RP e A -- The Michigan Oily -riday, M y l, 1984
Recent victories give
Hart hope in Calif.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Gary
Hart's upset victories in Ohio and In-
diana have rescued California's
primary from relative obscurity and
turned the June 5 contest into a crucial
milestone in the race for the
Democratic presidential nomination.
Hart, who brought new life to his
campaign with the Midwestern vic-
tories, needs another win in California
and the lion's share of the 306 delegates
at stake to brake Walter Mondale's
drive for the nomination. He begins the
final leg of his California campaign
leading Mondale by 4 percentage points
in one statewide poll and by 5 in
MONDALE, already within 400
delegates of the nomination, would be
virtually unbeatable with a clear-cut
win in California. His campaign
manager, James Johnson, predicted on
Wednesday that the former vice
president would go into the convention
with enough delegates to win the
nomination of the first ballot.
Mondale plans to field what his state
campaign spokesman Bill Fleming
describes as "a small army of volun-
teers" to counter Hart.
Rev. Jesse Jackson, whose state
chairwoman predicts victories in four
black-dominated congressional distric-
ts with 29 delegates, is scheduled to
spend nine of the next 10 days here,
concentrating principally on those four
Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay
area districts.
THE POLLS gave Hart a 2-1 lead in
the San Francisco Bay area. That is the
most liberal region in the state, but also
the area where organized labor, the
backbone of Mondale's campaign, is
The same polls showed Mondale even
or leading slightly in the more populous
Los Angeles area, where unions are
weakest and the economy is dominated
by high technology and entertainment
industries filled with the kind of young
urban professionals who voted for Hart
in other states.
Both campaigns see opportunities for
major gains and are planning massive
media and volunteer campaigns.
Fleming said that California's elec-
tion law, which restricts the
Democratic primary to registered
Democrats, will aid Mondale, and said
the former vice president has a corps of
500 or more volunteers to organize
precincts and get out the vote.
Steve Sulkes, Hart's California cam-
paign manager, claims 10 times that
number of volunteers for Hart, coun-
ting 6,800 people who have called the
campaign headquarters since Hart's
New Hampshire victory and volun-
toord Rn heln H esaid he has vohn-
Teaching requirements set
LANSING - The Senate
Education and Health Committee
approved legislation yesterday
overhauling the state's teacher cer-
tification system to assure that
students get qualified instructors.
Under the measure, new teachers
will receive a probationary cer-
tification lasting two to five years, to
- be followed by professional cer-
tification. A professional cer-
tification will have to be renewed
every five years.
Teachers will only be certified to
teach subjects in which they have a
college major or minor.
Rubella hits record low
ATLANTA - Fewer than 1,000
cases of rubella were reported last
year in the United States - the
lowest yearly total since federal
health officials began monitoring
the disease 18 years ago.
At the current rate, the Center for
Disease Control said rubella should
vanish in 10-30 years. But the agency
warned that congenital rubella syn-
drome - a variety of defects in
children of mothers with rubella -
remains a serious health threat.
San Fran. fire investigated
SAN FRANCISCO - Arson invest-
igators yesterday were looking for
the cause of a spectacular water-
front fire that destroyed two piers
and lit up the sky over San Fran-
cisco, leaving at least $2.5 million in
The fire broke out Wednesday
night. Flames shot 100 feet into the
air above the 800-foot-long piers,
creating an orange glow that could be
seen throughout the city.
Florida executes first
black man in 20 years
STARKE, Fla. - Urging other
death row inmates to "keep on
fighting," James Adams died in the
electric chair yesterday for mur-
dering a rancher, becoming the first
black executed in Florida in 20
Adams, 47, who had maintained
his innocence and charged that race
played a part in his convictions, was
pronounced dead at 7:11 a.m. The
U.S Supreme Court cleared the way
for his execution Wednesday night
by overruling a lower court that
granted a stay so it could review
whether Florida's death penalty
laws are racially discriminatory.
Senate defeats challenge of
deficit-reduction plan
Republican leaders barely defeated
a challenge yesterday from GOP
moderates and Democrats seeking
military spending reductions and
domestic spending increases,
clearing the way for passage of a
$144 billion deficit-reduction plan
that has President Reagan's
John Chafee (R-R.I.), a proponent
of the amendment, said it would
reduce defense spending authority
in the GOP plan by $37 billion over
three years while increasing
domestic spending by $20 billion, for
a net budget savings of $17 billion
beyond the original Republican
Nuclear testing was remiss
SALT LAKE CITY - A federal
judge ruled yesterday that the
government was negligent in its
1950s open-air testing of nuclear
weapons, and ordered it to pay $2.6
million in 10 cases where he blamed
fallout for causing cancer. The
decision may pave the way for hun-
dreds of other people to claim
U.S. District Judge Bruce Jenkins
blamed the government for failing to
measure fallout adequately in com-
munities in southwestern Utah,
Nevada and northern Arizona
downwind of the test site.
Reagan saves deduction
WASHINGTON - President
Reagan, trimming back his
promised overhaul of the income tax
system, told worried real estate
brokers yesterday, he has ruled out
any move to abolish the popular tax
deduction for mortgageinterest
The more than 4,000 delegates to a
convention of the National
Association of Realtors repeatedly
interrupted the president's speech
with applause, and jumped to their
feet in a standing ovati5n when he
pledged to "preserve that part of the
American dream which the home
mortgage interest deduction sym-
relies on volunteers
teers with 600 telephones lined up for
pre-election canvassing, and an elec-
tion day get-out-the-vote effort.
If past California elections are any
guide, they favor Hart. The state has a
long history of voting for the political
newcomer over the established party
politician, and the voting population is
among the nation's best educated and
most affluent.
Statewide, 16 percent of the voting
age population is Hispanic, a potential
plus for Mondale, and 7 percent is
Q(liurrb Atrnbip eruiren
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Service:
Guest Speaker John Kromminga, for-
mer President of the Calvin Theological
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00. "Antiques for
Modern Homes." Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.m.-WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00 p.m.-Cable Chanel 9.
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday 9:30 Worship Service.
502 East Huron., 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship 9:55 a.m.
May 13 Sermon. "Honoring Your Par-
ents and Your Children."
Childcare provided.
John Reed, Director; Janice Beck, or-
Pastor and Campus Minister, Robert
B. Wallace.
Associate Minister, Terry Ging.
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Sunday Worship Services 9:30 and
Wednesday Night Fellowship, 8:00.
Communion at 9:30
Campus Minister - Steve Spina
Member of the Associated Press
Vol. XCIV- No. 4-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
day during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April-$15.50 in Ann Ar-
bor, $19.50 outside the city; May through August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00
outside the city.
Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
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