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May 13, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1984-05-13

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Native Americans troubled at 'U'
i By MARLA GOLD " " " THE COLLEGE dropout rate for
For more than ten years, the Univer- Jut onf- e education American Indians nationwide, she said,
sity has been struggling to attract more is as high as 80 percent. Records at the
minority students. While some Bureau of Indian Affairs show that only
" minorities are now more prevalent on _ 14 percent of Indians who enter college
campus, Native Americans remain re i ever receive their degrees.
"woefully underrepresented." The education problem begins at the
Despite a treaty signed many years closer to 80," said one administrator, minority student services. elementary level, although that
ago guaranteeing a free education at because some people claim on their ap- The two biggest problems Indians situation is getting better, Goeman
any state institution to anyone who is 25 plication to be American Indians to en- face at college are "culture shock, said. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has
percent or more American Indian, sure their admittance to the University. especially the reservation kids," and a set up Indian boarding schools, which
University records show that Native "One woman in the School of Social lack of support and counseling, said are run like army camps.
Americans comprise only .4 percent of Work who was listed in school records Natalie Cornell, who works as a special "YOUNG CHILDREN are taken
the University's total student body, or as a Native American checked that box assistant at Phelps-Stokes, an away from their families and their
about 130 students. because she knew it would help her get American Indian support agency in tribal customs. They all want to go
"REALLY, THE number is probably into school," said Dorothy Goeman, of Washington, D.C. See AMERICAN, Page 2

Ninety-four years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCIV, "Jac 94, Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, May 13, 1984 Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

New facility
to house
The new Engineering Building I on
North Campus will be the new home of
the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science and
will feature a solid-state electronics
"It will be the most sophisticated part
of the building and the most
sophisticated part of North Campus,"
said Kensall Wise, professor of elec-
trical and computer engineering.
THE GROUND breaking ceremony
for the new building will be Thursday
and Gov. James Blanchard is
scheduled to participate. The addition
of this building will complete the move
of the College of Engineering to North
"The building represents the
culmination of about 30 years of work,"
said Charles Vest, associate dean of
engineering. "It's a pretty important
occasion for us."
The solid-state electronics lab will be
one of the best in the country, Vest said.
WISE SAID the research conducted
in the lab will include the development
See NEW, Page 9
* Inside:
Students hit the streets and
spend their summer as volunteer
voter registrars. See page 3.
The Bounty, with Mel Gibson
and Anthony Hopkins, floats
again. See Arts, page 7.
The Michigan Baseball team
clinched the eastern division of
the Big Ten with two victories
over Purdue. See Sports, page 12.
0 Outside:
Scattered showers with a high
between 65 and 70.

Up in smoke !
Ann Arbor firefighter Ray Sabo extinguishes a burning caboose on the railroad tracks near Michigan Stadium
yesterday. The cause of the fire was not known.
Soviet Olympic boycott grows
From AP and UPI Echoing Soviet complaints, Czechoslovakia and Laos said
Czechoslovakia and Laos dropped out of the Los Angeles they were compelled to withdraw from the games because
Olympics'yesterday bringing the Soviet-led boycott to seven the United States had violated the charter and had failed to
countries, as the International Olympic Committee invited provide adequate security for athletes from communist
delegates from the United States and Moscow to an countries.
emergency meeting. The United States has denied the allegations.
The meeting, scheduled for Friday in Lausanne, Swit- EAST GERMANY, Bulgaria, Vietnam and Mongolia
zerland, was called to try to change the Soviets' stance. previously announced they had joined the boycott. Poland,
Delegates from United States and the Soviet Union, as well as Cuba and Mozambique have hinted they will not participate
officials of the Los Angeles Organizing Committee has been in the Games.
invited. China, meanwhile, confirmed it will attend the Games,
JUAN ANTONIO Samaranch, IOC president, described the Peter Ueberroth, president of the Los Angeles Olympics
meeting as part of a ""a fight to the last minute" to change Organizing Committee, said yesterday.
the Soviets' minds. See CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Page 9

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