HE AGREES with Goeman that
unless Indians have a strong support

Retired Prof. Robert Angell died
late last night at St. Joseph's Hospital
at age 85. He had been ill since an ab-
dominal operation several weeks ago.
Angell was a faculty member for
over 40 years, during which he was a
professor in and chairman of the
sociology department. He also ran the
Honors Council, wrote several books,
and directed relief projects for the
United Nations. His grandfather,
James Burrill Angell, was the
University's third president.

Sunda CFT-Warner Bros. Cartoon Classics, 5:40, 7:30 & Women's Group, 10 a.m., 1010 Wall.
C u - r9:20, Michigan. Soc. for Creative Acachronism-meeting, 8 p.m.,
Common Ground Theatre-Junkie! Portraits of call 996-4290.
Women & Transition, 2 p.m., Trueblood Theatre. Monday Eclipse-Workshop, jazz imporv, 7 p.m., Union
Cont. Medical Ed.-"Chief Medical Residents" Assembly Hall.
course, call 763-1400. Taw Kwon Do CLub - practice, 6 p.m., CCRB.
Museum of Art-Art Break, Frankie Simmonds, Near Eastern & North African Studies-Lecture, Cont. Medical Ed.-"Advances in Internal
12:10 p.m.; public tour, 2 p.m. former Lebanese Prime Minister Salim Hoss, Medicine" course, call 763-1400.
Ark-Concert, Sally Rogers, 1p.m., 1421 Hill. "Lebanon: Conflict and Destiny," 8 p.m., Rackham WCBN-"Inside the Environment and Understan-
Muslim Student Assoc.-meeting, 10 a.m., 407 N. Amphitheatre. ding Energy," 6p.m.,88.3 FM.
Ingalls. CFT-The Band Wagon, 7:30 p.m.; An American In Ark-Concert, Rielly & Maloney, 8p.m., 1421 Hill.
Cinema Guild-Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, 7:30 Paris, 9:30 p.m., Michigan. Campus Zen Soc.-Silent Zen Buddhist meditation,
p.m.; DOA, 9:05 p.m., Lorch. Turner Geriatric Clinic-Intergenerational 7 p.m., 331 Thompson.
Send announcements to Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.


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